
Only I Won't be Attacked by Zombies

Baiyin, a high school student secretly engaged in illicit activities, had originally planned to visit his adopted sister. However, he unexpectedly found himself transported to a parallel world. As the apocalypse struck and zombies began to rise, humans fell prey to the undead. Amidst the chaos, a notification chimed: "Ding! System binding successful!" "Kill ten zombies to gain the ability of a corpse companion!" Bai Yin became the only human who wouldn't be attacked by zombies. Determined to find his sister, the reclusive youth embarked on his journey through the end times. Along the way, he encountered a black dog, and the two became inseparable companions. "Blackie, sometimes, it's not the zombies we should fear, but rather, people..."

MaxKnight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 40: Rejection

Heart racing!

No matter how arrogant the bald man was just now.

But at this moment, facing the zombies, he had to be scared in an instant.

It's not about whether he can beat the other party.

But about not being attacked by zombies even once.

If he were to fight desperately, the other party is just an old man, and the bald man naturally wouldn't be afraid.

But the other party is a zombie, and he doesn't even have a weapon.

If he gets scratched even a bit, it's basically over.

The bald man was very scared, looking around anxiously to see if there was anything useful around.

Just at this moment.

The old zombie glanced at the bald man and then at Baiyu.

Finally, he felt that the bald man had more meat on him.

Decisively pounced towards him.

"Oh my God!!!"

The bald man screamed in horror, directly kicking the old man to the ground.

Then he scrambled and crawled, rushing out directly.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

He ran fast, and it looked like he was about to run out of the building from the aisle.

But unexpectedly, halfway through, a foot suddenly stretched out.

Directly tripping him, causing him to fall face-first on the ground.


The bald man was scared and frantic, quickly looking around.

Finally, he saw Baiyin not far away, looking at him with an absurdly gentle smile on his face.

"Oh damn, it's you!"

Seeing it was Baiyin, the bald man got angry all of a sudden.

But at this moment, he didn't want to stay in this dangerous place anymore.

Just leaving some tough words, he said:

"You wait and see, I'll kill you sooner or later!"

"Is that so? Then maybe I shouldn't let you go. After all, eliminating the roots is the wise thing to do."


The bald man sneered:

"Then you better have the guts!"

With that, he turned and ran.

"Uh oh!!!"

However, unexpectedly, a female zombie appeared behind him.

In the first moment he turned, she pounced on him.

And directly bit into his neck.

"Uh, ugh..."

The bald man's eyes widened, but before he could resist, his body fell limp to the ground, motionless.

And what followed was the scene of the female zombie enjoying her meal.

Baiyin wasn't interested in this.

He just turned around and walked towards the room where Baiyu was just now.

Not knowing if that little woman was still alive, but even if she was dead, it didn't matter.

After all, it wasn't his doing.


When Baiyin returned to the door of that room again.

He found Baiyu trembling in the corner of the wall.

And the old zombie was just making weak noises with his mouth, lying on his back on the ground unable to get up.

Baiyin approached, only to find that the old man's belly had a large hole where he had been kicked.

It looked like his waist was broken and he couldn't get up anymore.

"Feeling uncomfortable?"

Baiyin asked softly, slowly pulling out the axe from his waist.

"Let me relieve you..."


He split the old zombie's head with one blow.

After the old man stopped moving, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, after looking at Baiyu in the corner of the wall, he left.


Baiyin decided to find a building farther from the shelter to rest.

Since there were zombies feasting in the hallway leading to the exit.

So Baiyin didn't intend to go over there, fearing they might attack him.

In case it was a zombie very protective of its food, mistaking his approach as an attempt to snatch her food.

And in the misunderstanding, he might get knocked around.

That would be unwise.


For safety's sake, Baiyin chose to leave through the back door of the building.


However, as he came out of the building and walked a distance.

He always felt a shadow looming behind him.

Baiyin turned around, and the figure suddenly hid.

Unfortunately, the hiding wasn't good enough.

Behind a stone, one of the guy's feet showed.

"Hey, stop following me!"

He warned, then quickly left.

When Baiyu peeked her head out again, she found that Baiyin had disappeared.


Baiyin found a small villa on the outskirts of Qingniao County, with the door wide open and everything inside in a mess.

There was a zombie boy at the door, holding a freshly caught rat and gnawing on it.

Seeing Baiyin approaching, thinking he was coming to steal food, he quickly ran away with the rat in his mouth.

Baiyin entered the house and searched around, finding no zombies.

Finally, he went up to the rooftop.

He saw a naked zombie boy standing by the edge of the rooftop, not sure what he was doing.

Baiyin walked over quickly.


And then kicked him off the fourth-floor rooftop.

The zombie boy made an "uh" sound and fell directly onto the cement floor on the first floor.

Bloodied and motionless.


It was inevitable.

Baiyin needed this building as his temporary residence.

So naturally, he couldn't let zombies stay in the house.


The zombies in the villa were all cleared out.

Baiyin suddenly remembered that the door on the first floor was still open.

Originally, if he found zombies, he would kill them and throw them out of the door.

But now that there were no zombies left.

Naturally, he had to lock the door completely.


When Baiyin went to close the door on the first floor, the first thing he saw was Baiyu standing outside.

The little girl seemed hesitant, wanting to speak but stopping herself, her eyes full of supplication, as if wanting to say something.


Baiyin feared he might soften.

So before the other party could speak, he slammed the door shut.

Seeing this, Baiyu outside the door felt a bit lost.

Then, she approached the villa and squatted on the steps outside the door.

Baiyu was very hungry, and now she had no thoughts about anything else.

She even began to think that she could just curl up here.

Waiting for the zombies to come and eat her would also be a kind of relief.


Outside the door, Baiyu slowly fell asleep in her desolation.

Inside the door, Baiyin went to find the room he could rest in.


"Don't blame me, if you had met me earlier, things might not have ended up like this..."

Baiyin no longer needed an object to ease his loneliness.

Because he already had Blackie.

He thought that if the girl had met him before Blackie.

Maybe he would have been interested in helping her.

But not anymore.

No need for that!

Baiyin quickly found the bedroom of the villa's original owner.

Then, he took out the quilt from the closet.

After a simple preparation, he lay down on the bed with Blackie after dinner.

The rain yesterday stopped in the second half of the night.

After the rain stopped, Baiyin began to hurry on his way.

He had been on the road for almost a whole night.

Plus, he didn't sleep well in the tree hollow before.

So now he was very tired and needed a good rest.

He entered the realm of dreams with Blackie in his arms.



When he woke up, it was pouring rain outside the window, thunder rumbling.

Baiyin groped for Blackie and pulled back the curtains, only to find the world outside was pitch black.