
Only I Won't be Attacked by Zombies

Baiyin, a high school student secretly engaged in illicit activities, had originally planned to visit his adopted sister. However, he unexpectedly found himself transported to a parallel world. As the apocalypse struck and zombies began to rise, humans fell prey to the undead. Amidst the chaos, a notification chimed: "Ding! System binding successful!" "Kill ten zombies to gain the ability of a corpse companion!" Bai Yin became the only human who wouldn't be attacked by zombies. Determined to find his sister, the reclusive youth embarked on his journey through the end times. Along the way, he encountered a black dog, and the two became inseparable companions. "Blackie, sometimes, it's not the zombies we should fear, but rather, people..."

MaxKnight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 22: The Death of Chen Jin


These word seemed to pierce Chen Jin's soul.

Causing his whole body to tremble.

Chen Jin liked Wang Lei, this is probably obvious to everyone.

But as for how long he liked her?

It's been about three years, more or less.

Chen Jin and Wang Lei were college classmates, and he was almost love-struck when he first saw her.

In the past, Chen Jin had liked a few other girls.

At first, he confessed to some of them, but ultimately, he was rejected.

Some even insulted him directly, calling him a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

Chen Jin felt very insecure.

He knew he wasn't good-looking and that no one liked him.

According to common sense, even if he had a crush on Wang Lei at first sight, he shouldn't have any other thoughts.

After all, he knew his place very well.

However, because of a sentence from Wang Lei, Chen Jin was reluctant to let go.

It happened like this.

Once, Chen Jin gathered up his courage and asked Wang Lei:

"What kind of man do you like?"

Wang Lei smiled sweetly and said:

"I like someone who can cook and care for his girl."

Then Wang Lei asked:

"What about someone who is not good-looking and overweight?"

Wang Lei shrugged:

"What's the difference? A good man shouldn't be judged solely by appearance."

Astute observers could see that Wang Lei was just dodging the question.

But Chen Jin took these words as the absolute truth, thinking he still had a chance.

After that, he tried several times to express his feelings to Wang Lei.

But she always refused, citing that she prioritized her studies and didn't want to get into a relationship too soon.

Wang Lei never outright rejected Chen Jin.

This gave Chen Jin the illusion that he still had a chance.

And now, when Wang Lei said she would be his girlfriend once they escaped, despite the dire situation, Chen Jin's heart bloomed with joy.

He gathered his courage, hugged Wang Lei's head, and kissed her fiercely.

Then, as he let go, with a surprised look on her face, he said:

"I'll distract them, you take the opportunity to escape!"

After saying this, Chen Jin jumped off the gazebo.

He deliberately found a spot without zombies.

Then, he turned and rushed towards the entrance gate of the rooftop.

Several zombies tried to stop him on the way, but he plowed through them with his bulky body.

Finally, Chen Jin stood at the gate, shouting at the zombies surrounding the gazebo:

"Hey, look here! If you dare, come and kiss my ass!"

His loud cries immediately attracted the attention of the zombies.

The zombies couldn't get to their target on the gazebo, so they all rushed towards Chen Jin.

Meanwhile, Chen Jin grinned at Wang Lei on the gazebo.

Then he dashed downstairs.

He thought to himself:

"I have to get away quickly and then come back to find Wang Lei for a sweet reunion."

Little did he know, just as he led the zombies away, Wang Lei frowned and wiped her lips with her sleeve.

She felt disgusted, realizing that Chen Jin had just kissed her, and she couldn't suppress the urge to vomit.

Although she was repulsed, her priority at the moment was to escape.

After most of the zombies chased after Chen Jin, Wang Lei seized the opportunity and jumped down from the gazebo.

The next moment, she dashed towards the rope at the edge of the rooftop.

Using all her strength, she climbed down the rope.

When she reached the bottom, Li Huang remained cold-faced and didn't go to help her.

Li Xin hesitated, unsure whether to lend her a hand.

In the end, it was Bai Yin who stepped forward, grabbed her hand, and pulled her up.

"Thank... thank you..."

Wang Lei panted heavily, feeling grateful to be alive.

Bai Yin handed her a bottle of water, and Wang Lei took it, gulping down a big mouthful.

Li Huang pulled Bai Yin aside and whispered:

"Bro, why did you save such a person?"

But Bai Yin didn't say anything, just smiled faintly.

Bai Yin doesn't care about the characters and morals of these three people.

After all, they're all strangers.

What he cares about is that only one-third of the system's tasks have been completed.

And this one-third is directly related to these outsiders.

So, in other words, are the remaining two tasks also related to them?

In this situation, if it's not necessary,

Bai Yin still prefers to maintain the most basic superficial relationship with the remaining people.

If he didn't lend a hand in front of the siblings and Wang Lei, and Wang Lei fell down and died directly,

Wouldn't it directly overturn the kind image he had deliberately created earlier?

[Ding! Mission Release: Lead the trio to the food hiding spot and ensure their survival within 24 hours.

This mission is divided into three parts, completing all of which will grant rewards.

Reward: Grant Black Silver the ability of Necromancer. (2/3)]

A new mission began to replay in his mind. Sure enough, this was a mission that would fail directly without Wang Lei.

Anyway, being cautious is not a bad thing.

After all, Bai Yin had never placed these people in his heart.

While the group here was exploring the stairs to go downstairs,

Chen Jin in the department store was running for his life.

Being blinded by love, he was initially very excited.

But as time passed,

He gradually grew tired.

At the same time, the fear in his heart also grew heavier.


Suddenly, he accidentally stepped on a bottle and fell to the ground.

When he turned over,


Countless zombies were already rushing towards him.

This group of zombies tore and gnawed at him.

In the end, amidst Chen Jin's agonizing screams, his whole body was devoured beyond recognition.

On the other hand, things seemed very calm with Bai Yin.

Unlike the department store next door, there were no zombies in this building at all.

It seemed to be an unfinished construction site, with unfinished rooms everywhere.

Presumably, there were no people here when the outbreak of zombies occurred.

Therefore, even a year later, there was no trace of zombies.

Bai Yin simply led the remaining trio straight to the warehouse on the third floor.

According to the system, that's where the food was hidden.

This building was still unfinished above the third floor, but the third floor and below were already renovated.


Bai Yin pushed open the door to the warehouse, and all that greeted them was cobwebs and dust.

The warehouse wasn't very big, just the total of four employee dormitories.

But there were beds and tables inside.

Many boxes were piled up in the corner, marked with images of instant noodles and cans.

It's food!

It seemed that someone had lived here before, but now it was deserted.

The trio who had just entered the room lit up at the sight of the food in the corner.

They immediately walked over, eager to see what was inside the boxes.