
Only I Won't be Attacked by Zombies

Baiyin, a high school student secretly engaged in illicit activities, had originally planned to visit his adopted sister. However, he unexpectedly found himself transported to a parallel world. As the apocalypse struck and zombies began to rise, humans fell prey to the undead. Amidst the chaos, a notification chimed: "Ding! System binding successful!" "Kill ten zombies to gain the ability of a corpse companion!" Bai Yin became the only human who wouldn't be attacked by zombies. Determined to find his sister, the reclusive youth embarked on his journey through the end times. Along the way, he encountered a black dog, and the two became inseparable companions. "Blackie, sometimes, it's not the zombies we should fear, but rather, people..."

MaxKnight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 11: Contradictions

"Thank goodness you're all alive!" 

Li Wei appeared very excited, as if the relationship between both sides was much better than it actually was.

But the reality was different.

As for Bai Yin, forget it, he was just a nobody, had no connection with Li Wei at all.

And as for He Hua?

She used to dislike Li Wei very much.

The reason was that she felt this guy, despite having some money, was too arrogant.

So, when Li Wei confessed to He Hua two years ago, he was harshly rejected by her.


However, times have changed.

He Hua, who used to dislike Li Wei, was now excited. She quickly asked, "Classmate Li Wei, are you here to rescue us?"

"Of course!" Li Wei nodded, expressing certainty.

"My dad set up a shelter.

The defense facilities there are very well done, absolutely impervious to zombies.

Many people have already gone there.

We're just out here looking for survivors.

Didn't expect to run into you guys today." 

As Li Wei spoke, he looked proud.

He Hua clenched her fists, unable to contain her excitement, "That's great, that's great, we're saved!"

At this point, Li Wei asked, "So, how did you all manage during this time?"

As soon as he said this, everyone fell silent.

In the end, it was He Li who broke the awkwardness.

Pointing at Bai Yin, she said, "We owe it to Bai Yin, if it weren't for him, we'd all be done for."

"Yeah, that's right!" The others echoed.

"I see..." Li Wei smiled.

But Bai Yin clearly saw a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

Yes, he was not happy.


As mentioned earlier, Li Wei was a very vain person.

And now, knowing that the four girls were saved by Bai Yin, he felt that Bai Yin was stealing his thunder, and couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.


Suddenly, Li Wei didn't want to take Bai Yin with him, but due to face-saving, he could only say, "I just saw three men's bodies upstairs, it seems like foul play was involved. I want to ask, was it you guys?"

Li Wei's eyes suddenly became sharp.

His expression serious, his tone off.

The four girls were suddenly frightened.

It was He Li who spoke up, "Classmate, those three men were scum, we had no choice..."

"Even so, you shouldn't have killed them directly.

There are always other, more appropriate ways.

I want to know now, who did it?"

No one spoke, everyone fell into silence.

Finally, Bai Yin raised his hand, "I did it!"

"You?" Li Wei pretended to be incredulous, but at the same time, he felt jubilant inside.

He just asked seriously, "Did you kill all of them?"


"Well..." Li Wei hesitated, "Then it's no wonder, Bai Yin, I can't let a dangerous murderer go to the shelter. It's also for the safety of others, please understand."

"Wait, wait, classmate, Bai Yin did it for us..." He Li was about to speak kindly, but was shouted down by Li Wei.

"But he killed someone, didn't he?

For the safety of everyone, how could I possibly take a dangerous murderer back?

Who will be responsible if something happens?"

Li Wei was thoroughly angry.

With this said, no one dared to speak up for Bai Yin anymore.

The reason one, was because Li Wei's words made some sense, and the girls indeed felt that Bai Yin was somewhat dangerous.

The reason two, was that He Li and the others didn't dare to offend Li Wei.

The other party was already angry, if provoked further, he might just leave without them.

That would be a real loss.


Zhang Yu had to consider the future of her daughter, Zhang Xiao Xue.

He Li had to consider the future of her sister, He Hua.

As for He Hua?

Compared to the miserable wandering of the apocalypse, she naturally yearned for a human civilization without zombies.


In short, for a moment, no one dared to speak up for Bai Yin.

Just as Bai Yin was about to say a simple goodbye, Zhang Xiao Xue spoke up.

She walked over, pulling on Li Wei's sleeve, "Big brother... please take Bai Yin with us, okay? He's not a bad person, he saved us out of necessity, really!"

Zhang Xiao Xue's voice was mixed with a hint of tears, her eyes watery.

Seeing this, Li Wei looked somewhat troubled.

Finally, he looked at Bai Yin and stared at him, "Bai Yin, for the sake of this child, I'll give you a chance. If you can promise to follow the rules when you get to our shelter, not cause trouble, and make a commitment, I'm not against taking you with us."


So that's how it is...

At this moment, Bai Yin saw through Li Wei completely.

In the end, this guy just wanted to assert his dominance and not let himself offend his authority.

As for the talk about killing someone, being dangerous, and all that?

It was all nonsense.

Just what he wanted to say.


Everyone was happy about Li Wei's generosity.

At the same time, they cast approving glances at him.

While Li Wei enjoyed the moment, Zhang Xiao Xue ran over, happy:

"Bai Yin, it's great, you can go with us now!"

The little girl's face showed a genuine smile from the heart.

However, for Bai Yin, who had some cleanliness in certain aspects, he had no interest in dealing with Li Wei.

Bai Yin just squatted down, patted Zhang Xiao Xue's head, and said with a gentle expression:

"Little one,I still has other places to go, so I won't go with you guys. When you get to the shelter, remember to listen to your mom, okay~"

This answer was undoubtedly unexpected by everyone.

Everyone was stunned at the time.

"Wait, Bai, you're going where? Don't do anything foolish out of anger!" He Li was getting anxious, while He Hua chimed in, "Yes, Bai, it's now, what's more important than your safety? Li Wei has agreed to let you go, why..." 

"Sss..." However, words are of no avail.

Bai Yin had already left with his big bag.

He didn't say a word, just waved to those behind him.

"Hey, Bai!" He Hua shouted, but Bai Yin didn't look back. Eventually, she said, "You'll regret this!!!"

Her tone was full of disappointment.


Zhang Xiao Xue tried to run over and stop Bai Yin from leaving.

But in the end, she was stopped by her own mother.

Zhang Xiao Xue cried and protested, but Zhang Yu held her tightly, not letting her take a step forward.


Everyone was saying Bai Yin was crazy.

Everyone was yelling for Bai Yin to come back.

However, except for Zhang Xiao Xue.

No one took actual action to try to catch up and stop Bai Yin.


Because deep down, they still tended to think of Bai Yin as a dangerous person.

And in a safe shelter.

If there was such a dangerous murderer by their side.

That would definitely not

 be a happy thing.


There's a saying, isn't there?

A monster wanted to destroy a city, but Ultraman came out.

Ultraman defeated the monster.

But in the process of the battle, some buildings were destroyed, and some lives were lost.

As a result, afterwards, instead of thanking Ultraman.

People accused Ultraman of being a murderer and a destroyer of the city.

As for his merits in saving the entire city?

No one mentioned them...