
Only I Travel to Multiverse

A MULTİVERSE FANFİC After Peter's family died at the hands of a criminal organization, Peter began living an isolated and lonely life. As the years pass in this way, Peter one day meets the system, which tells him that he can become stronger by doing tasks in the multiverse, and at the end of the years, he agrees to merge with the system, thinking that he has the opportunity to avenge his family. Uzume, who was sent to Peter with the system, tries to make Peter a person who knows how to be happy again while traveling the multiverse. ------- Although the main character is smarter than a normal person, he did not receive a proper education or grew up in a family environment, so the main character's emotional intelligence is very low and Uzume tries to help the main character in this regard. -------- My native language is not English. If you indicate any errors you see with a paragraph comment, I can fix them as soon as possible. ------- first world : Oshi No Ko - over second worls : blue lock patreon.com/OLD_storage

OLD_storage · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


After Peter returned to his own world, the whole world started talking about this killer who could use magic. Although some people said that this was not real, the people killed at the scene and the images captured on video from nearly 100 angles proved the reality of this incident.

The Hoshino family also had its share of this incident. Although people no longer dared to spy inside their house, reporters surrounded the house from a distance of a hundred meters. The Hoshino family was unable to leave the house for a while until the state took action and banned unsolicited interviews with the Hoshino family.

Of course, there was a reason why the state passed a new law for the Hoshino family. Since all its leaders were eager to meet with Peter, the Japanese president also sacrificed as much as he could for Peter's acquaintances.

After a while, people around the world developed a belief that the Earth had a different side than what they knew, and many young people ran away from home and began to go on adventures to become a wizard. World states smelled the chaos early on and, with the help of a few theorists and magicians, spread the word to the press around the world that this event was not real.

When those who believe that there are wizards in the world said that the dead people were evidence, they tried to get out of the way by saying that the dead people from Japan did not appear in the facial recognition system and were probably robots.

The ones most affected by the chaos were ruby and aqua. They could not leave the house or go to school for a long time. Fortunately, while Ruby managed to become a popstar with the song she published on YouTube, a university rector who was curious about Peter provided the opportunity for a remote license for Aqua.

The efforts of the natural states bore fruit over time, and within 5 years the Peter incident turned into a children's fairy tale. Uzume, who was unaware of all this, was looking at the screen in surprise after returning home.

"Shouldn't it be almost impossible to evaluate SSS+++? Considering what was written in the system manual, I thought that everyone in the world had to know you in order to get SSS+++."

Although this didn't mean much to Peter, knowing that he had succeeded in the mission was enough for him.

[Congratulations, be a part of the entertainment industry mission has been successfully completed]

[ Completion degree ( SSS+++ ) ]

[You earned 500 experience points and 500 store points by completing this quest]

[Congratulations, your level has become (11 lvl) > (25 lvl)]

[ Congratulations become an actor mission completed ]

[Completion grade (F+)]

[You earned 1 experience point and 1 store point by completing this quest]

Peter closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling as he felt the power flowing through his body.

[Oshi no ko world general performance awards are being calculated, please wait]

When Peter realized that nothing was happening for a long time, he did not wait any longer and went and put on some clothes.

"Uzume, you told me I could get money from the system store when you came back, right?"

"Ahh yes you should be able to get it right now"




1- a glass of purified water (sold out)

2- sunglasses (2 points)

3- ability • purification (exhausted)

4- ordinary cloak (sold out)

Fixed - dollar ( 1 point / 10 dollars )

{ 4 days }


Seeing that the amount of points he had was more than 600, Peter did not hesitate to buy 300 dollars from the system store and put it in his pocket. This money was enough for him for at least a week

Peter left the house, bought a few boxes of beer from a nearby illegal alcohol dealer and returned home.

After turning on the television, Peter sat down on the armchair in front of the television with a beer and frowned and looked at Uzume, who had been hovering next to him for a long time without saying a word.

"Are you going to say something?"

" No no no I won't say anything, just keep having fun ahaha "

" Talk "

"Actually, I was worried that he would run to those men's house to take revenge as soon as he returned to earth."

"I've thought about this enough, uzume, don't worry. Killing them would definitely be a merciful act. I want them to fear my existence like a god for the rest of their lives, and for that, I need to at least become strong enough to not be harmed by bullets."

"I am relieved and happy. Thank you"

Uzume flew as if she had been under a huge burden, landed on Peter's shoulder, lay down in a comfortable position and started watching TV.

"Peter, do you think we should buy a new television?"

"Be quiet. The movie is starting."

"According to your memories, you have already watched this movie 5 times, why are you watching it again?"

" Shut up "

"Okay okay, I'll shut up"

------- 20 minutes later

When Peter saw that there was a commercial break, he went and bought a new one and sat back in his seat. At this moment, the system notification that Peter had been waiting for for a while appeared.

[ Congratulations, you have completed 84% of the quests of the Oshi No Ko world and obtained 84 points of dark energy ]

[Overall performance (SS)]

[Congratulations, you have earned 1000 experience points, 1000 store points and the imitation (passive) skill]

[Congratulations, your level has become (25 lvl) > (39 lvl)]

Peter fell to the ground screaming before he had a chance to read any notifications after the first one.

Peter first felt like thousands of needles were piercing different parts of his body, then he felt like there was a big ball of fire in his belly, burning with the heat coming from his belly, the next moment he felt like cold water was pouring on his brain and freezing his brain, the next moment Peter felt like there were several thousand small piercings. He felt like he was opening new blood vessels in his body, the next moment Peter felt his heart stop beating and expand to become larger, the next moment Peter felt the blood flowing through his veins warming up and melting him.

While Uzume was floating in the air, she looked with a distressed expression at Peter, who was bleeding from every hole in his body under her feet.

"Maybe I should have informed him in advance. No no, if I had informed him, he wouldn't be able to watch the movie for fear of what would happen and the amount of pain he's going through would be equal anyway."

Peter's torture continued for another five minutes before it ended. Peter's body had now been modified to be suitable for all kinds of cultivation, and there was now a dark and obedient energy mass in Peter's body.

Even though the change in Peter's body was completed, it did not make Peter come to his senses immediately. After the torture was over, Peter instantly fainted due to extreme pain.

Although Peter's screams were heard by the old man and his grandson living in the opposite flat, they both agreed to silently turn off their lights and wait for the screams to stop.

When the old man named Ichiro moved to this neighborhood due to his poor financial situation, he made a promise to no one; He would not do anything that would endanger himself or his grandson out of unnecessary compassion.

Rina looked at her grandfather, who was sitting silently in the dark living room, illuminated by the television light, and she clenched her teeth and thought that one day she would be saved from this hell.

Peter's screams suddenly stopped and the entire apartment fell silent. Even the old man was frightened because he did not expect this sudden silence. Thinking that Peter might have been killed, the old man hurriedly called his grandson to him and they entered a previously prepared hiding place in the room he used as a warehouse.

Rina knew that her grandfather already had such a hiding place. Rina was only 10 years old when she moved here with her grandfather, and her grandfather had already taught her about this hiding place. While Rina continued to hide silently with her grandfather, tears began to flow without her realizing it. When the old man saw this, he held his grandson on his lap.

Even though Rina had no intimacy with Peter, she lost control of her emotions when she thought that the alcoholic who had been living in the apartment opposite her for years was suddenly murdered. Everything felt quite unreal to Rina right now. Even though Rina knew very well what this neighborhood was like, she could not accept that her neighbor, who lived as if he were immortal without caring about the future, was dead.

* Ring tone *

While Rina and her grandfather continued to hide silently, they heard their doorbell ring. The old man reflexively signaled his grandson to be silent and silently waited for the person knocking on the door to leave.

* Ring tone *

When the old man heard the bell ringing calmly again, he looked at his grandchild as if he had accepted his fate.

"Whoever rings the bell already knows I'm here. Rina, I'll try to communicate with the person at the door, no matter what you hear, don't leave here."

The old man forcibly loosened the hands of his grandson, who was holding him silently and preventing him from leaving, and left the warehouse. He didn't forget to hide his grandson's hiding place thoroughly before leaving.

As soon as her grandfather left the warehouse, Rina put her hand into the torn part of an old mattress resting against the wall, took out the baseball bat inside, and silently followed her grandfather and lied in wait as he turned into the corridor.

While Rina secretly watched her grandfather's movements through the dirty glass of the shoe cabinet in the corridor, she took a good position to avoid being seen by the reflection and the person entering the door.

Rina, holding her breath, heard the sound of the door opening. She looked at her grandfather's image reflected in the mirror and tried to understand the situation. After Rina's grandfather pointed his finger outside the door, he slowly lost his balance and fell backwards into the corridor.

When Rina saw that her grandfather suddenly fainted, her pupils dilated and the baseball bat in her hand rushed forward and attacked the figure in front of the door. Just as Rina's stick was about to hit this figure, the figure standing in front of the door calmly took half a step back and caused Rina's attack to be wasted.

When Rina missed her attack because she was swinging her stick with all her strength, she lost her balance, spun around and fell into the lap of the man she attacked.

When Rina raised her head and saw the face of the person holding her, she froze in place, unable to decide whether to be happy or sad. Two eyes, one blue and the other gray, looking out of focus as if they had lost interest in the whole world, bright white hair as expected on old and rich men, pale skin as if it had not been in contact with the sun for a long time. Only Peter in the world could carry all these features together.

"Is your grandfather okay?"

When Rina perceived the message contained in the voice, which resembled the tone of someone who had spent a boring Sunday in bed, she immediately stood up from Peter's chest and bent over her grandfather, who had fallen to the ground. When Rina examined her grandfather, she heard him half-consciously babbling.

"I saw a ghost, a ghost"

When Rina heard her grandfather's words, she stopped carrying her own body, put her ass on the ground, and leaned against the wall of the corridor, staring blankly at the ceiling and starting to question the purpose of her life.


"Screaming because I hit my little toe on the corner of the table"

Before the elder could say anything, the first objection came from Rina.

"You screamed for almost 5 minutes because you hit your little finger on the table?"

"I actually shot him more than once"

"So, what is the reason for your voice suddenly stopping?"

"I bit a towel"

" This is bullshit!..."

"Enough Rina"

"But grandpa"

Instead of speaking further, the old man silenced his grandson with his gaze and then turned to Peter and continued speaking.

"You know what I love most about you, Peter?"

"Being a quiet neighbor? I remember you said that once."

"That's another reason, but what you like best about you, Peter, is that you're a bad liar. That's a good thing, a very good thing."

" I don't understand "

"It doesn't matter anyway, you can go home now if you want."

When Peter heard that he could go now, he got up from the sofa without hesitation and returned to his apartment to watch his unfinished movie.

The old man looked at Peter's back for a while as he quickly ran away to his house, then he released the breath he had been holding in for a long time and smiled again.

"Grandpa, why didn't you want him to tell the truth? Do you know how scared I was because of him? I thought something would happen to you."

" Hahaha "

" Why are you laughing "

"When I thought about what I experienced, I felt that everything was very funny."

"I don't think it's funny at all. You keep laughing, I'll go to my room and do my homework."

The old man stopped laughing when he saw that his grandson was about to leave the room.

"Where are you going? Don't you think there are still things you need to explain to me? Like that baseball bat, for example."

When Rina heard her grandfather's words, she froze in place and quickly tried to make up an excuse in her head. Rina had already thought of hundreds of excuses at the speed of light until she felt a warm hand caressing her head. When she turned her head, she saw her grandfather looking at her with a proud smile, just like when he saw the report card he brought in middle school.

"I'm glad to see that my little honeycomb has learned to protect itself from wasps. Don't worry, I totally agree with this behavior. A beautiful girl like you should know how to protect herself at least a little bit, and I will even teach you a few moves tomorrow. Even though I don't look like it, when I was a kid, I was known as the lightning saint." I was an expert in arts"

When Rina saw that her grandfather did not hesitate to support her as always, she tried hard not to cry and smiled at her grandfather, who was making strange sounds and kunfu movements.