
Only I Know the Ghoul Saved the World

Sir_Smurf3 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Reluctant Ghoul and the Persistent Girl

A shine lost.

Salvation destroyed.

Yet, even thrust back into nothingness, I am not left with nothing.

I still remember that face. That smiling, weeping face.

Rheinhardt Crossline was always strong and trustworthy. He was a man

who shone brighter than any star.

"How can you be like that?" I once asked.

"It's the power of love," he'd replied.

"…Love? What's that?"

His words were a mystery to me back then. But in time, I came to


"I love them both, don't I?"

And when I realized that, I hated myself. I only ever took from them

and never gave anything back.

"What's the matter, partner? You're oddly serious today."

"…I want to be strong like you and Master."

I needed to. So that I could stand by their side proudly when the time


But when I told him that, he laughed.

"You're plenty strong already, partner."

"…You're lying. I've only been dragging you down."

He patted me reassuringly on the chest and said, "Partner. You fight for

others. That's all you need."

His golden eyes stared straight into mine.

"Stand tall. You're family. Our pride."

Our master, watching us spar, nodded approvingly.

"Your strength matters little," Rheinhardt went on. "What matters is

trust. Whether we can count on you to do what's right when the time comes.

And in that respect, Leon, there's no one I'd rather have at my side."

They trusted me. They believed in me. In a weak, pathetic ghoul.

But I failed them.

"…I will grow stronger, I swear. Strong enough to protect both of you."

That was the oath I'd made to myself.

"One more round, Rheina. This time, I'll land a hit on you for sure."

"Heh. That's the spirit, partner."

For their sake, I felt I could do anything.

For their sake, I would even die.

That was what I thought.

But I…

The day after returning to town from Karna Village, Leon awoke to the

sound of birdsong.

"…Guess the girl's still asleep."

Alice's ordeal had exhausted her, both physically and mentally, so she

didn't come to wake Leon up like she had previously. She was still sound

asleep in her room.

Leon sat up and got out of bed.


Breathing deeply, Leon focused on his limbs. This was martial exercise,

a popular workout routine with roots in ancient combat techniques. To many

people, that was all it was, but those who saw frequent battle used it


Following the forms exactly as prescribed demanded razor-fine control

over one's body, and by repeating them daily, the movements became

subconscious, resulting in a trance-like state. At that point, no amount of

emotional unrest could destabilize a fighter in battle. It was possible to stay

focused on the destruction of one's foe, no matter what happened in the

midst of combat.

And Leon was at that point already. He wouldn't have believed it

possible, back when he was training with Rheinhardt and Claire.

"Whoa… No offense, but that's awful."

"W-well, I'm sure if you keep practicing, you'll get better at it one day."

Leon thought back to those times. The other two executed their

movements with practiced grace, while Leon always seemed as clumsy as


But something had changed since then. And it wasn't hard to guess


The people Leon was trying so hard to catch up to were gone. Yet, if

anything, that only made him strive harder.

"Loss brought me anger. And that anger propelled me to where I am

now. To where I once aspired to be. Could there be anything more ironic?"

The grief did nothing to impede his movements. Over the last four

years, he steadily became a master of the art.

At least this, he could do right.


The forms complete, Leon exhaled one last time, then muttered to

himself, "I need to be alone. Nobody can stand by my side."

Leon's tragic memories of the past denied him a happy present. He

could only submit to their demands as he walked over to Alice's room.

"Wake up."

"Mmmnh… Mmm… Oh, Master… You're appearing in my dreams

now… That's nice… Ehehehe…"

"This isn't a dream. It's real life. Now get up."

"…Wait, you're real?"

Alice quickly shook off her drowsiness.

"Aaahhh! M-my pajamas are all scruffy! And my hair's a mess!


Her cheeks flushed pink, and she flew into a frenzy trying to make

herself respectable.

"I'm a man of my word," Leon said, ignoring her. "So I intend to keep

my promise to you, though I might not like it. You can be my apprentice, but

that means…"

Leon pointed a finger at the girl.

"…I have a duty to make you work. So we're going to—"

"—start training at once?!"

Leon did not expect her eager reply. Surely she was still worn out from

the day before. Who would want to train under those conditions? But Alice

almost seemed to have been waiting for the suggestion.

"…You know, I'm not a kind teacher."

"Yes, Master!"

"I'll work you to the bone, until you're begging me to stop."

"Yes, Master! Thank you, Master!"

"If I hear one little complaint, you'll be out on the streets. I don't have

time for imbeciles. Do I make myself clear?"

"Of course, Master!"

The ghoul sighed. Deeply. He'd been hoping that his "harsh master"

persona would turn the girl off somewhat, but if anything, she seemed more

eager than ever.

"Time to train! ♪ Time to train! ♪ Time to train, train, train! ♪"

Leon almost felt warmed by the pleasant light radiating off her, but he

steeled his heart for what was to come.

I need to make her leave by any means necessary. It's time to be as strict

as I possibly can.

Alice followed Leon into the basement, oblivious to his true motives.

"It…it's a little empty down here, isn't it? There's no fighting dummies

or anything. Is it just a running track or something?"

"No. This is a state-of-the-art training arena."

Leon placed his hand on a spherical apparatus near the stairs and

channeled his Source into it. Immediately, several shooting targets appeared

in the center of the room. Alice's eyes went wide.

"Wh-where did they come from?!"

"This device is programmed to summon a number of illusions," Leon

explained. "That lets us carry out all kinds of training simulations… Before

that, though. I want to test your abilities. We'll start with marksmanship."

Leon put some commands into the device and a variety of projectile

weapons appeared in front of the girl. She picked one up, a short bow.

Perhaps she sought to impress her teacher by picking a weapon she was most

comfortable with.

Her optimism would be short-lived if Leon had anything to say about it.

"I'll start the test. Get ready."


I'll set it to the highest difficulty. She won't hit a single one.

Then he could say she wasn't fit to be his disciple, then cast her out. It

pained him to be so cruel, but it had to be done.

However, things went very differently than expected.

She hit them all…?!

Leon's task consisted of twelve targets moving at high speed. Alice shot

all of them in just seven seconds.

"Um…how was that, Master…?"

Alice's angelic face lit up with hope, but Leon couldn't possibly

entertain her. He had to find fault somehow.

"…Nothing special," he replied. "You still have a long way to go."

"I… I see…"

Alice hung her head in disappointment. Leon felt an unbearable guilt

and shook his head to dispel it.

There's nothing I can fault with her ranged techniques, and she's not

bad in close combat either. But I can't have her sticking around. I need to get

rid of her, no matter what.

A devious plan came to mind. Leon had no other choice.

"This device," he said, "can also summon fiends. They're not real, of

course, but I think a Class Four mistborn should be around your level."

Alice was startled by the sudden appearance of a kobold in the center of

the room. Perhaps it had brought some unpleasant memories to mind, just as

Leon hoped it would.

"I want you to take this guy on. Unarmed, if you don't mind."

"Huh? Y-you want me to fight…without weapons?"

"It's important to test your mental capabilities. Or we could stop now, if

you prefer?"

Of course, Alice surely knew that such a choice would invite immediate


She trembled with fright, but still a fire burned in the young lady's eyes.

"I-if I win," she said, turning to Leon. "D-do you think you could…pat

me on the head?"

"Sure. If you win."

Leon was confident it wouldn't happen. The girl had talent, to be sure,

but she lacked the mental fortitude to command it.


"Y-yes, Master!"

Dripping with sweat, quaking with fright, she stared down her foe. Leon

saw himself in her stance.

She's a coward at heart, just like me.

And just like me, she can summon up courage when she needs to.

But…she can never pass this test. Because we're so similar.

The kobold may have been a projection, but its fighting prowess and

terrifying presence were no less than the real thing. And Alice had to fight it


She'll only embarrass herself…just like I did.

…Or so Leon thought.


Even as the tears streamed down her face, Alice stood her ground and

emitted a wild battle cry. That was already beyond Leon's wildest



Completely weaponless, she was nonetheless able not only to survive

against the creature but gain the upper hand. And it wasn't long before the

beastman fell; taking advantage of an opening, Alice leaped around to its

back and wrapped her arms around its neck. Soon there was a crack like a

snapped twig. Alice had broken her foe's neck.

"Haah… Haah… M-Master…!"

Alice collapsed onto her backside and looked over at Leon, a sparkle of

hope in her deep, green eyes.

I did it, Master. Did you see that, Master? What do you think of that,


Say something nice to me.

…Leon could not understand. Before he could answer her, he had to

voice his own doubts.

"How…did you do that?" he asked.

"Um…well, I've been a hunter ever since I was a little girl. I guess I just


"No. That's not what I mean. I'm talking about your courage. Where

does it come from?"

"H-huh? Erm… Th-the power of love! …I guess? Ahahaha!"

Alice laughed. A nervous laugh that barely concealed her


Leon noticed his fists were tightly clenched. He thought of Claire and

Rheinhardt. Her answer was the same as theirs.

"So…you love me? Is that what you're trying to say?"

"Hwa?! W-well, I… I…er…"

Her cheeks, as smooth and scarlet as apple skin. Her waving hands, her

stumbling lips.

They were all so hard to look at.

"…If love can surpass all limits. If love can be a source of courage,


Perhaps I never loved them after all.

Perhaps he was right after all.


"…It's nothing. That's enough training for today."

Leon turned as if to flee from that old memory, and the pain it brought.

"Listen to me. This is a simple payment. Don't read anything more into

it than that."

He walked over to Alice…and gently stroked her hair.


She beamed, and her expression relaxed. It looked like she was in


There was a part of Leon that wished he could simply stop everything

and admire her. But that feeling had much to contend with in the maelstrom

of his heart.

I thought she was just like me…but I was wrong. She's more like Master

and Rheina. But how? How could someone as cowardly as I am…end up like


In the end, Leon's question was never answered. Instead, a new one

presented itself.

Was our meeting really just a coincidence?

No…it was surely the Lord's will. A sign.

But…even if it was, I cannot let her stay.

I like her. That I can't deny. That's why I need to let her go. I'm not

capable of protecting anyone.

If Alice stayed by Leon's side, only tragedy awaited her.

Leon could not let that happen. But nor could he find a way to shake her


So for the time being…it looked like the two would be living together.

I'll do what I can to keep you from dying in that time.

And to make sure you stay safe even after you go…

Leon came to a decision. He removed his hand from Alice's head.

"Go have breakfast," he said. "We're heading into town again."

"Yes, Master," she replied. "To the guild again?"

"No. We're going to see an old friend of mine. A blacksmith."

"A blacksmith?"

"That's right. My arm requires maintenance. And we also need to order

you some custom equipment."

To any fresh-faced adventurer, obtaining a set of custom equipment was a

proud moment. And for that to come from the master she held in such high

esteem…well, suffice to say Alice found herself in very high spirits indeed.

"Custom equipment ♪ that Master gave to me! ♪"

She skipped through the streets merrily. Leon glared at her sharply.

"…You seem to be missing the point here," he said. "Listen to me. The

only reason I'm doing this is that I recognize your talent and wish to nurture

it. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master!"

"I have no particular fondness for you, and this doesn't make you my

apprentice. Understand?"

"Yes, Master!"

"…Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, Master!"

Leon sighed deeply and glanced around. Out on the streets, the people's

gazes were as cold as ever. That wouldn't have posed a problem had Leon

been alone, but Alice was with him, and despite her sunny disposition, she

had attracted some icy stares as well.

At this rate, Alice won't just have to be wary of fiends, but of her fellow

man as well. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. What's the best way to

get her to leave…?

But Leon was unable to come to any decisions on his walk, and soon the

pair arrived in front of their destination: a small weapon shop with a snug

little storefront. The sign out front proudly displayed the store's name:


Leon entered the building and headed straight to the back, where he

found a mousy-looking girl with raven hair sitting quietly on a stool behind

an accounting desk, apparently tending the store.

"…Welcome," she said.

"So quiet!!"

"You're keeping shop today, I see," said Leon.

"…That's right."

"Where's the boss?"

"…In the back. Asleep."

"Mind if we pay her a visit?"

"…Go ahead."

Leon walked around the girl and through a door that led to the backyard.

It was full of smithing tools and facilities, all crammed around a central kiln.

It seemed the mistress had been hard at work only a few minutes before, as

the air was still hot.

Sleeping on the ground in the middle of it all was an adult woman.

"Get up, Emilia. I have a job for you."

The woman's eyelashes softly fluttered open.

"…Oh, fuck, I'm tired…"

She sat up, her green eyes weighty.

"Got a big pile of orders that never seems to go down. That's life, I

guess. Been a real shit show these past few weeks, though."

She scratched her head, looking up at the sky. Her long scarlet hair was

dirty and unkempt. It looked—and smelled—like she hadn't bathed in a


Then Emilia finally acknowledged Leon's presence.

"So, what does a rotting ghoul want with someone missing three nights'


"I need my arm looked at…and I'm here to make a custom order."

"Custom equipment? You got plenty in that arm and leg o' yours,


"Not for me. For her."

He turned to Alice, and so did Emilia. For some reason, upon seeing the

girl, she grew even grumpier.

"Who are you supposed to be?" she growled.

"U-um…pleased to meet you. My name is Alice Campbell."

"Right. And why are you with Leon?"

"W-well, I just became his top apprentice, you see."


She wasn't just grumpy anymore. She looked like she might leap up and

try to kill someone at any moment.

"Leon? What the hell were you thinking?"

"…Tell me about it," Leon muttered, turning away awkwardly. Emilia

continued glaring holes through his skin for a moment, and then…

"Hmph. Whatever. It's no concern of mine. So, custom equipment for

the young lady, is it? I assume you've got the goods?"

"Yeah. Here."

Leon reached into a pouch at his waist and pulled out the Testament

Stone from the ogre in Karna Village.

"Huh. Class Two, I see. Bet the young miss didn't get this herself, did


Emilia turned her prickly gaze on Alice. Nothing escaped her dark green

eyes. Alice couldn't even bring herself to make eye contact.

"No novice adventurer's worth deckin' out in custom equipment. It'd be

like sending a mannequin into battle with silver armor."

"It's better than sending her out with nothing," Leon replied.

Emilia clicked her tongue, the most fed-up expression imaginable on her

face. But she didn't try to reject Leon's order. Instead, she stood up and

walked over to Alice.

"'Scuse me."


Without reservation, she began running her hands over the girl's body.

"Wh-what are you…?!"

"Just takin' some measurements," Emilia replied. "An' tryin' to figure

out any peculiarities. Speakin' of which, your bust is pretty small. Aren't

you fifteen already? I wouldn't hold out much hope for a last-minute growth

spurt, if I were you."

"Th-that's not…"

"By the way, that rotting ghoul over there likes women with big racks,

not washboards like you."

…Alice turned and gave Leon a look that said, "Say it isn't so." Leon

ignored her.

"Hm. Well, I think I get the gist. Village girl, I assume? With pretty

barren land, judging by your arm muscles. No crops, so you were brought up

hunting. Good with a bow, and not bad with a knife either."

It was all 100 percent correct. The woman, in addition to being a bigbreasted harlot, must have been some kind of master detective.

"Figure I can hammer out something special in about ten days or so."

Saying this, Emilia turned to Leon, casting an appraising eye over his


"How have you managed to get them so beat up already? Here, I'll

check out the arm first. Take it off."

As instructed, Leon disconnected his right arm and handed it to Emilia.

She set it down on a small desk and, pulling over a toolbox, got to work.

"Hm, hm. Needs a tune-up, like usual. You've been using Number

Three a lot; that causes the power to drop, you know."

"…I didn't notice anything."

She sighed. "No, I bet not. I'm surprised you're still alive, Leon."

"It's all thanks to you, Emilia."

"Hah! You're damn right it is."

Alice found herself drawn in to their peaceful chat.

"How long have you two known each other?" she asked.

"Must be ten years, give or take," answered Emilia.

"That's a very long time."

Emilia just scoffed. Alice saw in her a confident, mature woman and so

couldn't help saying what came to mind.

"I'm a little jealous, you know. You two have such a good



Immediately, the look in Emilia's green eyes darkened.

"A good relationship? You must be joking!"

It didn't look like she was trying to hide embarrassment. Her disdain

for Leon seemed the same as those exhibited by the people on the street. A

bottomless hate and disgust.

"Any relationship between us is strictly business," she explained.

"Nothin' more, nothin' less… Oh, I guess there is one other thing…"

Here Leon interrupted her.

"I don't think we need to tell her about that," he said, in an oddly stiff

voice. Emilia, however, disregarded him and kept going.

"There's one other thing that ties us beyond our arrangement. You

see…I'm his mistress. He has to do whatever I say. Isn't that right, Leon?"

Leon simply gazed at the ground, silent. Emilia laughed and went on.

"I was just about to call for you, actually. Saved me some time comin'

here yourself. Once I've finished the young lady's job, why don't you and I

have a little chat?"

Alice found it difficult to keep up with the conversation. Leon, on the

other hand, only sighed. Emilia took this as tacit acceptance and spoke on.

"You're familiar with the Village of the Kin-Eaters, in the western part

of Lucatiel Dungeon? It's a nice place to earn some loot without too much

risk. Our mutual acquaintances have their eye on the place, which is why

any nuisances that show up need to be dealt with smoothly."

"She's back, then? The Orc Queen?"

"Damn right, she is. That's where you come in. You're the only one

who can put those things down for good, Leon Crossheart."

So far, Alice had kept her mouth shut, but when Emilia said that, she

just had to ask…

"Did you say…put them down for good?"

"Sure did. As I'm sure even you know, fiends don't stay dead for long.

Maybe it takes a few days, maybe years, but they always come back


Indeed, just as Emilia had said, fiends were, in a sense, immortal. This

was the biggest reason for the darkness in people's hearts.

"No matter how many you kill, they keep comin' back. The fiends'

numbers are growing while humanity's are dwindling. One day, there won't

be any of us left."

But if Leon could kill them for good, then…

"Master can save the world!"

The reason for Alice's elation was surely not pure pragmatism, but

Emilia showed no tact, cruelly dismissing her hopes.

"Nobody's saving the world," she said. "In fact, that power's the only

reason he's not dead."

The look on her face as she nibbled her lip was not the disgust of

before. No, it was the exact opposite: grief.

"Listen to me," she said. "Sometimes strength ain't all it's cracked up

to be. The world can have other ideas. There's no better example of that

than Leon here."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he ain't your knight in shinin' armor. His job isn't to save the

world. He's just a tool. A tool to be thrown away once he outlives his use."

Alice didn't understand what Emilia meant at first.


"Yep. Leon's a Red-Eye. A fiend. He can't just run around

unsupervised. He's only alive at all because his power is useful."

Alice felt it was deeply unjust for others to dictate Leon's life.

"But why? What did he ever do?!"

Emilia just grinned. "Have you heard of Night Walker?" she asked.

The non sequitur threw Alice for a loop. She nodded with a mixture of

anger and doubt.

Night Walker was the name of an infamous serial killer. Their age,

history, and even gender were all unknown. The only thing linking their

crimes was that they always left a poem at the scene, written in their

victim's blood. They had 284 confirmed kills, but rumors said the true

number was over a thousand.

"Four years ago we found out who he was. He was a fiend; a vampire,

to be precise. Not only did that grant him superhuman physical capabilities,

but the power to turn other humans into fiends as well. Of course, nobody

would care if this were just some Blue-Eye. The problem was, he was a


Red-Eyes kept their minds and so possessed the same level of

intelligence as a human.

"After that, people learned how dangerous a Red-Eye could be. Now

they're destroyed whenever they show up. That way, they can't come back,

you see."

With all this new information coming at her from out of the blue, Alice

wasn't sure how to respond.

"What do you mean…they can't come back?"

"You heard me. Red-Eyes don't revive like other fiends. Price of

keeping your human mind, I suppose. I dunno why, but it's true."

If killed, Leon would be dead for good. And the ones giving Leon's

orders wanted this to happen.

"B-but why?! It's not fair! Master's the only one of us with the power

to save the world! Why would they kill him?"

"Twenty-eight thousand."

The sudden unexplained number threw Alice off-kilter. Seeing her

reaction, Emilia went on.

"That's the latest estimate of how many new fiends appear every single

day. And on the other side, we've only got the one. Leon."

Faced with such a crushing reality, even Alice began to feel daunted.

"Still, that doesn't change the fact that it's a handy power to have. So

Leon's earned himself a stay of execution, shall we say. There's no better

assassin of fiends than him. So he has his uses…for now."

And once he'd served his purpose, he'd be discarded. That was his fate.

His punishment.

"Listen. Power's a curse. As if bein' turned into a Red-Eye ain't bad

enough, Leon's got himself the power to slay immortals to boot. That's why

they won't let him die so easily. If public opinion of Red-Eyes was like it

was four years ago, maybe there'd still be a chance for him, but…"

It almost sounded like she didn't want it to be true. Alice was sure that

Emilia's apparent disgust for Leon wasn't the complete story, but before she

could venture further, Emilia cut short her digression and returned to the

topic she had been discussing earlier.

"Leon. I'm ordering you to slay the Orc Queen. As we speak, she's

producing more and more of those pig-faced bastards. She needs to be

stopped. Permanently."

In short, what she was asking was this: stride into the lair of the orcs, a

fortress of Class Three fiends, and slay their beloved monarch. Alone.

"That's suicide! You're sending Leon to die!" protested Alice.

"Of course. Haven't you listened to a word I've been saying?"

"You can't be serious! I shan't stand for it! I shan't!"

The volume of Alice's voice surprised even herself. But when her

master's life was on the line, she couldn't just stay silent. Leon felt a little

warm inside at her furious defense, but he had to stop her.

…She's probably going to demand to come with me, isn't she?

On this job, and the next. Unable to bear her master rushing into danger


I can't let her. I have to nip this in the bud.

Leon made up his mind.

Alice turned to him and yelled, "You can't do this, Master! Just refuse

the job!"

"Sigh. Haven't you been listening to me, young lady? He's the only one

who can do it. That's the only reason he's still alive. If he refuses, he's

putting his own neck on the chopping block."

That was an unassailable truth. However…

"…I might not be able to refuse, but I can ask you to alter the request."

Leon's remark took both Alice and Emilia by surprise. The former

cocked her head quizzically, while the latter seemed to catch on to his


"Emilia. Could you negotiate me some easier tasks, just while I'm

training the girl? And could you get them to drop this request, just this


Alice couldn't tell what Leon hoped to achieve by doing this. Noticing

her puzzled look, the ghoul explained.

"I can't help being sent into danger. But if you continue your


"…Oh! I can protect you!"

"That's right. You have potential, in mind and body both. The potential

to protect the things that really matter to you. I can help you draw that

potential out."

"Yes, Master! Please do!"

Her young, pretty face lit up with emotion, and she accepted the

proposed compromise. She must have been over the moon at finally

seeming to earn her master's trust. It was the same look of determination

that the ghoul once had, when he said to his mentor and fellow apprentice…

I will—

"I shall protect you!" the girl declared.

Before he even knew what he was doing, Leon patted her on the head.

Not out of love for his loyal disciple but out of pity. Pity for her and for

how he himself used to be.

Emilia turned to him and said, "You do you, pal." Then, turning to

Alice, she added. "Looks like we're going to be seeing a lot of each other,

young lady."

She didn't exactly sound overjoyed at the prospect; even Alice could

tell that.

But Alice returned home with Leon without ever figuring out how the

two felt about each other.

That night, after Alice had eaten and bathed, she retired to her room.

What she really wanted to do was train all through the night. She wanted to

become able to protect her master as soon as possible. But Leon had

convinced her otherwise.

"Sleep is a part of your training," he'd said. "Go straight to bed and

don't leave it until tomorrow morning."

With those words ringing in her head, Alice leaned over and blew out

her bedside candle. The fatigue from her training and satisfaction from her

meal quickly drew her into slumber. The girl surrendered herself to it…and

entered the world of dream.

"When life is hard, you need to smile the hardest."

Mother used to say that all the time.

"Smile when you're angry. Smile when you're sad. Smile when it

hurts. Smile whenever you really don't want to. That's what you were

born to do, Alice."

The other villagers treated her like she was mad. But to me, she

was very precious. So long as she was there, I could face each new day

with hope.

But one day, her eyes turned blue, and that ruined everything.

"Smile, Alice. Because soon I won't be able to…"

She was bedridden and couldn't even stand.

"Alice. You will be happy. That's what you were born to do.

"So, smile.

"Smile, even when you can't. Smile so that you smile.

"You have to smile. Go on. Smile.




I loved her. From the bottom of my heart.

That's why I had to make it end while she was still human.




"Smile, smile, smile…"


"Smile! Noooow!"






She sat up in bed.


Her heart pumped like mad. Cold, clammy sweat clung to her skin. She

hugged her trembling shoulders and took deep breaths.

"…I'll go see him."

She stepped out of bed and left the room. Surely one look at Master

would make her feel better.

"I'm going against his instructions, but I'm sure he won't mind…


A faint smile passed her lips as she arrived outside his room. She

gently opened the door so as not to wake him, and there she saw…


The room was cold and completely empty.

In a pure-white oblivion—the domain of fiends—a single gunshot rang


"It's not like I thought this would be easy, but I must admit…I

underestimated you."

The path to the Village of the Kin-Eaters was hidden in a field. Not a

dangerous place by most rights, but with the Shroud in place, things became

very different.


A mandrake leaped at Leon, and he fired his pistol, piercing the plantman's heart and turning its all-green body to rotten soup.

"…No scratches that time," he muttered, tracing the fingers of his right

hand across the wounds he had so far sustained: signs of his mistakes.

Physically, he was in perfect condition, but mentally he was not. The reason

for that was the girl named Alice Campbell.

"…I made the right decision," he told himself. "I always intended to

part ways with her. The sooner, the better. If I put it off for too long…

there's no telling what might happen."

In order to protect Alice, Leon betrayed her.

After making it sound like she'd earned his trust, he'd shown with his

actions that it was all a lie. And the note he left behind ought to deal the

finishing blow.

"I can't spend my time looking after a naive little girl. You, protect me?

Absurd. The fact that you fell for my lie proves you'll never be capable of


After several further lines like this, the letter notified Alice of her


"Now that girl has a future again. I made the right decision."

Yet Leon felt nothing but regret. Why was that? It was because Leon

wanted her to save him. To a ghoul like him, Alice Campbell was…

"No! My only saviors were Master and Rheina! The moment I killed

them, I destroyed any hope of salvation!"

But every time he told himself that, another layer peeled away.

A lone wolf, a solitary savior, a corpse with no purpose but to complete

his mission. These false pretenses were peeling away, and Leon was finding

he could play his part no longer. The crushing loneliness. The pain of selfhatred. A man at his breaking point. That was the truth behind Leon


"Stop thinking about it. Just stop. It's done now. She and I are—"

But before he could finish his thought, he heard a voice.

"No… It can't be…"

He couldn't believe his ears, but soon he heard the voice again. This

time, there was no mistaking what it said.



Alice Campbell ran. She ran through the white gloom, a desperate look

on her face.


The tears welling in her eyes were not of anger, no. They were tears of


"No! No, no, no, no, no!"

She couldn't let it happen again.

She couldn't allow herself to be left behind again.

"Master! You can't do this to me again!"

She had to find him. Because he was the only one who truly—

"Tree! Tree-tree-treeEEEEEEE!"

At that moment, something came flying out of the ground. A

mandrake. A creature formed from plant material, save for the eyes, nose,

and mouth, which were eerily human. Though its sudden appearance took

Alice by surprise, she nonetheless evaded its attack with unparalleled


"Stay out of my way!"

Springing backward, Alice reached over her shoulder and drew her

bow, loosing an arrow at the foe. The projectile whistled through the air and

shattered the enemy's head. On shot, one kill. But fiends had no fear. And


"G…g-g-grow… G-g-g-groooow…"


A whole horde of Mandrakes descended on Alice.


However, even when faced with this dire situation, Alice did not crack.

She would not die. She would claim her happiness and live by the side of

the man she sought.


Alice felled the attacking mandrakes with her bow, turning each into

rotting puddles of molten flesh. But the fiends did not relent, and soon the

tide turned against her.


Just then, an attack came from Alice's blind spot, and the girl failed to

notice the mandrake's fist until it was too late. The crushing blow toppled



Her eyes filled with tears. Was she really going to die here when there

was so much still to do?


The words came before she summoned them.


He had ignored those words once before.

But this time…

"Why are you here?"

As soon as she heard those words, a gunshot rang out and blew the

enemy away.

Leon Crossheart looked down at Alice, at her sprawled form. Her

pretty white hair and delicate features looked as if they'd each been dragged

through the mud, and her protective face mask dangled from one ear.

Through it, he could see a large bruise on one cheek.

Seeing this, Leon was filled with an indescribable rage. Guided by his

emotions, he laid waste to the rest of the fiends. Yet even that did not calm

his heart. If anything, it only made the flame burn brighter. He grabbed

Alice by the scruff of the neck, pulled her to her feet, and yelled…

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! Do you have a death


Alice shrank back, and with watery eyes, she answered, "…My mother

was the only one I had."

The voice that issued from her lips seemed ready to crack.

"The other villagers killed my father after he fell sick, or so I was told.

Everyone there hated us. I had no friends or allies at all."

As she spoke, Leon's head began to cool.

"But I was happy there. As long as I had my mother, I could make it

through anything. I could smile, no matter what came. But…she's not here


Her green, misty eyes gripped Leon by the heart and refused to let go.

Leon saw something vaguely familiar when he looked at her. Eyes filled

with a mixture of hatred and gratitude. A maelstrom of emotion, battling it

out inside. It reminded Leon of something. A village that he once visited

with Claire and Rheinhardt, back when they were still alive.

"It was you, Master. You killed my mother."

He remembered her now. A young girl who looked very similar to the

one before him. Could it really be?

"…My mother fell ill too. As the days went by, she gradually lost her

mind to the sickness. I couldn't bear to look at her, and so…I thought it

would be better to end it. But…I couldn't do it. Not by myself."

Leon thought back to that remote village. To the events that unfolded


A giant, cackling fiend, and an innocent child about to fall into its


Leon showed up in the nick of time and slew the beast, but when he

took the girl in his arms, she neither smiled nor cried. All she said was,


"It was you who reached out to us, Master, when no one else would.

That's why you're a hero to me. You're all I have left in the world. So,


Tears streaming, lips trembling, the young girl reached out her arms

and extended a heartfelt plea.

"…don't just throw me away!"

Leon couldn't even move.

He recalled how after the event, he'd left the poor girl with an

orphanage at a nearby town and then forgotten about her completely. There

was only one way to deal with orphaned children, and that was to put them

in an institution designed to take them in. Once it was over, Leon could

forget about her. Out of sight, out of mind. Remembering her would only

bring heartache.

Faced with just one of the many things he had chosen to forget, Leon


She sees the world in simple shades, like all who live in emptiness. Like

me. She's lived with nothing, as I did, and she sees me as her salvation, just

as I saw Master and Rheina as mine.

Finally, he accepted it. Leon couldn't make her go away at all. She was

the same as him. He, too, had decided that the only place for him was by

Claire and Rheinhardt's side, and he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Leon and Alice understood each other. Leon was Alice's salvation, and

she was his.


Before he knew it, he was speaking.

"I won't protect you. I can't."

"That's okay. As long as I can stay by your side."

"I…I betrayed your trust."

"That's okay. I can take any betrayal so long as I'm with you."

He could fight it no longer. And in his heart, Leon felt a trace of relief.

He reached out to take her hand.

Four years of hell. Four years of solitude. And the one salvation that

could wash it all away… But at the very last second, he stopped. For if

there was one thing more powerful than Leon's hope, it was his despair.

He turned his back, and in a weak voice, he spoke. He couldn't make

the choice, so he selected an option that wasn't there. To neither accept his

fate nor deny it.

"…If you want to follow me, go right ahead. I won't stop you."

Then, dragging his left leg behind him, he set off. The girl caught up

and walked alongside him.

"Erm, Master? Can I ask you a question?"

"…What is it?"

"What kind of person is Emilia?"

"…Looking for dirt, are you? A little leverage to hold over her?"

"I don't like the way she treats you," Alice retorted. "I want to save

you from her."

Her eyes were fierce. Leon ignored them.

"You've made two wrong assumptions," he said. "First, Emilia may

have influence among my superiors, but it's not enough to simply dictate

what I do."

In addition to being one of the best blacksmiths of the day, Emilia

belonged to a shadowy organization known as the Neighbors of Fear. Her

role within that organization was to keep an eye on Leon and report his

behavior to church authorities, as well as deliver his missions to him. Her

power beyond that was quite lacking.

"She might be able to negotiate me some easier jobs, but that's about


"H-huh? I thought you lied about that…"

"It was a lie, yes. That doesn't mean she couldn't do it."

Emilia was such a genius that people said she was living centuries

ahead of everyone else. Given her importance, it wouldn't be impossible for

her to vouch on Leon's behalf.

"Th-then she can—!"

"That brings us to your second wrong assumption. The truth is, Emilia

initially offered to do precisely that. I refused."


Alice had assumed it was Emilia's doing, giving Leon terrible jobs just

to torment him. She was mistaken.

"Emilia is not my enemy. In fact, she's the only one on my side."

Alice was finally starting to see the truth. Leon watched her furrow her

brow for a moment, and then ask another question.

"So you asked for that awful job?"

"That's correct."

"But why? Why would you do something like that?! Are you trying to

get yourself killed?!"

"Because our interests were aligned. The church got their value out of

me, while I was able to hone myself against a powerful foe."

That was all Leon was good for now. Killing monsters.

"In the goblin lair, you told me I was strong… In terms of my ability to

dish out violence, that's certainly true. My prosthetics see to that. But in

terms of my mental strength, I still have a long way to go."

Leon stood still and stared at his palm. Now, even in the depths of the

most perilous dungeon, his fingers didn't tremble. That proved just how far

he had come.

"I'm far from perfect," he said. "Sometimes I get into a fight and I

don't know how it'll end. It…"

It scared him. He needed more courage. He needed to forge his weak

heart into something no monster could daunt, just like those two had.


"…I can never keep my promise to him."

Alice didn't know what he meant by that. She couldn't even imagine.

But she did know one thing for sure: Leon Crossheart was on the path to

self-destruction, and he walked it gladly.

The church, the people, the world. Even if all their hate went away, it

couldn't save him now. Because the one person who truly hated Leon—

who wanted to see him die more than anyone else—was himself.

"If you want to keep me alive, then you're welcome to try. But unless

you can change my mind, it's a fool's errand."

Leon knew that would never happen. He had given up all hope of it

long ago.

"…I won't let you die," Alice reiterated, a determined frown on her

pretty features. "I swear on my life."

Leon sighed, dismissing the feelings growing within his heart.

His promise was ironclad. He could never break it for her. Never.

Once more, a silence fell between them. An awkward silence that felt

like knives sticking into Leon's skin.

Alice, meanwhile, decided to change tactics. Rather than focus on a

vague, unknowable future, she had chosen to align herself to the task at

hand. This was evidenced by the next question to come out of her mouth.

"Do you think this job is possible?" she asked.

The Village of the Kin-Eaters was a writhing hub of Class Three

monsters. Was it even feasible to just waltz right in and slay the Orc Queen

that led them?

"A front-on assault will almost certainly fail," Leon answered. "We'll

have to use stealth. If we can get close enough to the target without being

seen, we can win. If we're spotted…"

Then there would be nothing to do but pray for a swift death.

"There's no glory if we succeed. And if we fail, only a miserable end

awaits you. Do you still want to come along?"


Alice didn't hesitate. Yet there was unease in her eyes.

She clearly wants to run, but something inside her is stronger than the

fear. I should order her back to town…but I doubt she'd listen.

…As long as I don't screw up, she'll be fine. In fact, her being there

should make good motivation to get the job done properly.

The power of the heart made people stronger. Rheinhardt had once said

as much. Leon was a monster, but he had a human heart. Surely Alice's

presence would be a positive influence overall.

With that on Leon's mind, they soon arrived at the entrance to their


"Stay low as we proceed. Don't make a sound. If you have to speak, do

so quietly. Understand?"

"Yes, Master."

Crouching down, Leon advanced, his ears searching. The buildings

were all close together, so there was no shortage of hiding spots. Plus, there

was something else contributing to the pair's stealth.

Namely, the sounds of combat.



Werewolves. The canine creatures were feuding with the orcs, the two

sides turning each other into puddles of rotting meat.

Leon stole a look at Alice. She looked a little perturbed by what she

was seeing. Luckily, with all the noise the monsters were making, Leon

could safely explain without fear of being heard.

"Monsters usually avoid harming each other, but the ones living here

are exceptions. Like all monsters, they're governed by the emotions and

traumas they experienced in life. In the case of these, that's a deep enmity."

Before it became home to monstrosities, the settlement here was

known as Oracle Village. It was an ordinary little hamlet, with nothing

much to say about it, until its secret came to light.

"Oracle Village was made up of worshipers of a pagan faith. The

church doesn't recognize pagans as humans, so they can be sentenced to

death without trial."

When the church discovered the heresy, they sent a squadron of temple

knights to the village, but as soon as the purge began, a cloak of white

darkness descended over the settlement. The villagers were transformed

into unsightly pigs, while the knights became savage wolves.

In all likelihood, they didn't even realize. They didn't notice

themselves turning into monsters; all they felt was hatred for each other.

That was what drove them on, even after losing their humanity.

"…But they never had it to begin with. It wasn't the mist that turned

these people into monsters."

They tore at each other's flesh, gnawed at each other's bones.

Devoured each other. The cycle of violence would continue on forever.

They were beyond salvation now.

"…Let's move on."

Alongside his apprentice, Leon advanced toward the center of the

village. Slowly, carefully, hidden amid the buildings. As Leon had

predicted, it was a fairly simple matter to approach the Orc Queen's lair, the

Nursery of Filth, undetected.

"I sure hope everything goes this smoothly," whispered Alice.

"It'll all change once we enter the Nursery," said Leon, not slowing

down as he talked. "The orcs will have prepared a defense there."

What happened next came out of nowhere. As Leon made his way

between the buildings, he passed a pagan church. And the moment he did, a

foreign memory invaded his brain.

Happiness is born of love. That was my guiding philosophy.

"Your belly's really started to grow recently."

My husband smiled like an innocent child. It brought me

immeasurable joy to think that part of that man was growing inside


"When I first met you," he said, "I didn't think this day would

really come."

My thoughts were the same. After all, he was a strict and holy

knight, while I was a humble nun. We were both pledged to the

Goddess, sworn to live our lives in Her service.

"I suppose we didn't know what love was back then."

"No," I agreed. "We were so ignorant."

No one was more devoted to our Lady than we, and we were

rewarded with positions that befitted our piety… But one day, I noticed

the hole in my heart.

We loved the Goddess. But She did not love us back.

It wasn't enough to shake my faith, but a part of me always seemed

to be missing.

Until I met him. He had been feeling the same way, and we chose to

fill the holes in each other's hearts.

"I'm really glad I married you," I said.

"Me too. It was truly our Lady's will that we met."

We smiled, stroking my swollen belly and praying for the new life I

was bringing into the world.

But that ungrateful bitch of a goddess betrayed me. Betrayed the

love I offered her.

"How…? Why?"

I never became a mother. According to our faith, it was because my

soul was wicked and corrupt, unable to bear a child safely into the



There was no trace of love in my husband's eyes.

"…how could you betray me like this?"

I lost everything that day. My happiness. My love. My child.

…And my right to live as a human.

The influx of memories suddenly stopped, and Leon's mind returned.

"…Those were most likely the memories of the Orc Queen," he said.

This was the true identity of the endlessly birthing fiend. A woman

who lost her unborn child, and with it, everything.

"Yet another fiend with an unusual fate."

But that was why Leon was here.

"…Let's go. It's time to put an end to her tragic tale."

With determination shining in his crimson eyes, Leon led Alice through

the village. After walking for a while, their surroundings began to change.

"Are those…egg tubes?" asked Alice.

"Yeah. This is where things get serious."

The two stared at a building completely entwined in a white, tubelike


"That's where the Orc Queen births her offspring… Like that."

From the tip of the serpentine tract came a squelching sound as it

ejected a dark red egg.

"Wh-why, it already looks quite vile just from appearances, doesn't it?"

Alice winced in displeasure. The egg began pulsating, but just as it

seemed about to hatch, bringing another new life into the world…a horde of

werewolves descended on it. With their sharp claws, they tore the egg, and

the hatchling within, to pieces.

"Th-th-th-that's…! Thaaat's…!"

That's what you deserve, they tried to say. Just then…


A piercing shriek echoed over the area. It belonged to the queen. A

scream of anger and grief for another life cruelly destroyed. As if

synchronized to her pain, an army of orcs suddenly appeared out of

nowhere and started fighting the werewolves.

"Her obsession with children could be a weakness…"

However, Leon was not going to have the chance to exploit that

weakness. Because the job here was a simple assassination. All Leon

needed to do was find a location to take the shot, and his victory would be


"I know I've said it before, but this is where things get serious. The

scales are tipped heavily in the orcs' favor here. If you get spotted, it'll be

over. Try not to make a sound."

Leon first dropped to the floor, placing his left ear to the cobbles. His

superhuman hearing picked up footsteps, which his brain analyzed to draw

a complete map of the surrounding area in his mind—how many fiends,

their locations, how they were moving. Then it calculated the shortest

distance to his destination.

He turned to Alice and signaled with his eyes and hands.

"No speaking from here on out. Understand?"

"Yes, Master!"

The pair set off again, Leon leading the way via the complex route he

traced in his mind. As a result, they encountered no opposition at all.

"We'll pass through this building and leave by the back door," Leon

signaled. "From there, we just have to get onto the rooftops."

"You're amazing, Master! You make it seem so easy!"

It was a tightrope act, but Leon had made it through unscathed. A little

relief mixed in with his continued vigilance, he entered the building.

"M-Master," Alice signed. "Wh-what is this place?"

"A brothel, obviously. Is that a problem?"

Alice immediately went red-faced, clearly flustered.

"B-b-b-but that's lewd!"

"…You need to train yourself to be numb to it. Adventurers can't go

losing their minds over this."

"Wh-wh-what kind of training are you suggesting?!"

The gentle back-and-forth relaxed Leon's mind, and just as he noticed

his guard was down—just as he passed one of the rooms—a new memory

began to play.

When I was a woman of the cloth, I hated purveyors of corruption

and vice. They had turned against our Goddess and deserved the stones

people threw at them.

It was only when I was put in their shoes that I finally understood.

It was us, throwing the stones, who were the sinners. The purveyors of

corruption and vice had been denied the privileged life I led.

But that realization came far too late.

"Now, squeal! Squeal for me, you little pig!"

I did what the customer wanted. Even though it made me feel sick

to my core.

"Oink! O-oink!"

"Hahahaha! Music to my ears! Sounds just like the real thing!"

The man cackled as he violated me from behind, like a pig.

"Always wondered what a nun feels like! Who's your savior now,


He struck me on my cheeks, slamming his crotch into my behind.

…What a pathetic, wretched thing I'd become. I wanted to die, but

I was too ashamed to go through with it. I was born to be happy, so

why was I living this tragedy?

I couldn't accept it. And I couldn't let it end without doing

something about it.

To die without dignity, reduced to a pig… I couldn't let that


I needed to live happy. To die happy.

And for that…

"Give me…a child… Please… Please…"

I begged. Not for the customer, but for myself.

I wanted a child. A child is the embodiment of love. And love is

what makes people happy. I wanted to be happy. So I wanted a child. I

wanted a baby.

…The other prostitutes used to look at me with pity.

"A child won't make you happy, you know."

"Besides, they won't let you stay pregnant for long. They'll take

you out back and sort you out."

They all wanted love too, like me. But whenever they found it, it

was taken away.

Soon enough, that happened to me as well. I finally conceived, only

for my happiness to be killed once again.

I wasn't allowed to give birth.

"…What good is this?"

I tore it apart, staring at the thick, crimson fluid that flowed out of


I thought back to my time as a nun. Already my memories were

fading, replaced by a pitch-dark sentiment as black as night.

"The village, the people. The Goddess and all Her creations…"

It all needs to DIE!

Another sound overlapped the woman's voice. This one, however,

came from the real world.


Leon sensed danger and snapped back to reality. Right before his eyes,

the wall of the brothel caved in, and several orcs entered. They turned to see

Leon and…


Squealing, they all rushed him at once.


It was too sudden, too unexpected, too dangerous.

"We'll fight them here! Prepare yourself!"

"Y-yes, Master!"

Alice took a step back and drew her bow. Leon stood before her,

defensively, staring down the orc band.

…Then the battle began.

Thinking fast, Alice distracted the mob, and Leon charged in like a

mad beast. The fight only lasted a few moments, and soon all the monsters

lay dead.

"…How did they know we were here?"

Leon didn't have an answer. He and Alice had remained completely

silent. While he pondered how the orcs could have detected them…there

was another crash from behind them as a second group of orcs broke in.

"…Grh! Get outside! Quickly!"

Alice and Leon left via the hole made by the first group. But what

awaited them on the other side was…

"Oink, oink, oink!"

An entire orc army stampeding toward them.


Nobody had raised the alarm. How did the orcs know exactly where

they were? There was nothing wrong with Leon's navigation, either. There

should have been zero chance of the pair being spotted. And yet…

"M-Master! Your orders?!"


Her question came like a scream, pulling Leon back to the battle. There

was no time. The hows and the whys could wait until later. Right now, the

question was…how would Leon and Alice get out of this alive?

The only thing for it was…

"Pull back!"

As he and Alice fled, Leon focused on his hearing, searching for a

weak point in the blockade…but only failure waited at every turn.

Nothing about the situation made any sense. None of the orcs had

called for reinforcements. And yet even faraway allies had come to the


Looking closer, Leon noticed that all their eyes were vacant…as

though something were controlling them.

"It can't be…!"

A memory occurred. Four years ago, during the massacre at Yugosland.

Leon had seen the same thing there.

Back when the monsters all had empty eyes and moved according to

his whims.

"Could it be? Is he here as well…?"

Leon was being pursued. Hunted. But though he was sure of it, he

couldn't sense the perpetrator anywhere. Soon, he and Alice were forced

back out into the streets. He couldn't explain why, but it felt like he was

being guided somewhere. To the queen.

The village square in the center of town was her throne. Was she happy

now, protecting dozens upon dozens of her own precious dark-red eggs?

Was this everything she wanted; when she worked at that dingy brothel,

when she was a woman of the cloth? Before she was transformed into this

enormous aberration?

Her form dominated the square. Hundreds of dangling teats, spilling

endless quantities of milk, and ten limbs, like an insect. But those limbs

possessed a second function—reproduction. They were covered in female

genitalia, and the monarch's serving-orcs huddled around her, thrusting into

the holes.

The semen flowed into her, implanting their seeds, while the eggs

exited her body via the tubes that sprouted from her back.

Were those eggs the symbols of love she sought?

"M…my baaaabiiiies…"

The queen released a perverse sigh as she shifted her gaze to the two

intruders. As she spotted them, her azure eyes grew fiery with indignation.

"This is exactly what I wanted to avoid," Leon muttered. His face, by

contrast, showed no emotion at all. But on the inside, he was afraid. His

trembling arms attested to that.

"I—I don't want to die! Not in a place like this!"

Alice, on the other hand, was shaking all over and made no attempt to

hide her fear. Yet her eyes shone with boundless courage and a

determination to return alive at all costs.

"Oink! Oink, oink!"

One by one, the orcs paused their breeding and turned to the pair.

"…We need to take out the queen before they overwhelm us. That's the

only way we're getting out of this alive."

Most of the orcs were her offspring. Kill the mother, and they would

die with her. The question was how to go about that.

"The queen thinks of her babies above all else. That means she'll focus

on anyone trying to destroy the eggs, and since her thoughts are transmitted

to the orcs, it means they will, too."

After a moment's indecision, Leon handed his gun to Alice.

"Use this to shoot the eggs. While you distract her, I'll prepare the

finishing blow."

Alice was to take on the role of decoy and bear the brunt of the orcs'

attention. It was not an easy decision for Leon to make. If this plan worked,

both of them would escape with their lives. But if it failed, it wasn't hard to

imagine what punishment the angered monarch would bring down on

whoever attempted to defile her precious eggs. No doubt Alice had

considered the possibility as well. And yet…

"All right, Master! Leave it to me!"

She answered without hesitation. The light in her eyes was the same as

Claire's and Rheinhardt's, back when they were still around.

I trust you. Absolutely.

Four years ago, Leon had betrayed that trust. But not this time.

It won't happen again. The old, weak me is dead, and today, I'll prove


The fires of resolution ignited Leon's eyes. The next moment…


The orcs attacked from every direction. A truly despairing number.

Alice felt her heart might give out at any moment, but…

"I shall see it done, Master!"

Her arms and legs quivered. Her face was streaked with tears. Yet Alice

stepped bravely forward. She pressed on, took up the gun…and fired

between a gap in her foes. Her bullet struck one of the liver-red eggs

directly, ending the life of one of the Orc Queen's beloved babies before it

had even begun.


All of her aggression centered on Alice, and every living thing in the

square turned to face the girl. Her life was in her own hands now. With that

in mind, Leon got to work.

"Recievest ye my hammer, that thy sins may be absolved and truth

restored to the world."

He recited the scriptures, calming his heart. The plan he was about to

execute would demand his fullest concentration, and so he excised all idle

thoughts from his mind—including those of his disciple and the heartless

end she was about to meet.

"Come, scale-bearer, and weighest thou my heart. On the right lieth

faith. On the left lieth humanity. Virtue lieth in their balancing, and in their

imparity lieth corruption. When the holy fire cometh, blessed be those it


Alice fought bravely, not stopping for a moment. It was like a miracle;

as if her talents reached their fullest potential on the border of between life

and death. Everywhere she looked, there were orcs coming for her, but each

of their attempts ended in failure. She flitted in between their attacks with

grace and dexterity, all without neglecting her duty to destroy the eggs.

She was at the same time a beautiful butterfly and a vicious bee. But

she was human, and only a novice adventurer at that. There were limits to

what she could achieve.


Her breaths grew ragged. Sweat dripped down her face like bullets.

There was no way out. It was no longer a question of if she would die but


But Leon had erased her existence from his mind. It wasn't because he

didn't care about her—it was because he did. To save her, he had to forget

about her.

Then, he lifted his mechanical arm and pointed it ahead. He lifted his

mechanical leg and placed it firmly on the ground. All his crimson eyes

perceived were the monsters he needed to kill. With his heart purged of

impurities, he began to speak.

"Let grief be my guide. Strike of Velclast. The Almighty's light.

The black dragon's roar."

In concert with his clear timbres, Leon's mechanical arm and leg began

to glimmer. Then, they began splitting and merging, like a hive of insects,

recombining into the form of an enormous cannon.

"Arts of Steel, Deploy. Abominable Armament Number One: The

Unsoiled Martyr's Glory, All For One."

This was Leon's supreme technique. The first of the Abominable

Armaments and an ultimate killing move. When his mechanical arm and leg

combined, they emitted a radiant, golden light.

"Let thy sins be cleansed in holy fire, and be thee guided into the

bosom of the Lord. Iä cthul shtagn. Let it be so."

With the verse's closing words, Leon fired. A beam of golden light shot

from the barrel; a ruinous fire that, while it could smite any foe, also caused

untold damage to the person who launched it.

Leon's custom prosthetics were made possible by Emilia's genius and

were supposedly the ultimate conceivable tactical weapons. Their power

was unparalleled, but they provided no protection at all for their wielder.

For example, Abominable Armament Number One generated a

tremendous amount of heat, which dissipated throughout the wielder's body

and roasted their flesh. Not only that, but the shockwave produced by the

supersonic projectile inflicted bone-shattering amounts of pressure that

crushed the bearer's organs.

That was why no living man could use this weapon. Only an

abomination with superhuman regenerative capabilities could wield it.

Hence, Emilia dubbed them the Abominable Armaments and gave them to



When the beam of light dissipated, the Orc Queen's piglike face…was

utterly obliterated.

"Y-you did it, Master!"

Around Alice lay several dead orcs. Not only had she survived a

fearsome pack of Class Three monsters, but she had even managed to take

out about half of them.

"You're the one who deserves praise, not me. Well done. I mean it."

But Leon could see that she, like him, was severely wounded. If he had

been a second later, or if anything unexpected had occurred, the two of

them might not have made it out alive.

The old me would have died today. Shaking in my boots, unable to

summon up even the slightest drop of courage. I'd die, cursing my life and

my past that led me here.

But that didn't happen. I've grown. I feel closer now. To my master and

to my fellow disciple. Perhaps now…I'm ready to face him.

Pushing aside his emotion, Leon felt around in his waist pouch. The

activation of All For One had drained him of Source, and as it was, he was

finding it difficult to even stand. He needed to replenish, but killing the Orc

Queen would soon turn all of her subjects into rotting meat puddles. With

no way to devour their flesh, Leon was left with little choice but to rely on


He produced a small leather sack, at one end of which was a sharp

hypodermic needle. Inside the sack was monster blood, which Leon could

inject into his own. Leon jabbed the needle into his right femoral artery,

letting the contents enter his bloodstream. His Source power thus slightly

restored, Leon found himself able to stand upright again.

"…At least now I can make it back to town," he muttered.

Leon took a few deep breaths and turned to face the dead. But just as

he was about to offer his usual parting words, he noticed something deeply


"They…haven't liquefied?"

All dead monsters turned into fetid puddles. And yet, those littering the

floor, even the headless queen, were still very much solid. This could only

mean one thing…


It was not over yet. From out of the headless queen's lifeless neck

sprouted dozens of…things. They were tiny pig's heads. They squealed,

squirming, and grew their own necks.

When Leon saw it, he realized at once what was really going on.

"The Orc Queen…she wasn't just a single being!"

The wretched nun who fell from grace—she was only one of many.

One of many brothel workers who sought love, only to have it taken from

her again and again. That was the true nature of the monster known as the

Orc Queen.

"Oink! Oink, oink!"



All the heads spoke in different voices, but they all wanted the same

thing: the eradication of those two intruders who stood before them.

"Rgh! Run!"

But it was already too late. Alice was completely surrounded.


She emitted a tiny squeak as the orcs tore off the clothes covering her

dainty figure. They didn't want to kill her. Instead, they tossed her to the

ground, crowded around her, and revealed their swollen members, as if

presenting them to the girl.


They were each as thick as a man's arm, hard as boulders, and

throbbing right under her nose. Alice could only watch, her teeth chattering

with fright, as they brought those brutal instruments closer.

Leon saw the predicament his apprentice was in—but he couldn't

move a muscle.


Several more of the orcs held Leon down and pinned him to the

ground. He was forced—forced to watch his precious disciple be raped and

destroyed before his very eyes before being tortured to death himself.

That was what the Orc Queen wanted, and so that was what her loyal

subjects wanted too.

"How did it come to this…?"

It took all his strength to muster those words—words that concealed a

burning rage toward his own failures.

The orcs possessed superhuman strength. No ordinary person could

wrest themselves from their grasp. However, Leon was far from ordinary.

With his remaining energy, he could fling the orcs aside and rescue Alice.

He had the power, but…

"Move…! Move…! Move…!"

It was no use. Try as he might, he couldn't focus the strength. He could

only quake in fear.


Because he would die. If Leon tried to save her, he would lose his life

in the process. And thus, he found himself unable to act.

"What am I doing? What's wrong with me?!"

His body. His mind. Both were ruled by fear. He knew what he had to

do. He had to save her. He had to sacrifice himself. He needed to. There

was no other way.

Yet Leon could only watch, terrified.

It was just like that day.

That day, four years ago.

What was I talking about? I haven't learned a thing.

These four years—these four, hellish years.

That day, that moment, when everything was taken from me.

It hasn't taught me anything at all.

Just as Leon's mind began to fade into oblivion and despair, he heard a


"Oink… Oink."

An order from the Orc Queen. Do it. The orcs surrounding Alice began

to move. One of them grabbed her slender arms and held her fast, while

another spread her legs.

"Uhh… Urhh!"

Her wide eyes were wet with tears. The orc pressed with his erect

genital and began rubbing it against her, as if detailing what was about to


But even then, Leon could do nothing but watch in terror.


With a frightened yelp, Alice turned and locked eyes with Leon. If

those eyes were filled with disdain, with disappointment at her useless

mentor, then Leon would have understood. But they weren't. Her bright

green eyes showed no malice whatsoever.

"Please…run away!"

Here, at the very end, the only thing Alice felt was love. Unconditional

love for her teacher, and thoughts only of his safety, no matter at what cost

that came to herself.

Those feelings. That look.


They were the same as his. The man Leon betrayed. The man Leon



Leon couldn't stop the emotions flowing out of him. But nor could he

bring himself to exert command over his fear.


As if in ridicule, the Orc Queen squealed. A prelude to the young girl's

tragedy and the beastmen's debauchery.


In just moments, Alice would be defiled before his very eyes, and it

would be all his fault, because he couldn't be there for her when she needed

him most.

"Stop it…!"

The moment seemed to stretch on forever. Amid a silent world, Leon

considered the weight of his sin.

Dammit. Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit.

In the end, I never became who I wanted to be. I'm not a protector or a

savior. I couldn't even keep my promise to him. I'm just… I'm just…

"That's right. You're an idiot. A big, stupid idiot."

All of a sudden, a voice rang in Leon's mind.

"There is a way out of this dilemma, and that is not to let despair rule

you but to fight against it.

"If there's even a glimmer of humanity in you, Leon, then there are no

limits. Let your mind transcend your mortal flesh and lead you to victory.

"…Isn't that what I taught you all those years ago?"

That voice. The voice that so clearly pointed out his flaws.

"Leon. You aren't my helpless young disciple any longer. You're my

child. And as such, you have a responsibility to uphold. You know what it is.

Deep in your heart, you understand what you have to do. Don't let your

worthless self-hate define you; say it. What do you want to do for your dear

apprentice? For Alice?"

Slowly, Leon felt his power return. The voice inside his head banished

all of Leon's fears and showed him the way.

"I want to protect her! Even if she doesn't want me to! Even if I don't

think it's possible! I…I have to save her!!"

His mind turned blinding white. Before he knew what he was doing,

his right arm dropped to his hip—and to the hilt of his holy sword.

"I'll let you off this once," the voice said. "But some things never

change. No matter what happens, you'll always be my troublesome little


Leon thought of the voice, strict yet loving, and of the woman in his

life who once bore it.

Then…Leon Crossheart yelled.

"Hark, ye fiends! Fear my might!"

Those words were the same his master spoke whenever she unsheathed

the sword.

And, as fate would have it, on that occasion, the hilt in his hand moved.

It was just a peek. Just enough for the blade to get a glimpse of the

outside world.

Yet its black-and-gold edge removed from this world all who had fallen

into sin.

There was a flash. The light of divine power. It blinded the eyes, but

just for an instant, and when it cleared, the only ones remaining were Leon,

Alice, and the queen's head. All the orcs and the eggs had vanished,

obliterated by the majestic light of Leon's holy blade.

"Agh… Aaahhh…"

She was melting. The queen's head, a congealed mass of countless

smaller heads, was melting.

From her blue eyes came bitter tears.


At the very end, only one of the heads remained. Leon stood up and,

without saying anything, walked over to her. He picked up the gun that had

fallen to the ground…


…and put a bullet right through her brain.

You aren't the only one who wants to protect their child, he thought. I

do too. And for that, you need to die.

There was no apology. Instead, a prayer. For a soul ascending to


"May your rest be eternal salvation."

After those solemn words, Leon removed his coat and turned to Alice.

"This should do for now."

He handed it to her, keeping his face turned away. Alice cheerfully put

it on, then asked…

"It's over now…isn't it."

"…Yeah. For good this time."

Then Leon looked down at the sword at his hip.

"That voice… There's no mistaking it. It was…"

But Leon's introspection was broken by none other than the voice of

his disciple.

"Erm…Master? Do you think…we could get going?"

It was no surprise she didn't want to linger any more than she needed

to. It was possible the orcs' violence had already traumatized her. Thus,

Leon placed his thoughts aside for the moment. Even he was surprised at

how quickly he put the girl's needs above his own.

"Can you stand?" He asked.

"I-I'm not sure I can. I'm sorry…"

"I see. In that case, I'll carry you."

Leon turned his back and crouched down. At first, Alice seemed

reluctant, but soon she placed her arms around Leon's neck and let him lift

her off the ground.

The ghoul began to walk, dragging his left leg behind him and carrying

his immobilized apprentice.

"W-wow! Just look at that!"

It seemed the holy sword had truly purged the village of monsters.

All that remained of them were their Testament Stones, shining


"You're wonderful, Master! I can't believe you slew all these monsters

in one go!"

"It wasn't me," Leon replied. "It was the sword. It's not a power I can

call upon whenever I like."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. The sword's power is finite. Every time I use it, it loses strength.

Eventually, it'll just be an ordinary lump of sharpened metal. For it to

restore its powers, it needs to be kept in the sheath."

"It's not like the sacred weapons I've heard about in stories at all. But

look." Alice motioned at the sight unfolding before her eyes. "Look at what

it made for us. It's as though they're lighting our way."

Those stones were a testament to the lives of the humans their bearers

once were. Now the sight of them all glittering in unison was really

something to behold. Alice gazed at it wistfully before saying…

"I was nothing but a burden once again, wasn't I, Master?"

"Not at all. If you hadn't been there, I would have died."

Leon couldn't believe how gentle, how mild, his voice sounded.

Perhaps Alice noticed it too, for she smiled and added. "I won't hold you

back next time. I promise. You'll see; I'll be the one protecting you."

It was the same thing she swore in Emilia's workshop. However, this

time, Leon felt the warmth within those words. It entered his body, melting

his heart.

"I trust you," he said. And this time, it wasn't a lie. "I'll teach you

everything I know. And until you grow strong enough to protect me, I'll…"

Leon paused. Try as he might, he couldn't say what was in his heart.

The voice inside his head told him, You aren't good enough.

I want to protect her…but I can't.

The chains of Leon's past bound him, forbade him. So while Leon

knew how he felt about her, he couldn't say it out loud.

"Master? Is something the matter?"

"…No, it's nothing," said Leon, shaking his head and bottling up the

words he really wanted to say. "I'm looking forward to seeing great things

from you. Maybe even greater than myself, Alice."

Leon forced himself to say something bland and inoffensive. To

himself, at least. But for whatever reason, Alice jumped when she heard

those words.

"M-M-M-M-M-Master?! D-d-d-d-d-did you just…?!"

"…Hm? Did I say something wrong?"

"N-no, not…not really. Did you not even notice?"

"Notice what? I don't sense any enemies around."

"Not that either!" she shouted, her clear and beautiful voice quite

agitated now. "You just called me by my name for the first time ever!"

"…Did I?"

"Yes, you did! That's the first time you've called me anything other

than 'her' and 'the girl'! I was really upset about it!"


"But now…ehehe…you said my name…"

She seemed extremely happy and a bit more forward than usual.

"Er…um! Do you think…you could…say my name again?!"

Leon suddenly got the feeling that if he granted her request, the pair's

relationship would be headed in a very intimate direction. The reason was

obvious: for Leon, refusing to say Alice's name had been his last line of

defense. Beyond that point, he could no longer pretend she was just a mere

acquaintance. That was why, even just subconsciously, he had avoided

using it. He couldn't allow himself to make friends if he wasn't capable of

protecting them. It was his penance, and he couldn't just ignore that.


Even if he was incapable, he had a duty to uphold. A duty to make her



Leon shook off his self-loathing and spoke her name, just as she


"Ehe…! Ehehehehehe…!"

Alice looked shy as she laughed adorably. Hearing her voice, Leon

could barely contain himself. And so…

"O-one more! One more time, please!"


"Oh! Hooh-hooh-hooh! A-again, please!"


"Oho! Ho-ho-hooh! …Again!"


Each time he fulfilled her request, Leon thought.

I was the one who took this girl's mother from her. Even if it was to

save her, that's an incontrovertible truth. Which means…I must step into

that role. I need to be there for her daughter instead of her. I need to make

her daughter happy in her place.

And so, this was not something Leon was doing for himself.

With that excuse resounding in his mind, he continued.



And for that girl, he swore a silent vow.

He would not betray her, as he had done.

He would grant her everything she desired.

And he would never make her upset again.

…Until the time came to fulfil his promise.

"Hmmm, he's completely forgotten, hasn't he?"

High above the clouds, in a pure-white world where even starlight

failed to reach, ■■■ looked down upon the pair. He unfurled his glorious

white wings, lording over his heavenly domain.

"What love could be so strong it makes you forget your archnemesis?

…Haha, I'm a little jealous."

■■■ narrowed his violet eyes and reminisced. He never used to believe

in fate until now. Now he could see the two were bound to each other.

"What a coincidence. Both times, you almost noticed me."

Karna Village was only a test of his own power. A way to see how

much had returned. And the experiment here, at the Village of the KinEaters, proved it. He was ready. And who should turn up at that exact

moment but him.

It was the perfect opportunity to settle who was stronger, ■■■ or Leon?

And the answer was precisely what he had been expecting.

"What have you been doing these past four years? Oh, you haven't

changed at all. But that's okay. That means there's still a reason to kill you.

You're still the same shameless coward you've always been."

His lips curled up into a grin. A twisted smile upon a cherubic face.

"My old wounds have completely healed. Nothing stands in my way


He looked down at the man carrying his disciple upon his back. At

Leon Crossheart.

And his cheeks reddened as he declared, in the spirit of a lover placing

a curse upon their beau,

"I want to see it again. Your face as you're dragged down to the very

pits of hell."