
Only I Hold the Divine Tome

In this world, everybody awakens a magic tome at the age of 18. Of those who awaken, some get a better magic ability then others. However the probability of this is less than 5%. Michael, a less than average boy with nothing but his above average smarts, managed to awaken. Not only that, but he awakened a divine tome?

Novel_Fanatic21 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


 Michael is surprised when he sees his status page. He had cultivated for only one day, yet his mana had increased. Michael looks at his status page again, thinking.

[Michael Void]

[Divine grade tome]

[High level talent]

[Mana: 51]

[Affinities: Space, ???]

 "My mana went up by one. It only took the first day of cultivating, which is said to be the hardest day." Michael thinks about why this is the case.

 "The only reason I can think of is that it is the grade of my cultivation spell," Michael mutters to himself while walking home. 

 Just as Michael reaches the village and is about to walk in, he is stopped at the village gates by none other than Grant. Grant is followed by 3 other people.

 "Who do we have here? Let's see... Oh, it's a bastard." Grant starts laughing loudly after saying this, and his goons follow suit and start laughing as well.

 Michael hearing them, decides to do... Absolutely nothing. He decides that they aren't worth the effort, so he ignores them and tries to walk through the gate. 

 "Where do you think you're going, huh?" Grant's goons surround Michael, not letting him get through the gate.

 "What do you want?" Michael is annoyed now. 

 "Nothing much, I just need to put you in your place." Grant grins. He brings out his bronze grade tome while talking.

 "I am tired of you being arrogant. You think you are so much better than me with your higher grade tome. You think that because of your higher grade tome, you can get closer to Alicia!" Grant is really ranting now, spitting as he talks and yelling. 

 Suddenly, however, he calms down and points at Michael.

 "Beat him," Grant commands his goons in a cold tone, as if not interested in Michael anymore.

 Three people slowly start getting closer to Michael, readying their fists.

 Michael had expected this to happen though. He summons his tome and points his hand toward the sky. 

 "If you continue, I will throw a boulder at you." Michael says calmly. 

 Grant and his goons look at each other, then back at Michael. They then burst out laughing. One of the goons even falls on the dirt road that leads outside of the village. 

 "If this is a joke, you suck." As they continue laughing, Grant manages to say.

 After laughing for a bit, the goons regain their senses. They again surround Michael and close in on him.

 "I warned you," Michael says, having given them a chance now.

 "What are you-" Grant starts talking but is interrupted by a huge boulder appearing out of nowhere. 

 This boulder was put in Michael's Storage when he was studying his Space Storage spell. He was trying to see how big of an item he could put in his storage.

 He then kept this boulder in his Storage in case of an emergency. This was smart on Michael's part.

 Grant seeing a giant boulder in the sky falling towards him is scared. So scared in fact, that he can't move.

 'I'mgoingtodieI'mgoingtodieI'mgoingto-' This was all Grant could think.

 Being the son of the village Chief, Grant had always had people do things for him. He had never had to do things himself. This is why he had his goons go to beat Michael up instead of facing Michael man to man. 

 The surroundings are slow as his goons race towards him to push him out of the way of the boulder. However, they are too slow and won't reach him in time.

 Suddenly, Michael runs toward Grant as fast as he could, as if this was part of his plan. This is because it was. 

 Michael only plans to scare Grant off, not become a murderer. 

 Grant sees Michael running towards him suddenly and is scared out of his mind.

 "Help me!" He manages to yell out. 

 Michael, reaching Grant, is annoyed by his girly scream. He shoves Grant to the ground and points his hand up. 

 "Space Storage!" Michael chants loudly. As the boulder touches his hand, it disappears into his Storage. The surroundings are deathly quiet for a moment.

 Michael, after catching his breath from the running, turns around to look at Grant and his goons.

 "If you dare come after me again, I will let the boulder hit you next time." After saying this Michael turns around to leave.

 Grant and his goons are too scared to speak. They sit in silence and watch as Michael walks into the village. After a while, Grant stands up. A vein can be seen bulging from his forehead.

 "Just you wait Michael. I will tell my father about what happened here, and we will see what you can do then." Grant walks into the village, and his goons hurry to follow him. 

 Meanwhile, Michael has just made it back home. After saying hello to his mother, Michael sits down and thinks about what just happened. 

 His spell, Space Storage, might be more dangerous than he thought. One thing he had learned about this spell is that it only takes mana to store items. To take items out of his storage, he doesn't require mana.

 His mother comes up to him, seeing him thinking. 

 "What's going on? Is something wrong?" Grace asks Michael, seeing as he seems to be having a hard time with something.

 "It's nothing much, just my spell. It is more dangerous than I thought it was." Michael tells her about the effects of his spell. 

 "Wow, what a spell! That sounds so useful! I could use a spell like that at work, it would be a lot easier!" Grace says excitedly. 

 "A for your concerns though, I don't see a problem with the spell. There are a lot of dangerous spells out there. It is more about the person who uses the spell." Grace advises Michael. 

 Hearing this, Michael is relieved. He is glad that he has her here for him. Without her, he might have taken a longer time to figure something that simple out.

 "Thank you, Mother." This is all Michael can think to say at the time. 

 After making some small talk, Michael and Grace eat dinner and decide to turn in for the night.

 Elsewhere, Grant has made his way to his father. Walking through the halls of his house, he reaches a door. 

 "Father I have come see you." Grant says as he knocks on the door.

 "Come in." A deep voice comes from in the room. 

 Gulping, Grant opens the door and walks in to the room. Inside he sees a bookshelf on one side of the room. On the other side, different trophies are hanging on the wall. They take up the entire wall.

 In the center of the room there is a desk. It is cluttered with paperwork. Sitting on a beautiful, hand-carved chair, is a man. Saying he is big, would be an understatement. He has long locks of golden hair and gray eyes. He is wearing glasses as he does paperwork.

 "It's good to see you, Father. Have you been well?" Grant asks in a formal tone.

 "Yes, it's good to see you too. I am well. Now, what has brought you here?" The man, known as Crow Styles asks his son, knowing well that his son only comes to him for favors.

 "It's about Michael, from the village." Grant knows that he has to be careful, as his father is not a stupid man. 

 "The orphaned boy, yes. What about him?" Crow asks his son again, growing tired of this conversation already.

 "He awakened as a Gold grade talent, along with Alicia. After the awakening ceremony, I went to Alicia. I tried to court her... But she rejected me. She said she would rather marry Michael than marry me." Grant became more heated as he spoke.

 "I went to confront Michael with three of my... buddies. We tried to talk peacefully with him, but the minute we came up to him he threatened us!" Grant continues ranting, without noticing his father's face getting darker and darker.

 "We tried to peacefully negotiate with him once more but he attacked us. He threw a giant boulder at me! I barely managed to escape." Grant continues to lie with a straight face.

 "That is why, I want you to confront Michael and his family." Grant finally finishes his monologue. He looks at his father and sees his face dark and looking angry.

 Grant is satisfied as he expects his father to solve the issue for him.

 "Is that all?" Crow asks his son, angry. He knows what his son acts like, and also knows that his son could be lying. 

 "Yes, Father!" Grant says happily.

 "You're dismissed," Crow says, pointing towards the door.

 "Yes, Father." Grant leaves in a good mood. 

 As the door shuts behind Grant, Crow sighs. He glances towards the Corner of the room.

 "Find out what actually happened from the gate guards. You have two hours." Crow says.

 "Of course, Master" A voice is heard from the corner of the room for but a moment before it is silent again.

 Crow sighs once again. 

 "I hope he didn't do anything stupid." After adjusting his glasses, he starts doing paperwork again as he talks.

 What is going to happen tomorrow? Is Crow a good or bad character? Most importantly, trouble is still brewing just outside the village. 

Thank you for reading! This is my first time writing, so if you have any suggestions to make the story better, please comment on them!

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