
Only I Don't Level Up

Alternative Tilte: The Neutral One Auxiliary volumes are Heroine's POV and The rest are the MC's Living my life as usual, I didn't even Expected getting summon into another world, what's more I'm a hero, Yeah I'm a hero but my Status is less than an infant and there's something wrong, My level won't go up. [[This story is on hold, currently focusing on another book]]

sm_yesa · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 0.5 The Gathering

Twenty six students including me and Yusuri-kun, just like what Iradia said, we've got summoned into another world, They explained to us what's their situation and they want our help.

Once they finished explaining, Everyone was led to our own individual rooms. Yusuri-kun and I separated when I finally reached my room.

I was dumbstruck by the huge canopy bed Ko found in my room. The room was so luxurious compared to my room before that I couldn't fully relax, but I'd already experienced quite the hectic day, so I was tired. I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Iradia said to protect Yusuri-kun at all cost, but why? Is there something going to happen? I'm still perplexed on this situation, She said she's my creator, does that mean she's a god?...Sigh..She should've explained it better so I could understand..."

I changed into the dress that was prepared for me, while tidying up my uniform clothes in the room that were prepared for me,

A guard called me and guided me into the dining hall.


A flurry of self-introductions followed after we sitted. The king's name was Mauki Sacro, and his wife the queen was called Laria. The blond boy was the prince Liz, and the girl the princess Kira.

Then came introductions for the knight captain, the prime minister, and other important dignitaries. As an aside, the fact that the young princess eyes were glued onto Yamsuki, the Student Council President. The whole time made it clear that his charm worked on the girl of this world as well.

I don't find him attractive compared to Yusuri-kun, I can look at Yusuri-kun all day, But if I looked at him for a long time I'll be bored as hell.

Once the introductions had finished, a huge feast was laid out and us students were able to enjoy the dishes of a parallel world. I looked around to see where Yusuri-kun is, but he's nowhere to be found.

It's been a while since the gathering has started but I still don't see Yusuri-kun, Where is he?

I started eating, though, for the most part, it wasn't very different from western food back on earth. The pink sauce and rainbow-colored drink that they sometimes brought out was especially delicious.

I spent most of the meal looking for Yusuri-kun, I feel uncomfortable eating with them, I just wanted this to finish as soon as possible.

I noticed thst Princess Kira spent most of her time talking with Yamsuki, and all the other students stared on at them worriedly. I secretly hoped that this would be over. Though I don't really expect them to end it very soon.

After we finished our meal, I and the others introduced ourselves to the instructors we would be training with in return for being clothed and fed by the palace. The instructors had been chosen from the ranks of active duty knights and court magicians. The king probably wanted to strengthen the relationship between us students and his kingdom for the inevitable war to come that they told us.

All of the important people, including the king has already left while the captain of the knights was left and stood in front of us.

I wondered if it was really alright to have the knight captain be the one to explain our training, but I supposed that it would be bad for both our image and lives if the kingdom left the party of heroes' training in the hands of some amateur. Is what I thought while staring at the captain who have a bulky body and a sword in his left side.

Captain Katsu himself seemed to be quite happy to see us staring at him, as he laughed heartily and said, "This is a good one, Besides, this gives me a reason to push all the boring paperwork onto my vice-captain!" It seemed the captain was perfectly content with his role, though the poor vice-captain probably was not.

"Alright, you kids all now know how to open your status? We call them status plates. As their name suggests, they take various parameters and quantify them for you. They also make for great identification to your strength. So long as you know how to check these, you'll be able to know what your capable, even if you don't have Identification card, You can just show your status into the guards to let you enter a kingdom. Just say "Status Open shared vision" and it will be seen by the others, but don't jus show it to everyone, it will reveal your Strengths after all, you hear?" The knight captain had a very informal way of speaking.

When someone asked about it, he had simply said, "We'll be comrades fighting together on the battlefield, so no point in being so stiff with each other!" and even urged us to speak casually with all the other knights.

The others found his friendly attitude pleasant, but I do not. Since I'm not fond of such people.

They seems happy, while I am Still trying to see if Yusuri-kun is around..

Captain Katsu continued his explanation of the Status, after that. Apparently each person had their own distinct symbol of mana, and when our hands was place into the crystal ball that check our Identity, the crystal ball will changed its shape to match it. The reason they were able to serve as such reliable identification cards was because their symbol and the color of their owner's mana were always the same. It's as if, it was a debit card that has a distinct codes, or just like the I.D in school, the LRN(Learner's Number) Is also like that.

I opened my Status and see that my symbol is a triangle with a dot on its left and right side and It was located bellow the Attributes.

"I realize you're all impressed, but don't forget to check your stats from time to time, okay?" Captain Katsu smiled wryly as he reminded us students to confirm our stats. His voice brought the other guys all back to their sense and they gave Katsu a brief look before hurriedly checking their stats.

I also did check my Status and see the written text on it

Akari Mitsuha]

Class: Healer

Level: 1

Magic: 150

Attack: 50

Defense: 80

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 50

Luck: 100

MP: 1000

Skills: [Radiating Heal] [Boundary Heal]

[Wall Barrier] [Touch Heal]

[Break Heal] [Lullaby]

[Mind Break Resistance]

[Paralysis Resistance]

[Fire Resistance]

[Poison Resistance]

[ Curse Resistance]

[Mind control Resistance]

[Hypnosis Resistance]

Attributes: [Wind] [water]

°∆° ]

I already saw it before. though, It's really just like what Iradia said, I'm a healer. The skills that pop up before when Iradia did something on my head are also in my skills.

She said that healer is suppose to heal and protect someone, and it's perfect to help Yusuri-kun but what exactly did she mean by that?..

"Everyone got a good look at their stats? Alright, let me explain them from the top. First, we have your level. See it? If that number grows your other stats will also grow. The highest level is 100, and when you've reached that you're at your limits as a human being. In other words, one's current level shows how much of their full potential they've realized. Reaching 100 means unlocking all of your latent potential, and is a cap beyond which you cannot grow. Very few people manage to make it to level 100, though."

Now that if I think about it, This...These things, stats or whatsoever, this resembles a game that I played before, It's also has a max level, I don't know if I'll be happy about it or not, though.

"Your stats will naturally increase as you train, and defeat monsters, Monsters will be one of our enemy, We don't know where they come from but monsters are natural disaster here. We'll be facing them next time when you can finally use your skills.

Also, those with a high MP stat will naturally grow faster than others. No one knows exactly why, but we assume it's because a person's magic power assists in the growth of other stats. Later on you'll all get to choose equipment that corresponds to your individual stats. The items in our treasury will be yours for the taking! You're the heroes who are going to save our kingdom after all!" Judging by Captain Katsu's explanation, defeating a monster would magically increase one's stats, but everyone need to train first before we started battling with monsters.

"Next up, do you all see that little that says Class in it? Put simply, that refers to your natural aptitude. It's directly linked to the skills colt in the bottom, and your Class determines the kind of skills you can learn. Few people possess a Class. Class are split into combat-based and non-combat-based disciplines. Combat class are exceedingly rare. Only one in every thousand, or ten thousand depending on the class, people have a combat-based class. Non-combat class are technically rare too, but... well, one in every hundred people has one. Some of them are even common enough that one in every ten people has one, actually. There's a lot of Demi-humans who have non-combat production related class."

That means I am non combat class, but my class is to heal, does that mean I'll be needed in battlefield too just like the combat class? I still don't understand how and what kinds of things my skills can do, but they said they will train us later so I guess I will know them later..

"Next... well, your stats are simply what they say they are. The average for most stats at level 1 is around 10. But you're all heroes, so you surely have far higher stats than that! Man I'm so jealous of you guys! Oh yes, don't forget to report your stats to me. I'll need to know them to decide how to best train you guys."

The average stats for someone at level 1 were around 10. And each and every one of my stats were above 10.

That means I'm above average, so I'm fine. I wonder if Yusuri-kun is strong...well surely he is, right? I mean, he's much cooler than before. Although he's totally different from before, he's still nice and I feel comfortable around him... Eh!! Why do I always think about him?.. Could it be.. I looked at the ground beneath the table and hid my flushed face.

"Doesn't that mean Yusuri is rock bottom? The old lady said his stats are terrible after all. Hahaha.."

One of the guy sneered and bursting in laughter with his friends.

Huh?..I know that the old lady said something, but I didn't hear it clearly because I was too busy suppressing my emotions, Who wouldn't get nervous when you're too close at someone you love?

"Don't say that!" Shirasawa stopped them form laughing.

They stopped for a bit and then "Huh? Class rep you're still nice as ever. Ah, right. We're not in school anymore, so I guess I'll call you shirasawa now----"

"---But why are you defending a criminal?"

"Oh! So what's your talking about guys?" Captain Katsu curiously asked.

"You see Katsu-san, One of the heroes who got summon with us is a criminal and he assaulted a girl, just being with him is really making me puke."

"Oh? And who might that be?"

"Yusuri, Yusuri Miyuki, the lowest of the lowest!" He freely spoke his thoughts in front of everyone and the other students just sit there as if they doesn't care at all.

Tch.. these people, they're not even trying to do something, they probably doesn't want to get involved.

"Yusuri-kun is not criminal!" Shirasawa glared at him unwavering, but her friends stop her worriedly.

"We all know, right guys? Yusuri assaulted a girl at the station." He look at each sideways as if he wants everyone to agree with him.

The others just look at him and some students nodded.


I got riled up at him and wasn't able to control my emotions.

I stood and slammed the table, and everyone was taken aback on what I did.

"Huh? What are you trying to do!"

He also slammed the table and stood in front of me.

Feeling upset and uncomfortable at the same time, I still managed to confront him "Yusuri-kun didn't do it, He actually saved that girl! Why are you trying to badmouth him and..

"Huh! You're trying to defend your boyfriend now? You're just defending him because you're dating!"


Surprised on what I've heard, I let out unintentionally.

It seems like what Iradia said is true, Yusuri-kun and I are dating, but she said it's fake though.

"Calm down guys"

Yamsuki get in between us and pulled the guy away from me.

" Stop it Taruki! She's a girl, You shoudn't fight with her! It's normal to defend your love ones too, And why are you bringing up his rumors here? That has nothing do with us now!"

The guy that seems to be Taruki,

mind raced furiously as cold sweat poured down his back because Yamsuki just pointed his wrong actions.

"Sorry about that, Akari-san."

Yamsuki apologize in his stead.

" Now that if I counted all of you, You're only twenty five here, where is the other one?"

"Captain Katsu, We checked on Yusuri earlier, but he's already sleeping"

Another guy, raised his hand and loudly said.

Yusuri-kun is sleeping? Is he tired?

"What?...very well, then just tell him what we've discussed here so he would know them. And also, I don't know what happend to you guys, but let's calm down"

"Katsu-san? Shouldn't you punish him? He's slacking off on his first day!"

Why are they trying to this? Did Yusuri-kun do something on them?

"Well.. he's probably tired, let's just let him. We're the one who brings all of you here without your consent, we should at least treat you kindly."

the guy who looks like some thug that has a scar on his face semmed pissed and wasn't able to say any more.

What captain Katsu said is really true, they suddenly bring us here without telling us first, so they should at least treat us with care.

Everyone has finally calmed down and Katsu asked us to show our stats.

Yamsuki was the first to step up and show his stats to Captain Katsu.

"Whoa, you really are a hero. You already have stats in the three digits at level 1! And most people normally only get two or three skills! You're way beyond normal. What a reliable hero!"

"Well, you know how it is... Ahaha..." Yamsuki blushed and scratched his head as Captain Katsu praised him.

As an aside, Captain Katsu said he was level 62. His stats were all within the 300 range, and he was one of the strongest Demi-humans alive. But at just level 1, Yamsuki was already

a third of the way to his strength. If his growth rates were just as high, he'd overtake the captain in no time.

" Skills were basically the innate talents you were born with, so there was no way to increase them without putting some effort. Skills were acquired by spending a lifetime polishing one's talents, something one acquired by surpassing their limits in a certain field. Put simply, it was when someone suddenly discovered the trick to doing something they'd always struggled to before, and rapidly increased their proficiency with it." captain Katsu enthusiastically said.

Everyone followed after Yamsuki and it's finally my turn.

"Woah! A healer! It's a good class and a rare one too, with this we'll be able to fight with ease just having you around hahah.."

He happily said and tap my back.

"With your Skills and Stats, if you train well, develop and mastered your Skills, you can become a Pope."

"A pope?."

Ehh... It looks like I'm fine overall, I can become like the old man before?..No thanks..

Everyone had finished showing their stats and it seems like everyone has also had overpowered abilities, though none quite matched up to Yamsuki's. And it looked like everyone else had a combat-based job without exception.

Captain Katsu was ecstatic after having seen how ridiculous everyone's stats had been. He was probably elated to have so many overpowered allies.

He dismissed us and said that training will start tomorrow.

Everyone hurriedly go back at their individual rooms.

In the meantime, I asked the Chef to give me a portion of food and she gladly give me some.

I prepared the food neatly and

brought some drinks.

I finished preparing it and headed to his room, if I remember correctly, the knights guided him at the very far room.

Yusuri-kun Still hasn't eaten since we came here, If he's already sleeping, he must be tired and hungry.

I wonder if he'll be happy if I bring him some food...