

{Moments Earlier}

[00 Months: 17 Days: 9 Hours]

It's so long, so I had forgotten…

… I had a dream.

In that dream, I saw a world bathed in radiant light. The landscape flourished like nothing I had ever seen before.

The flowers gave off a sweet scent, and the melodies in the air were unbelievably surreal.

... And then, in the blink of an eye, everything went into chaos.

The paradise for all became a hellscape.

The world everyone witnessed, the one they all reveled in, was easily corrupted by the power of darkness and buried under flames.

As I watched all of this happen, I was transported closer to the origin—the source of the conflict.

And there I saw a man—clad in a dark robe, like the night. The robe flowed behind him, tattered, and he had it covering his face, so I couldn't see who he was.

An intense aura was surging from him, but more importantly, he seemed to be on his knees—in despair.

And floating above him were towering monsters he couldn't hope to defeat.