

[00 Months: 02 Days: 04 Hours]

<Dungeon Of Vines>

The Dungeon of Vines sprawled before me, a labyrinth of verdant corridors suffused with an eerie glow.

The air was thick with the scent of foliage and damp earth, and the ground beneath my feet seemed to pulse with life. I was prepared for the unique challenges this place held, especially the plant Demons that dwelled within.

With my trusted companions, the five Energy Rocks floating around me, and Mr. Stone standing by my side, we ventured deeper into the dungeon's depths.

The plant Demons emerged from the shadows, their twisted forms entwined with thorny vines and wickedly sharp foliage.

These creatures possessed an annoying ability to regenerate, reminding me of Root.

Fortunately, they weren't as sturdy as it was.