
Only I Can See The End

Mikey has been having dreams (nightmares) every night, for the past ten years. His dreams tread the realm beyond the ordinary, showing Dungeons, Monsters, magic-like occurrences, and the literal end of the world. But, what happens when the dreamer wakes up, only to find out that the things he has been seeing in these nightmares have started to appear in reality? Now faced with an inevitable fate that draws closer, Mikey must do all he can to ensure the grim future he witnessed doesn’t occur. For the sake of himself, and everyone he grows to care about, he must. “… Win or die trying!” * * * NOTE: While there is a Villain tag, the Novel doesn't start off with the MC being a morally bad person. Please keep that in mind as you read. Also, I'd really appreciate feedback from you readers. I'll take what I can get. Thanks

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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227 Chs

Meet The Lyma Family [Pt 2]

The Lyma family's carriages approached the imposing gates of the city with an air of expectation. 

As they drew nearer, the enormous stone walls loomed over them, their sheer size a testament to the city's grandeur. Towering guards in gleaming armor, adorned with crimson capes and silvered helmets, stood sentinel at the entrance.

That was the first surprise the group met.

… Proper guards?

No, this was simply bravado. It was meant to trick people into thinking grand of a place they wouldn't be allowed entry into.

Sarah Lyma's carriage led the procession, and her aged eyes focused on the guards before her. She gave a subtle nod to the carriage's driver, signaling for him to slow down. 

The guards, having seen the Lyma family banner flapping in the breeze above the carriage, immediately snapped to attention.

"Halt!" one of the guards bellowed, his voice carrying authority. "State your business in the city."