
Only I Can See The End

Mikey has been having dreams (nightmares) every night, for the past ten years. His dreams tread the realm beyond the ordinary, showing Dungeons, Monsters, magic-like occurrences, and the literal end of the world. But, what happens when the dreamer wakes up, only to find out that the things he has been seeing in these nightmares have started to appear in reality? Now faced with an inevitable fate that draws closer, Mikey must do all he can to ensure the grim future he witnessed doesn’t occur. For the sake of himself, and everyone he grows to care about, he must. “… Win or die trying!” * * * NOTE: While there is a Villain tag, the Novel doesn't start off with the MC being a morally bad person. Please keep that in mind as you read. Also, I'd really appreciate feedback from you readers. I'll take what I can get. Thanks

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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227 Chs

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[01 Months: 11 Days: 00 Hours]

I stood at the grand entrance of the Lyma Family estate, flanked by Drius, as the carriages rolled to a stop. 

My heart was calm, but I could feel myself rife with anticipation as the Lyma family members began to disembark.

As they emerged from their carriages, Fiona, Margarette, and their children looked around, taking in the immaculate surroundings. 

Eleanor and William exchanged hushed comments about the estate's appearance, while Margarette and her three children whispered in awe. It was clear that they were impressed, though they tried to hide it.

'It's a good thing I memorized all of their names and features prior to this moment.'

None of them were strangers in my eyes.

Sarah, the family matriarch, was the last to step down from her carriage. With her grey hair and piercing emerald eyes, she radiated an air of authority.