
Only I Am The Death Lord

In a Gangster World, A youth was bullied until he was thinking of suicide, but suddenly he saw a blue panel coming to life. [Ding!] [You have acquired the Ultimate Gangster System!] ----------------- In an Apocalyptic World, a husband who couldn't even afford to give his daughter a toy for her birthday was staring blankly at the door that was barely holding against the zombies on the other side when he noticed a dark screen come to life. [Ding!] [You have acquired the Ultimate Military System!] ------------------------- In a Cultivation World, where Hazac is on the verge of death in a quiet wilderness for allegedly offending some 'young master,' he begs God and Demons for a chance to get retribution! However, someone else heard his prayer![Ding!] [You have acquired the Ultimate Necromany System!] -------------------------- Follow Zachery as he travels around Worlds and Realms, bestowing Systems on individuals who could not even dream of being a protagonist! Not because he was kind, but for the ultimate goal of dominance! Follow as he builds up his own Legion of Death and conquers the whole Omniverse! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Inspired by: Fantasy Simulator, Astral Apostle, Super Necromancer System, etc. So, if you see anything similar to the novel you have read, don't hate my novel, please... The real story starts in Chapter 14, so you can skip it if you want, but it would make the story less interesting. I recommend you push through these 14 chapters for proper context and fun reading.

A_N_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
90 Chs


Breaking up alliances was a bad thing to do, and going to this length was just stabbing himself in the heart. But not if you had Alexander's talent.

If Alexander ruled with all the connections his empire had previously, his army would be stretched thin and die in foreign regions.

When Alexander's father fell into a coma, the alliances began to corrupt as well. Even the Dracon Empire had begun to profit from it. It was just unavoidable.

This was the rule of the jungle. The weak were always bullied by the strong.

It appeared that the lion had shed all of its weaker yet parasitic bugs and was as good as new. The Leon Empire would now have to defend and honor only one alliance in the entire world.

The emperor's first sensation was perplexity. He was willing to make such a sacrifice and inflict such a bloodbath for such a minor result.

The second emotion was bewilderment. Why would he willingly discard his army's strength and render his empire war-torn merely for that outcome?

The emperor's head was a jumbled mess, yet he stuck to his conclusion that Alexander was a cunning mastermind.

But that was all on the emperor if Zachery heard the emperor's thoughts. He would laugh so much that his stomach would hurt. This guy was seriously thinking too much.

Now that Alexander had started this absurd trial, he was certain that Alexander had a plan to slither out of it like a snake.

He couldn't let that happen. If Alexander were to win the trial, Primera's supporters would have no choice but to leave him.

If that were to happen, Alexander's image and fame on the continent of Criteria would skyrocket like a missile launcher. No one would be able to touch Alexander because he would be a hero in every citizen's heart.

Riots and rebellions would occur so regularly that their dominion would be jeopardized if they even touched Alexander. 'Having that much repute among the Criterians was harmful to anyone,' thought the emperor of the Dracon Empire, nodding his head.

But Zachery's next words he heard caused his heart to plummet like the Titanic.

"Emperor Haroclov, I am the rightful Emperor of the great Leon Empire. The words I have spoken are not to be taken lightly, nor are they to be taken back." Zachery scowled inwardly at the alleged Dragon Emperor.

He was aware of the emperor's plans, and he was clearly not going to let him have his way. Because his empire was already broken, he wanted the prestige that came with victory in this conflict.

However, after winning the battle, the empire was really in dire need to be analyzed and resurrected. He had no choice except to win this war, and he couldn't let anyone else have their way.

He responded in the same way to both the Princess of the North and the Prince of the South, to be clear about his standpoint. He went near his wife, or rather, his fiance.

He noticed her moving here and there, her uneasiness visible on her face.  Zachery, for a moment, thought that she was worried about him. But then he shook his head and offed the lion spirit, allowing Alexander to take over his body while he sat within his "mind palace."

He remembered the worry in her eyes, as well as the pure love she had for Alexander, which made his heart throb with pain. He was taken aback by himself; he had no idea he was so empty of love, and his heart was longing for someone like Helena.

He simply stroked his heart and gazed out into the pristine white realm, telling himself that the proper folks would come lined up for him. After all, he was the main character right now, right?

Alexander sighed in relief. When he was signing the contract with Zachery. He'd merely wanted to save his men, as well as his mother and fiancee. He hadn't considered what would happen if Zachery and his fiance got together.

If Zachery ever were to lay his eyes on his fiance... a shudder ran down his spine as he saw Zachery getting closer to his fiance.

Nessa was one of many gorgeous girls Zachery had seen, but it didn't diminish her beauty. Her aura screamed that she was a prestigious woman.

Her concern for her husband's safety also demonstrated to Zachery that she was a devoted woman, which was rare in Zachery's opinion.

Nessa had stunning red hair that hung down to her hips. Her garment was black with beautiful white engravings that ran all over it and gripped her waist, emphasizing her shape.

But when he observed Zachery allowing him to govern his body, he even offered Alexander the required privacy. His impression of Zachery shot through the ceiling.

"Are you sure you really want to do this, Alex?" Nessa's ruby eyes were wide with concern as she looked at Alexander. There was no mention of anyone walking out of the trial. It ensured that the participant would die regardless of what trick they had up their sleeves.

"You could just delegate this to my father, you know." Her heart was overwhelmed with terrible shame when she mentioned her father. What was she doing when he was in serious danger? She had been watching him and was now concerned about his safety? "Believe me, I'll make sure my father doesn't do anything to you or take advantage of you!"

She wrinkled up her face and hung her head low once more. She was unworthy of his faith. 'I show up at the end when he has virtually ended the battle and now I'm saying like this... tch,"

As he gazed at his fiance, Alexander grinned. Even though he was a little backward in terms of martial arts. He was certain he could read his fiance like the back of his hand!

He made sure his palm was blood-free before touching Nessa's flawless white skin. He raised her head and examined her twisted pupils.

"I'll be back," Alexander said with a toothy grin, gazing into her gorgeous ruby eyes. "I'll need some help removing this armor," As her ears got scarlet as he whispered into them.

He laughed as he looked at his easily made-fun-of fiancee, then stepped away from him and stared at the Primerian army's general.

At the same moment, he contacted Zachery and saluted him for honoring his needs and desires despite the fact that he was practically a slave.
