
The Art of War and Peace

There was no ship, no pod, nothing. It was just a little girl, curled up in a little ball. She was as white as a sheet of paper. She looked like she was around 12 years old, but the aura that came off of her was immense. She looked like an innocent little girl, but she was far beyond what the others thought she was. Akira slid down, and picked her up. He ran to the camp's clinic, and I followed behind. "She fell from the heavens. She wasn't in any ship or anything, Just her." He set her down on a medical bed, and she was brought in to the infirmary. We waited outside for the any updates on the fallen child. "Where do you think she came from?" I asked Akira. "I don't, probably from space or something." He said with a slight chuckle. "Hey! She might even be the missing link everyone has been fussing about!" He laughed as he tapped my shoulder. "This is serious, Akira." I shook his hand off my shoulder. "We don't know who this girl is, nor where she came from. We don't even know if it's a she." He rolled his eyes, seeing how I wasn't convinced. "What if she is, Kibo? You and I both know someone will come and find her eventually." I sighed, and I gave in to Akira's words. "And when they do, we need to be ready to give her back." I chuckled as I replied to the wise words given to the Leader of the Hokori Clan. "There's the Kibo I know!" He pat my back and we laughed the situation off. "You know me too well, Akira." I looked at him with a smirk, knowing him, he'd probably reply with something smug. "You have the highest sense of morality out of all of us, Kibo. Even for me." That, was very off character for Akira. He'd usually just hit me in the shoulder, or something. "And when the time comes, you'll be leading all of us to our Victory. And I can't wait for that to happen." As we were having a conversation, Zando walked out of the clinic, and approached us. "What's the news, Zando?" Akira asked. "Well, she's a female for sure, not some shape shifter from anywhere." Akira let out a loud 'HAH!' and smacked my arm. "And what's the bad news?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"She's human, but not completely."

Zando walked us in to the infirmary, and showed us the anatomy photos that was taken from her earlier. "Her heart pumps out raw atoms in to her system. Her blood isn't like ours. To her, it's just a liquid." Zando explained as he showed us a sample of her 'blood.' "Anything that comes in to contact with her blood," he stuck a steel rod on to a small amount of her blood. As he did, it evaporated in to thin air. "It disintegrates?" I asked with a look of concern. "No." Zando flashed a video of what goes on. "Her blood re arranges the atoms of said object, and turns it in to energy to be distributed in to the universe." "How is that not burning her flesh?" Akira asked Zando. I was a s curious as a dog, I wanted answers. "Her flesh is a hybrid of our flesh, and something not of this world." Zando explained further. "Blood magic." I told them. Blood magic uses the power of any type of blood, and of course, some black magic. I consider people who use this type of magic one of the most powerful people in the world. "But no one in the entire world has used blood magic in Centuries!" Akira exclaimed to both of us.

"She doesn't age like we do, Akira." Zando explained as Akira froze, dead in his tracks.

"Due to her anatomy, she is able to maintain the same appearance for years to come. A year to us, is like a second milisecond to her. Hell maybe even longer." Zando explained. "We're not sure where she came from, or what she's capable of. For now, she stays her. Try and get her to adjust her to our environment." Zando told both of us. As much as I wanted to stay with the little one, I had my priorities. I had enough on my plate. "I'll stick around and take care of the girl." Akira volunteered to be the girl's guardian. I was honestly caught off guard. Akira would usually push me to do things like this. But this, this is a whole different person. It was extremely suspicious. "How much could this little girl be hard to take care of, right?" almost every nurse and doctor sighed, and went about their business. I let him be, waved goodbye, and exited the clinic. The breeze was warm, everyone headed back to their cabins, except for this one girl who was crouched down in the center of the hole. She picked something up from the crash site, I couldn't make it out, but it seemed like a big deal. "Got something interesting, Soldier?" I asked her a loud, which caught her off guard. She jumped, and faced me. She looked like she was ready to hit the Hay when all of this went down. She had a white tank top on, shorts, and a ponytail. It was Konny. I've known her for 2 years now, and I've never seen her wear these types of clothes. I'm much used to her in her 'Uniform." "Koneko!-" I slid down the whole to meet her. "What are you doing? You shouldn't be tampering with stuff that could possibly part of a much larger investigation." I explained to her. But she just nodded, and kept the thing she accuired. "Technically speaking, if you want to have better gear, you'll NEED me to tamper with this type of stuff more often." She told me as she started to walk up out of the whole. I followed behind her. She chuckled and helped me out. "Getting Rusty now, are we 'Captain.?'" she jokes around. She knows me like a cat knows water. "Hey, I've had a rough day, Give me break." I dusted my self off and proceeded to walk with her back to her cabin, it wasn't that far from the crash site. Before we departed from each other, I had to ask her one thing. "Where exactly have you been getting the materials to make my stuff with?" Konny let out a giggle, and pulled me by the collar of my shirt. "Hey hey! Watch the shirt!" I said nervous, along with a chuckle. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Toishi." She smiled at me, and let go of my shirt. "Goodnight!" she waved, and entered her cabin quarters. I rubbed my collar for a second. "I like her scent." I chuckled, and walked back to my quarters as well. "You like her don't you?" a voice caught me off guard, and I jumped. "Jesus, Han. Don't do that do me like that." I obliged. Han stepped out of the shadows, and in to the moonlight. "No disrespect intended, sir. You two just seem very close." he explained how long he's been observing us for some while now. At one point, he actually thought me and Konny were together. "Nonsense, Han. My duties to serve and protect is in place. I can think about dating after this war is over." I had my mind set on what I needed to do. Nothing could possibly distract me on what must be done. "Let's get some rest, soldier. Get in the cabin, we got a long day ahead of us." I told Han to get ready for bed. As soon as Dawn breaks, it's another day of training.

The next day, we worked on hand to hand combat. I swept Kang's weak leg, and thrusted his body to the ground. "Come in, Kang. I thought you guys better than that." I stood, and helped him up back to his feet as he dusted himself off. "Sorry, Capt. It's been a long week for all of us." He explained to us how he hasn't been sleeping easy lately. I told him to not push himself too far if he can't get the sleep he needs. "Why do we need hand to hand combat, Sir?" Hanzo asked me, curious little fella. "Aren't we on our best with weapons on us?" He chuckled and threw Kang a bottle of water to refresh. "I'm trying to train all of you to not always depend on your weapons." I explained, as I ripped off the sleeves of my shirt. "I'll make you a deal. If you can land one solid punch on me without me blocking nor dodging it, I'll let all of you use your weapons in the next sparing session tomorrow." I chuckled, but Hanzo accepted. "Deal!" He stood up, and he took his fighting stance, and I took mine. "Ready to loose, Captain?" he was confident. I could feel his adrenaline spike. "Go." Hanzo dashed towards me, and swung a huge right hook. I blocked it with my left forearm. "Sloppy, you focus on power." He started throwing punches at random parts of my body. I blocked all of them with a cross arm block. "Now you're just shooting in random directions. Aim damn it!" I taunted him more. He was starting to get mad, and pulled back his fist. He intended to punch me as hard as he could. I ducked under the punch, swung under his shoulder, and hit his nose with an open palm. He was stunned momentarily, but he regained focus. "You have a lot to learn, man." He char at me with an attempted kick. I caught his boot mid air, and returned with a kick of my own. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. He grunted, and stood back up, dizzy. I helped him up, and we laughed at the situation. "You still got it, Captain." He chuckled, as I sat him down on the bench. I sat down in front of my team, and we had a little chat. "How's your mother doing, Kang? Her bakery still up?" I asked as I took a bottle of water, and popped it open. "She's still alive and breathing, sir." He chuckled at the thought. "Hey, no need to be formal, man. When we're in training, call me Kibo." I drank from my water, it was a really hot day. "How about you, Hanzo? How's the shop been without you?" "Martin is handling the arms shop better than I thought actually." He laughed, remembering a more peaceful time. Before... all of this. "What about you, Sir?" Han asked me to break the tension. "My family is doing just fine, Man. Took a quick visit the other day. Might go back some other time." we all smiled, and clanked our bottles together. "To brotherhood!" we yelled and drank from our bottles. I looked to my right, and saw Akira with the little girl from last night. Akira seemed to be teaching her the way around earth.

"I gotta go check on those two really quick. Han, make sure these two don't do anything stupid while I'm over there." I asked a favor from Han, and proceeded to walk to Akira.

As I walked towards the bench both of them were sitting on, I could hear whispers all over camp. Talking about how Akira has been too soft on this girl, and how she doesn't belong in camp. When I got to them, Akira was trying to communicate with her. It looked like they were. Akira would reply without the little girl saying anything. "You two seem to be getting along just fine." I exclaimed as I sat down beside Akira and the unexpected visitor we had. "Ah! Just the man I wanted to see!" he seemed to be back to his regular self. "This is Neon, Kibo." He introduced me to the girl. She smiled, and waved at me as her body started to show a hint of a light green accent to her. "How does she-" "The colors actually reflect on her mood. Light green means she's happy." Akira explained how she communicates with others, and how she displayed her feelings. "You got all that from one night?" I chuckled and smiled at the thought. He seemed like he knew what he was doing. "She also like Chocolate." He tossed a piece of chocolate in to the air, and she caught it like a dog. She ate the bar like a normal little girl after. "Dude, you can't just treat her like a dog. Nor a pet as of this matter." I told him. "Relax, Kibo. She likes to play around like that. Isn't that right, Neon?" He pet her head, and revealed the crimson tail she had. She turned light green again, but her tail stayed the same. "She has a tail." I looked at the tail, fascinated at how it swayed gently. "How do you two Communicate? If she's mute, how do you understand her?" I asked Akira, seeing how he's been replying to what she's been saying. "She's a telepath." He explained. "She only talks to me, seeing how I reminded her of her past ' Owner '." Owner? What was that supposed to mean. "AKIRA!" a loud voice yelled out to Akira. Jake approached Akira with a look that could kill. We both stood in front of Jake and Neon, we both knew what he wanted. "That child can not be trusted! We don't even know if it IS a child!" I got up in his face, and pushed him back to try and get him to back off. "She's as human as we all are, Jake. Stand down, and go about your business." Akira commanded Jake as Neon held on to his arm. "You've seen how she changes color! You can see her tail! How are you sure she won't turn in to a giant ape and destroy us all with her Lazer breath?!" He yelled out loud. A crowd started to circle around us, and Neon was getting more and more uncomfortable. Jake continued to insult both of them. "I know why you don't have the guts to do what's needed, it's because you feel guilty that you weren't there to protect your daughter!" I heard a quick SWOOSH in the air, and a thud. Jake was laid flat on the ground, with a bloody nose. Akira grabbed Jake by his tags and slapped him twice across the face. "Mention my daughter again, neither heaven nor hell can fix what I do to you." He shoved Jake to the ground, and tended to Neon. Other troops helped Jake up to try and help him recover. "You're a soldier, Jake. Act like it." I glared at the man who calls himself a soldier, and walked away. As all of this was going down, the Camp alarms went off.

"Code Green! I Repeat, Code green!" Lt. Hasashi yelled through the speakers of the base.

We all ran to the entrance of the camp, my team was right behind me. "What's code Green, Sir?" Han caught up to me in a Sprint. We stopped in front of the gates to the base, and found a sea of modified, super soldiers. Each one was as big as a Boulder. "Code green is a threat that could destroy the entire country." We stood there, in shock of what was before us. At the center of all of it, was Yoru. His hair was slit back, with an undercut. "Han, you and the others stay here and hold off the front of the camp." I dawned my gloves, and scraped my boots on to the soil of the ground. "Sir, that's too many! We can't let you do that alone!" Hanzo exclaimed as everyone dawned their weapons. "He won't be." From the sea of soldiers emerged Akira, his blade on his shoulder, and the confidence of a lion. With a tap of his shoulder, armor wrapped around him like magic. "How did you-" I was cut off by his superiority. "Han, Kang, Hanzo. Three of you, along with my Clan, are the first line of defense between us, and these unholy creatures." He rested his sword on the ground, and gripped it tight with both hands. "Lt. Hasashi and Co. Nemu have air support on all of you. So if any of them get past us," I butted in as I took my stance "At least we went down fighting." Akira and I looked, and nodded at each other, signaling that what we're about to do, may end all our lives. And with that, we were ready. "RAAAAAAAAAGH!" Akira yelled out a loud battle cry and we both Ran as fast as we could to the army of abominations. With the raise of his finger, Yoru commanded the Creatures he called 'Super Soldiers' to intercept us. I leaped in the air, and started to kick as much of them as I could. Akira swung his mighty sword around, slicing these creatures in two. The more we fought, the stronger we got. The harder they hit, the more our adrenaline started to pump. "You cannot defeat all of my creations on your own, fools!" Yoru yelled, as the Super Soldiers started to attack more, and more. I started to punch and kick with majority of my strength, and Akira was hacking and slashing at the sea of red. From the distance rose a Silver light from the camp. It Hovered over to us, and granted us a boost in speed, strength, and durability. I looked up to see Neon glowing a bright Blue color. Akira was stunned at what she was capable of. With a smile on his face, we bursted all of the power she gave us to defeat the sea of monsters. "Akira!" I yelled out to him. He turned to me, and yelled back. "Plant your feet!" I yelled as I jumped in the air so high, I could see the entire city. Akira dug his sword deep in to the earth, as I plunged down from the skies. "SHOOTING STAR IMPACT!" I yelled out as I slammed my fist in to the ground creating a very strong shockwave, causing the abominations to fly all across the area. Han and the others took care of the ones that flew towards the camp, and Akira started to clean up the rest. With an unsatisfied face, Yoru opened a portal behind him. "FALL BACK FOR NOW! REGROUP!" He yelled out to the crowd. The things started to run through the portal like ants drawn to their food. I stoop up and looked at Yoru, as he glared back at me. "Soon , Toishi. Soon." He said as he backed up in to the portal, as it closed. Neon floated down from her position, and landed in between us. Exhausted, we fell on to the ground, and laughed. "Who knew she could do that, am I right?" Akira joked, and sat up from his place. "Looks like we've got a mage. She's gonna make a good support." I replied as I looked up to the skies. There I saw Taki, Floating above all the calamity, with a serious look on his face. I woke up in my cabin, with my team by my side. "Hey guys," I sat down on the side of my bed, confused on how I got there. "What happened to Akira and Neon? Are they okay?" I asked all of them. "They're fine, Sir. Akira is being tended to by Zando in the clinic. Neon is right there beside him." Han explained that Akira took most of the hits. Turns out those "Super Soldiers" were an experiment by the Americans to try and create the perfect soldier. It all went went until Yoru invaded the entire American Army with nothing but his wits. "That's blood magic." I explained to my team. "He probably used it to intensify the effect of that super soldier stuff they've been giving to those soldiers. Those poor souls." "So they're a Hybrid of Captain America, and The incredible Hulk in one? Well that's great." Hanzo grunted as he sat down on his beside, contemplating and processing on what just happened. "The world is Evolving faster than we thought, sir." Kang said with a nervous expression on his face. "Don't you think this war, is just a set up for something much bigger coming our way?" I looked at Kang as he said those words. I took a sigh of relief and and approached him. "If it is, I promise you, we'll be ready for it." I rested my hand on his shoulder, assuring him that everything is going to be just fine. As I'm talking to my team, I was summoned by the Superiors once again. This time with Akira by my side. At the Center, we talked about what went down and how risky it was taking on an army by ourselves and have the troops guard the front of the house. "If we lost both of you, we'd have lost two of our greatest leaders!" Lt. Hasashi Yelled out in anger, as Co. Nemu calmed him down. "That's enough for today, Hasashi." She stood up straight and put her hands behind her back in a formal posture. "Since you and your team's have proven to be a force to be dealing with, we've decided that both of you... 'Graduated'." She told both of us. Graduate? that could only mean one thing. "Colonel, You don't mean what I think you're trying to say, are you?" I asked her to make sure.

"Congratulations, Captain Toishi and Captain Hokori. Welcome to the Superiors."