
I think I'm in love

This one day I'm at high school now OK then I see this new girl that came to my class and I'm like wow this girl is amazing and I really want her to sit next to me and guess what....

She sat next to me so we are u talking asking how are u 🙂 and she said happy to be here and she asked me do u want to be friends or something then I'm like sure and now I think it's been now 3 years since we are best friends but this one day she came to me like at my House and I'm like how do u know where I live so I said hey whats up how u doing and she starlight up just said do u love me

I was so shocked to see that words come out of her mouth and I said straight away yes and and my brain is telling me dude no don't say Yes so fast take it easy chill say sure or something

Now I let her in my house and we start talking about stuff 😏

U guys know what ha

So anyway we start talking and she takes me by my hand and we start making out and I'm like wait nooooooo what if she have a boyfriend or something so I just go with the flow and sometime later it is like midnight and she needs to sleep over and I said sure u can bunk with me and we are cuddling and hugging and u guys don't need to know what happend next ha

So now I think we are older now like I was 20 and she was 20 so I found out that she does not have a bf and my heart was like THANK GOD THANK YOU and a few years has past agian now I really want to marry her so I go but a 💍 ring and call her over to ask her will u marry me so she comes and I ask her will u marry me and she was shoked to see that asked her that and she said yes and she was crying because she was sk happy to see that and now it been now 19 months that we are married. (but in chapter two u see what really happens)