
angry bird calm down

"let's go he said"

he didn't give me a chance to ask him any questions before he grabbed my hand and pulled me out

"hey.....hey...hey, let go of my hand" I screamed.

"come on, keep quiet its not like am kidnapping u or something" he said with a smirk on his face

"he be like say chewing gum dey inside ur brain, ure hurting me idiot" I said

"oh... I'm so sorry baby" he said with an apologetic look on his face then he released my hand.

we both got inside the car and he started the engine then started driving

"where the fuck are we going to" I asked slightly irritated.

"angry bird calm down" he said giving me that smile I love so much.

"calm down u say" I asked trying my best not to say anything stupid.

"ull find out very soon" he said calmly


it was a short ride, david parked the car infront of a bar "christo bar" i whispered

"yes, christo bar.... now lets go inside" he said .

"what are we doing here" I asked him. David stared at me for a while then he said "to meet someone". "huh" I said scratching my head. who are we here to meet I asked myself. David took my hand and we both went inside the bar


"come on rose...where are u, I need u now" Bella said holding her phone close to her chest pacing around the room.

"the number ure trying to call, is currently switched off please try again later thank u"....." huhhh....rose i hate u so much how can u be so stupid" Bella said angrily.


#at christo bar#

"wow...I'm having the best day of my life" rose said while taking another bottle of beer.

"hey rose that's enough...ure drunk already don't take more" david said trying to take the bottle away from her

"give it back to me" she screamed

"no let's go home" david said with a harsh tone


"hey come on why are u crying?"david asked worriedly

"u....u.....don't...don't.....like me" she replied

"I'm so sorry rose...it won't happen again" he said apologetically. and then he carried her in his arms and left the bar, promising himself to never step foot at christo bar again