
Only demon under the heaven

Heaven has cursed me, family has abandoned me, lover has betrayed me, and people hate me. I've had enough of them. If they treat me like a piece of shit, then I will become their worst nightmare. I will kill to become strong, erasing love from my life. I will become a destroyer of kingdoms, and people will fear me. I will be known as the 'Sole Demon beneath the Heavens'."

Sleepingvillain · Fantasy
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Chapter : Rising Shadow: Liang Du's Journey Through Horror and Strength

Liang Du's resolve was unyielding as he embarked on the perilous journey to traverse the foreboding expanse of the 'Kaal Forest' and venture into the mysterious realm known as the 'Beast Land'. An anomaly among humans, his black skin and the ominous aura that enveloped him marked him as different, rendering him an outcast within human kingdoms. In the face of this isolation, the only conceivable path lay in leaving human lands behind.

Whispers of the Beast Land held tales of humans reduced to mere sustenance, prey for the transformed beasts that reigned supreme. Yet, Liang Du did not cower in the face of these stories. Rather, he embraced the challenge, recognizing that his insatiable need for strength could only be sated by consuming the very creatures that roamed the Beast Land. His transformation had revealed the unique potency of consuming the meat of different spirit beasts—a process that propelled his ascent to power.

Once, Liang Du had been an unremarkable cultivator, hovering at the 3rd level of Qi Condensation, ignorant of the art of body strengthening. Yet, after devouring an assortment of meats for over two years, his physical prowess underwent an extraordinary breakthrough, elevating him to the echelons of the Flesh Training level.

Guided by the enigmatic power of his black gas, Liang Du emerged as an indomitable force against Core Formation cultivators. However, the specter of vulnerability persisted, as Nascent Soul cultivators retained the means to suppress his formidable bloodline.

Within the dominion of the kingdom, three Nascent Soul cultivators held sway, with only one situated in the palace while the remaining two fortified the kingdom's borders. As Liang Du contemplated his path, he recognized that his journey northward would necessitate traversing the kingdom.

In the midst of a rare respite, Liang Du was oblivious to the impending danger. A pack of five wolves, guided by their acute senses, homed in on his presence within the cave. Simultaneously, Xioju, attuned to the environment, detected the wolves' approach and ventured forth to confront the encroaching threat.

As the wolves pounced with a primal ferocity, Liang Du's instincts sharpened into a deadly edge. Fangs and claws clashed in a whirlwind of violence. Amidst the chaos, one wolf's maw was torn asunder by Liang Du's vice-like grip, silencing its snarls. Yet, another wolf's teeth sank into his leg, eliciting a fierce retaliation that hurled the assailant away.

Without pause, Liang Du launched his counteroffensive against the remaining three predators, each poised to tear him apart. He struck with brutal precision, driving his leg into the abdomen of one wolf, extinguishing its life in a gory climax. The battleground became a canvas painted with the horror of the struggle, as blood mingled with earth and the scent of violence hung heavily in the air.

Though triumph prevailed, Liang Du's body bore the scars of battle. Bleeding profusely from his leg and shoulder, he had little respite to savor his victory. Suppressing exhaustion, he surveilled the remaining wolves, weaving their movements into his tactics. This mimicry came at a price, as each bruise and laceration etched onto his flesh reflected the dance of death that he had orchestrated.

As the battle intensified, an ominous transformation emerged. Liang Du's vision blurred, his body enveloped by an all-consuming black gas. It coalesced into a chilling blade, swiftly cleaving through the final two wolves with merciless efficiency. The conflict ceased, but Liang Du's body bore the marks of his ordeal.

Returning to consciousness, Liang Du's eyes fluttered open in the glow of dawn. Aching and battered, he emerged from the cave, gathering the lifeless forms of the wolves he had felled. The glint in his eyes betrayed his resolute determination as he dragged the carcasses into the cave, fully aware of the potential they held.

Liang Du's pursuit of strength overshadowed his pain. He consumed the raw flesh of the fallen wolves, his body absorbing it voraciously. The meat vanished into his being, fueling his power with every morsel. With each bite, his strength surged, muscles bulging, and power surging to the midpoint of the Flesh Training stage.

The transformation was palpable. Liang Du felt his essence shift, his aura pulsating with raw energy that exuded dominance. As he emerged from the crucible of battle, his steps were surer, his gaze unyielding.

This was the price he paid for strength—an ordeal of horror, suffering, and violence. Yet with every stride, Liang Du embraced the transformation, driven by an insatiable hunger for power that would pave the way to his destiny.