
Day One

Hello there again, I was wondering when I would get to talk to you again. So much has happened. Oh, right the last time you saw me was when I was five. Well, I´m fifteen now so there is gonna be a to talk about. Well for starters I got a game, I don´t really play a lot of it. It´s not that I´m busy or have other things to do in fact I have nothing to do or am I busy. I don´t have friends either, all I do is stay home, eat food, watch anime, and sleep. Some of you could say that it sounds fun but It´s quite boring. But for me, it doesn´t free like much, I mean I´m glad that I have no friends because that means that I can do my work more and I can do the things I like to do and improve upon them. Well, I guess that it´s for today I don´t have a lot to do so I might write more. Well, then I guess this is goodbye for now. I will keep in touch, my sure you do too! Bye now!