

This story is about a sidekick like mc who doesn't want to protect but just get rich.in every story mc is like "I will die but i will protect you" but Mitsuya is not that kind of man. My discord- https://discord.gg/E9HCZSha If you have any suggestions pls join the discord.

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Chapter 3 - The realization

After a long journey, Amber and Mitsuya arrived at the village was very beautiful and the villagers were nice. They explored the village for some time and made their way to the Adventure guild.

Although Mitsuya didn't want to battle for some high-level quests village was offering lots of money. So Mitsuya decided to take A rank mission. Guild's receptionist didn't allow it and said

"sir you are still an F-rank adventurer you can't accept A-rank quests."

Mitsuya said "Don't worry about me. I won't have any problem dealing with this monster."The receptionist named Maria had already fallen for his looks. So she didn't quarrel with him and let him take the quest.

The quest was to kill a herd of giant zombies. it was roughly 100 of them. Mitsuya thought to himself "It can't be an A-rank quest. Giant zombies are level D monsters. and to kill 100 of them it would need at least SS rank adventurer."

To clear his doubts he visited the guild master named Orobas.

He was a typical old guild master. He asked him "Why is this mission A-rank it has to be at least SS rank mission."Orobas said

"You have just become an adventurer you can't take this quest."

Mitsuya says "Don't change the subject tell me the reason."

Orobas didn't have any reasons to give so he says "Young man

we are a developed village. We have clean roads, Safe houses but we spend our all money on this. It is indeed an SS rank quest. but if we give this quest to an SS rank adventurer he would charge us 10 times more than this. So we had to put it in A rank quest."

Mitsuya says "I will take the quest. I am a greedy man. I just want to earn money and I can do anything for it. You don't have to worry. We will head off now."Before Orobas can say anything Mitsuya had already left.

Meanwhile,e,, when Amber and Mitsuya were exploring the village a rich man came to Mitsuya and said "Where did you find this pretty woman? I like to buy her for some time."Amber was angry but when she saw Mitsuya's hand move she thought Mitsuya was going to beat the man. So Amber didn't worry. But what happened was Mitsuya's hand moved and he says to the rich man "Give me the money first and take this stupid goddess."Amber has just received serious Emotional Damage. Before Amber could have said anything the man pays 5000 currency and took Amber with him.

When Mitsuya take this quest he knew that he needed Amber.

So with 3000 currency mitsuya bought the 'Find the Useless Goddess' skill because the location skill was for 50,000 currency.

He spotted the rich man's house. As the rich man was going to remove Amber's clothes Suddenly Mitsuya jumps into his house from the window.

Flowers blossomed in Amber's mind. She was very happy.

She thought that "Mitsuya has realized his mistake and has come to take me back."Mitsuya says let's go stupid goddess and surprisingly Amber didn't get angry but instead said "Yes".

Mitsuya picked up Amber and jumped out of the window.

Amber saw that seen very romantic. She said, "Why did you come to save me."She was expecting an answer like I realized I was wrong.

But instead, Mitsuya said "I have taken an A-rank quest. you have to fight for me."After Mitsuya spoke this Amber's all dreams shattered

She now knows that he only saves her from fighting. But now she was getting used to it .surprisingly she asked "How much are they paying? "Mitsuya said "15,000 currency," Amber asked what is the quest. Mitsuya said, "A herd of giant zombies is approaching the city we have to defeat them. There are at least 100 of them".Amber gets shocked and says to herself that "This much difficult quest is for A rank only. And the pay is 15,000.I thought Mitsuya was intelligent so why is he accepting this quest."

After some time Amber realizes that Mitsuya can even destroy the village for 1,000 currency. Mitsuya was still carrying Amber and was running to the location finally they see the giant zombies around a campfire. Mitsuya says "It's time for the big show".