
The Chief

As he ascended the stairs, he found himself undersized compared to the structure of the temple; doors towered like arches and normal furniture stood head-and-shoulders above him.

It was a frightening discovery, as it spoke of the size of whoever occupied the abode; everything felt as if it was built around giants, too large even for the Outriders he'd seen previously.

As he was walking down the corridor of the nature-built temple, a low grumble echoed through the halls.

"--" He stayed silent.

It didn't sound immediately close, but it was on the same floor. Whatever it was, the groan alone made the floor subtly vibrate beneath his feet.

Sounds like a big one…is it the "chief"? He thought.

Venturing further, he kept his staff in front of him while the azure and emerald sphere hovered above his shoulders, watching his blind spots for him.