
Nostalgic Stranger

A fog made the boundaries of this enigmatic domain unknown, surrounding the shallow sea as he walked in awe and caution. Occupying the mystical lair were more statues that were deprived of faces, some missing limbs and some propped up by nothing but the air itself.

It seemed disconnected from the area he had come from; remote from the darkness, unfitting of something that existed underground, yet eerie all the same–perhaps more so.

'What is this place…?' He questioned.

Nothing about it made sense; there was a part of it that felt hauntingly beautiful, though he couldn't help but feel that he had entered something he shouldn't have. The chills that crept along his skin, the rise of goosebumps on his body, and the tingling up his spine allowed no doubt in his mind: this was a place connected to Primordials, in some way or another.