
Embodiment of Death

Even though he was encased in the vastly powerful fifth stage of his system, what he sensed from the aura that was no longer suppressed by the trenchcoat-wearing man made goosebumps form along his body.

A bountiful emptiness, yet filled with a darkness that went past the absence of light or sight; it was the complete deprivation of life. That ageless depth of nothingness bore itself through a darkness interlaced with forgotten souls, surrounding Cassian with something that transcended bloodlust.

It made him pause, instinctively going on the defense as he jumped back a fair distance from Cassian.

"You feel it, don't you?" Cassian asked, "This is 'Death'."

Around the very ground that the lightly-bearded man's boots stepped on, the whispers of lifeless air crawled over the frost, decaying even the pale white and siphoning the last bits of life from the soil beneath as it cracked and peeled.