
Chapter 162

The voice of the Elf Queen was like thunder nine miles away, containing a look of disappointment that was indisputable to Sosiah.

Face the rebuke of the Elf Queen.

Elf Princess Sosia not only did not bow her head in the slightest, but actually raised her head, looked at the Elf Queen, and said:

"Yes, I am the crown prince of the Elven clan, but I have never felt how noble it is to be an elven royal bloodline."

"I was infiltrated by the dark forces that infiltrated me, forcibly abducted, and even fell into a coma for a while."

"If it weren't for Brother Chen's chance bump into me and came to my rescue, I'm afraid I don't know what a miserable situation I would have fallen into."

"He redeemed me, and I fell deeply in love with him."

"As long as I can be by his side, I am willing to give up everything I have, including the crown prince."

The elven princess Sosia neither angered nor flinched, but expressed her attitude in a more firm and powerful way.

She has also already had a showdown with the Elf Queen, and she can give up everything for Su Chen.

The Elf Queen's eyes sank slightly, and she no longer continued to pay attention to Sosiah, but turned her gaze to Su Chen.

Since her daughter Sosia is so stubborn, she can only start from Su Chen.

I saw the elf queen Zhu's lips lightly opened, her gaze swept over Su Chen, and she said in a loud voice:

"Sosia is so obsessed, it does not mean that I will promise her to be with you."

"Even as a mother, I am willing to fulfill my daughter's happiness."

"But as the queen of the elven race, I must put the honor and dignity of the entire elven race above my personal feelings."

"Do you understand?"

The Elf Queen pinned her hopes on Su Chen, and this was also a pressure.

"I can understand your decision as the Elf Queen to weigh the pros and cons."

"But that doesn't mean I'll accept it."

"Sosia came towards me so sincerely, and I naturally won't let her down!"

"As long as she is willing to stay by my side, I naturally have no reason to push her away."

"Moreover, you persuaded Sosia to give up on the grounds that she had elven royal blood, which is clearly contempt for me."

"I don't feel at all that the level of dignity of the bloodline flowing in my body is lower than your so-called elven royal bloodline."

Su Chen's attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, and he said indifferently.

The reason why he dared to say this was because he had strong self-confidence.

Before, he drank not an ordinary bloodline potion, but a Supreme Elf God bloodline potion!

Therefore, what flowed on Su Chen's body was not an ordinary elf bloodline at all, but a supreme supreme elf bloodline!

In front of the Supreme Elf God, let alone ordinary elves, even royal elves have to lower their noble heads.

But at this time, the elf queen thought that Su Chen's words were a little too arrogant, and said coldly:

"You want to get my daughter Sosiah, I can give you a chance one by one."

"But if you want to marry a female elf of royal blood, you have to complete two of my tests."

"First, marrying Sosia is equivalent to a large part of the power of the future elven race, which will be in your hands, and you must be able to protect the safety of the elven race. The elves have been attacked by the orcs recently, and even the evil orcs have become obsessed with feeding on the elves.

"If you can repel the orcs who are camped five hundred miles away and stop them from invading the elven border, even if you pass my first test."

"Second, you have to be able to get the approval of the Ancient Elf God Statue!"

"The statue of the Ancient Elf God, located in the secret territory of the ancestral land of the Elven Race, the more pure and noble the Elf Race, the easier it is to get the approval of the Ancient Elf God, as long as you can get the approval of the Elf Race, even if you pass my second test.

"If you complete these two tests of mine, let alone Sosiah, even if you want to marry all three of my daughters, I have no problem!"

The Elf Queen snorted coldly and said lightly.

The Elf Queen has three daughters, and in addition to Elf Princess Sosiah, there are two daughters, Sally and Sharan.

Although Sally and Saran's talent qualifications are not as good as Sosiah's, they are not inferior to Sosia in terms of beauty.

And Sally and Sharan are not only Sosiah's own sisters, but also a pair of beautiful twin sisters.

One is white as snow, blonde hair and blue eyes, graceful and luxurious temperament, convex and upturned body, extremely sexy, like a noble and elegant ferret.

The other has a black pearl-like complexion, but his facial features are extremely delicate, and his figure is even more delicate, just like a wild little female leopard.

One black and one white, different styles, one noble only allows for a long view, and the other makes people want to play profanely.

If you can marry this pair of sisters, it is undoubtedly the ultimate dream of any man.

The reason why the Elf Queen proposed these two tests was to make Su Chen retreat.

Sosia is not only my daughter, but also the crown princess of the elven race.

You want to marry my daughter, so prove your ability first.

In the eyes of the Elf Queen, any of these tests was simply impossible for Su Chen to complete!

The beasts come to invade from time to time, and have plagued the elf queen for hundreds of years.

The Orcs are a race with a long history, older than the birth and origin of the Terrans.

And the current beast race has taken the initiative to join the dark camp and has become a lackey of the dark forces.

Although everything must obey the will of the dark leader, while giving up freedom, it also gives up the beast race to gain incomparably powerful power, which is more powerful than the previous beast race.

It is also such a strong beast race, once invaded, the elf race has no way to do it.

Although it will not be exterminated by the beast race, every time the elf race is attacked, it has suffered extremely heavy losses.

Not only will a large number of elven huntresses be killed and injured, but a large number of beautiful elven girls will be forcibly taken away.

Some were trafficked to the Human Empire and imprisoned and played around.

Some were directly eaten by the beast race, which was extremely miserable.

What's more, the wolf cavalry of the beast race is extremely good at guerrilla, constantly coming to the border of the elf race to harass, taking advantage of a wave and running, so that the elf race has no way to help, and there is no way.

Such a huge problem, the Elf Queen did not think that Su Chen could complete it at all.

The other problem is even more difficult.

If the former is to test Su Chen's strength, the latter is to test the dignity of Su Chen's bloodline.

To be recognized by the statue of the ancient elf god means that the statue must be made holy.

Ordinary bloodline elven tribesmen, if they want to be recognized by the ancient elf god statue, the probability is completely equal to zero.

Even if it is a noble elven royal bloodline, the probability of being recognized by the ancient elf god statue is only 50% at most.

If you want to be fully recognized by the statue of the ancient elven god, you must be a nobler bloodline than the elven royal family, and you must also be of the elven race.

In the eyes of the elf princess, let alone Su Chen, even if anyone comes, it is impossible to pass the two tests she set.

Therefore, this gave her the confidence to make such a bet to Su Chen in front of everyone.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to accept your test." Su Chen smiled slightly and said indifferently.

Although his words were light, they were like a boom, which shocked everyone present.