
Chapter 24 No Wild Monsters

Pet nurturers specialized in raising pets, and hatching pet eggs was one of their abilities.

The greater the potential of a pet, the higher the level of the pet nurturer it needed.

A pet like the light beast, which could offer the player basic properties and hidden properties simply by feeling its light, would need a divine level pet nurturer to hatch it.

Naturally, it could also prove its top potential.

If the global pet list of Disaster Tide was released in the future, light beasts must be among the top three.

As a hunter, Rod naturally wanted to have a light beast.

"But a divine level pet nurturer..."

Rod sighed deeply.

"Where can I find one?"

How to find a divine-level pet nurturer really perplexed Rod.

The divine level was the highest level of life professions. Even if one wanted to find some, there wouldn't be so many in Disaster Tide.

NPC, who occupied the Green Hand Village's life careers, basically had no divine level career.