
Chapter 131 Killing Angel

The sudden increase in the damage caused all the players to present to be stunned.

"Damn it! What's going on? Why does the damage suddenly exceed one thousand?"

"What happened just now? Is the 'Death Prelude' such terrifying?"

"Oh my God! I'm going to drop my level!"

"Dragon King is so lucky. If we were killed by him this time, I'm afraid we would lose a lot of things."

"My HP is going to disappear!"

Some players who wanted to run away gave up when they saw HP falling at 1000 dots per second.

One thousand blood per second.

They had no chance to escape.

On the battlefield, the players were like a robot without electricity, falling down one by one, without breath.

Some players who were not dead also lay on the ground and watched the sky helplessly.

They decided to stay where they were and wait for death.

For them, the most regretful thing now was to provoke Rod.

No one wanted to drop a level or equipment.
