
Online Game ~ I Have A Super Bug In The Game

Li Fang is a perfect goody-two-shoes kind of teenager untill the greatest gaming company in the world suddenly announced that they have created a new game called The Second World It quickly hit the internet and everyone immediately got their gaming pods Everyone including Li Fang. However, to him, this game is a change to break free and explore other side of himself And things didn't go quite as peaceful as he had hoped [Your Reward have been assigned] [Error.... Error.... Reward not found...Reward could not be assigned] [Assessing the situation...Bug Found... Correcting the Error] [De-bugging....10%, 50%, 100%] [De-bugging complete..... Error corrected....Reward found....Reward successfully assigned] Instead of a 100 gold coins reward, he gets 1,000 Gold coins, 50 Silver coins, 25 Bronze coins and 12 Platinum coins!!! With a bug, can he continued to the top or be kicked out of the game?

luck_is_a_charm · Games
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23 Chs

Super Bug at it Again

Han Ma Vương, after satisfying his Pixie called it into the ring and goes the goes to the join the other player who were lines up infront of an NPC wooden house

This is the first thing every player must do to gain a citizenship licence and identity card

In the game, if a player didn't have both after twenty four hours of creating an account, they will immediately be banded from the village for trespassing and their friendliness with NPC'S will decrease a great deal

Also, losing ones Identify card was even worse. To get a new one, a player would have to pay a great deal of coins!

It's no wonder why all the new players are gathered in front of the village residence permit center

Hon Ma Vương walked to the back of the line and take his place. He didn't dare think of cutting the line as the players who did were immediately kicked out by the others on the line

After an hour, the slow moving line finally lessened and it was Ma Vương's turn

He stood in front of an elderly NPC whose hair and the clouds didn't look too different

However, his eyes betrayed his age. Cold and alert like an eagle waiting for it's prey

"Greetings, respected elder. This junior, Ma Vương, troubles you for citizenship licence and identity card" Ma Vương said, his hands cupped in front of him and his head lowered

Almost immediately, the NPC's sharp gaze softened and his formally upright posture relaxed

[Your humbleness have touched the heart of Elder Mo Fang's and his favor over you have increased to ....]

[Error... Error.... Unable to calculate favor point]

[Analysing the situation...Scanning....Bug found.... Error Correction in process]

[De-bugging.... 0%, 10%, 30%, 54%, 71%, 80%, 99.9%, .....100%]

[Debugging completed...Error have been corrected]

[Favor points are now ready for calculations..... calculating... calculated successfully]

{NPC ~ Elder Mo Fang

Favor point ~ 3,000

Comment ~ Good friends have each other's back. Be careful not to abuse friendship}

Ma Vương's heart almost jumped out to his chest unseeing the system messages

It happened again. The bug had acted up again and the system couldn't correct the error. Instead it increased it.

A player's favor point among NPC's are very important, easy to reduce and difficult to increase

Like most games, favor points are divided into different levels or stages

The number of favor points needed for each was drastically high and most players won't even be able to make an NPC "nice" to them talk less of good friends!

Now, Ma Vương actually had enough favor points to be good friends with an elder!

If others found out about this, they would definitely be freaked out

However, from the relaxed look, Elder eyes immediately lit up and a grin spread across his face

"Hello young friend, Ma Vương, how are you doing?" Elder Mo Fang asked and patted Ma Vương's shoulder twice

"I'm doing very well. How is your health?" Ma Vương wasn't at all shaken by the sudden change of attitude. In the real world he had learned to adapt to any situation he found himself in.

Acting like he have know the old man for ages wasn't at all difficult. Also, Ma Vương knew he couldn't act out of character or it might bring some unfavorable effects

Elder Mo Fang leaned back and let's out a hearty laugh completely startling the other players behind Ma Vương

They were all shocked and in wonder of why the cold old man was suddenly laughing and talking to a player like they were old old friends

Soon enough, they being whispering and some even began recording the event to post on their page and the forum later

After conversing for a while and totally ignoring the angry shouts of other players, Elder Mo finally got down to the reason Ma Vương was there

"You want an identity card? Why didn't you just say that from the start?" Elder Mo asked "I can help you with that"

Ma Vương held his breath and his heart raced. It couldn't be what he thought it was. Elder Mo definitely couldn't be thinking of .....

The elder in front of him casually flicked his wrist, a ring on his finger flashed and out of the blues appeared a box

Ma Vương's eyes widened and zeroed on the ring totally disregarding the box

The ring was something that only big shots or rich players and NPC's have

In most games, inventory space was unlimited. However, the producers were stingy and decided a fifteen inventory slots were enough for each player. It could not be upgraded!

So, there are only three other options.

One was to create powerful defense in their houses and keep their things there but can't access them through your inventory and are thief proof

The second was to pay money to keep them in warehouses but like the first. these items can't be accessed through the inventory. One must go back to the warehouse to retrieve them

The third and most comfortable yet most uncommon was what Elder Mo Fang had on his finger. Storage rings. They could be accessed through the inventory and are easy to carry around or hide. Also the space in them was very wide and even the lowest grade storage ring had a space as wide as a standard room size!

It is quite understandable why Ma Vương was so interested in it

"Getting an identity card is usually hard but as we're good friends, I'll make things easy for you" Elder Mo's voice was like a magnet that drew Ma Vương back to reality

He realized the Elder Mo had put the box away and was instead holding a citizenship licence which was actually a certificate that had his name and a bunch of other words that Ma Vương didn't pay attention to

Next was the identity card. This one was no different from the Id cards in the real world.

On the front was his passport photograph, his full in game name, age, gender, his citizen number, a space for title which was nil and a space for importance which was zero.

The card itself was green and gold and had the village logo, a golden cloud with green lining, and name on the front.

"Thank you for your kindness" Ma Vương said after storing the two items in his inventory. "I'll definitely remember it and pay you back in some way"

The elder laughs again

"No need, we're friends after all. However, if it helps clear your mind, when you embark on your journey, if you ever happen to meet my precious grand daughter, Ree, please bring her home to see her grandfather"

Ma Vương, although only there for a moment, noticed the sad look in the elder eye. It was quickly replaced by a soft smile

Ma Vương heart tightened. Did the old elder and his precious grand daughter separate on bad terms? It felt too familiar. Felt like his own life story

Ma Vương never thought he'd feel such scenes of familiarity towards a computer program in a game.

The way the old elder laughed, smiled. talked and that sad look in his eyes. They all felt too real, too human...

Ma Vương clinched his fists and takes in a deep breath to settle his raging emotions

"Rest assure, if I ever meet you grand daughter, Ree, not even the heavens it's would stop me from bringing her to you"

Elder Mo Fang's blue eyes lit up once more and he nods

"Go well then and don't forget to visit me yourself. Let the law of the land be with you" he said

Ma Vương bows slightly, his hands cupped and he walked out of the line

The moment he step off the line, a few people were about to comfort him but every one were stopped dead on their tracks by the emotionless voice on a female

[World Announcement ~ Player Hon Ma Vương have successfully triggered and accepted a hidden legendary chain mission.

Reward ~ 10 bronze coins,

2 bottles of soul cleansing pills,

+ 100 to all NPC favor point]

[World announcement ~ Player Hon Ma Vương has become the first to trigger and accept a legendary mission.

Rewards ~

20 bronze coins,

1 unknown item,

+100 importance point,

Title ~ the legendary adventurer]

[World announcement ~ Player Hon Ma Vương have become the first to gain a title.

Village eward ~ 10 bronze coin,

Town reward ~ 20 bronze coins, World reward ~ 40 bronze coins]

[World announcement ~ Player Hon Ma Vương have become the first to cause three consecutive world announcements.

Reward ~

Unlock Village leadership board, Unlock Town leadership board, Unlock World leadership board,

1 gold coin,

1 skill book,

Title ~ famous adventurer]

Four worlds announcements were made one after another and they all mentioned one player. Hon Ma Vương!

The whole game was immediately thrown into chaos as people die in the middle of battles cause of the news and all sorts of things happened

In Drifting Clouds village, all the players are now staring wide mouthed at Ma Vương like he was a demon among them.

Four world announcements and all those rewards?!

Impossible! If they haven't heard it with their own ears they won't have. believed it. However, with how odd relationship the Elder Mo Fang was with him, even giving him the Id card for free, everyone didn't have a doubt in their mind this player was Hon Ma Vương!

'Fan-fucking-tastic' was all Ma Vương could thing as he quickly used the shook state of the other players to slip away.

By they time they woke up from their daze, Ma Vương was already gone


Mission rank and favor points - available in auxiliary chapter ( ranks)

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