
Online game : UNKNOWN

Ethan, a talented programmer, dies and is reborn into a virtual reality game world. Using his skills and knowledge, he quickly rises to the top of the game world, becoming a powerful player and making friends along the way. But when a group of powerful players known as the Eternals threatens to take over the game world, Ethan and his allies must fight back to protect the game and its players. Through his journey, Ethan discovers the potential of the game world to become a force for positive change in the real world. He launches the Virtual City project, using the resources and technology within the game to tackle real-world problems and inspire innovation. As the game world grows and influences the real world, Ethan and his team must remain vigilant against future threats and continue their mission to create a better world both within the game and in reality.

phantom2546 · Games
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20 Chs

A New Threat

Chapter 11: A New Threat

But as the game continued to grow in popularity, a new threat emerged. A group of players who called themselves the "Eternals" had begun to exploit the game's resources for their own gain.

They had discovered a way to hack the system, allowing them to gain access to unlimited resources and powers. With their new-found strength, they began to terrorize other players, using their abilities to control and manipulate the game world.

Ethan knew that he had to act fast to stop them. He rallied his allies and began to work on a new system that would allow him to identify and neutralize the Eternals' powers.

But the Eternals were cunning, and they had spies within Ethan's own ranks. They launched a surprise attack on his headquarters, destroying much of his equipment and leaving him and his allies vulnerable.

With no other choice, Ethan activated a final system that he had been working on, a system that would wipe the game world clean and reset everything to its original state.

The system worked, but it came at a great cost. The game world was erased, and all the progress that had been made was lost. Ethan and his allies were left to start over from scratch, rebuilding the game world and working to prevent the Eternals from gaining power again.