
Online Game:Poison God

"Oracle: A Game That Silently Changed the World Across Eras. When Abilities from the Game Can Be Brought into Reality, Is It Excitement or Fear? Wu Shaochen, an ordinary office worker, suffers from food poisoning after eating expired food. However, after logging into the game, he unexpectedly gains a unique talent, the Source of Venom, turning misfortune into a blessing. From then on, he embarks on the path to greatness."

VeraCollins · Games
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71 Chs

Chapter 68

The operation of Silver Wolf took Wu Shaochen by surprise. All along, Silver Wolf would do whatever he was told to do, and was very obedient. This situation, Wu Shaochen had not even heard of, let alone encountered it.

"Did it have self-awareness after being upgraded?" Wu Shaochen thought to himself. This kind of situation only has this one explanation. Then Wu Shaochen quickly looked at Silver Wolf. The Silver Wolf who had swallowed the bloodline potion seemed to have entered a special state, standing there with circles of light spots surrounding it.

"This is?? Could it be successful??" Wu Shaochen looked surprised. But at this moment, he couldn't do anything, he could only stand aside and wait quietly.

Soon, Silver Wolf was surrounded by countless light spots, and Wu Shaochen could not see what the situation inside was, but he could hear a burst of choking wolf howls coming from inside, seeming to be extremely enduring some kind of pain.

Wu Shaochen tightly clenched his fist and thought to himself, "Come on!"

This cry lasted for a full half an hour, but Wu Shaochen did not wait for the successful prompt of the system, but instead waited for a prompt that made him somewhat astonished:

" Ding, your pet Silver Wolf has undergone an unknown variation, and the pet contract is automatically lifted. "

"What the hell??" Wu Shaochen looked at a loss. Could it be like this?? He quickly opened the pet space. Sure enough, there was nothing inside. Normally, after a pet goes out to battle, there will be a pet silhouette in the pet space, which can be retrieved and summoned. Now it is empty and there is nothing. Open the pet ranking list, indeed, the pet Silver Wolf that ranked first has disappeared, and the gray gray that ranked second has moved to the first place.

Even many players have discovered that the pet that ranked first on the pet ranking list has disappeared, and various discussions are in the regional channel.

"Eh, did anyone notice that the pet that ranked first is gone?"

"Yeah, I heard this is the pet of the sealed senior, why did it suddenly disappear? Did it die?"

"If it dies, it only drops one level, and it won't disappear. There are only two possibilities for disappearance, one is that the player released it, and the other is that the pet rebelled."

"What is the situation of the sealed senior? Released it? Did the sealed senior have a better pet?"

"Who knows, but if there is a better pet, it should be on the ranking list."

Wu Shaochen looked at the place surrounded by countless light spots in front of him with a confused face, and still didn't figure out the situation until now, "Ah, let's wait a little longer and see what the situation is."

This wait was another half an hour, and then Wu Shaochen saw that the light spots became less and less, and slowly a mighty little wolf appeared in front of Wu Shaochen. Yes, it was a little wolf, just like the size when Silver Wolf was just born. As for why it is said to be mighty, Wu Shaochen can't explain clearly. It is just a kind of feeling. This little wolf gives Wu Shaochen the feeling of a lonely king. Its silver fur is more supple than before, especially from the head to the neck. It is both supple and shiny. At this moment, the little wolf is still closing its eyes and feeling something. Wu Shaochen curiously threw an insight technique over.

[The awakening howling moon wolf] (Because of taking the bloodline potion, it stimulated the howling moon wolf bloodline in the body, and withstood the pain brought about by the bloodline retrogression, it was awakened, and all states returned to the initial value.)




Bloodline is awakening and cannot be viewed...

"Omg , is this also possible??" Wu Shaochen widened his eyes. The howling moon wolf, it seems very awesome. This instantly raises the style. But what is the situation now? Should I kill it as a boss? Or stay away and not be killed by it? Now the one in front of him is no longer his pet.

Just as Wu Shaochen was struggling, the little wolf in front suddenly opened its eyes and looked up at the sky. It was a pair of eyes that looked down on the world, with loneliness and loneliness in its eyes! A few seconds later, the light in the little wolf's eyes disappeared, and it turned its head and looked at Wu Shaochen, making Wu Shaochen feel a burst of tension.

"This is to kill each other as brothers?" Wu Shaochen tightened the dagger in his hand. To be honest, he really didn't want to draw his knife against the little wolf in front of him until the last moment. However, at this moment, he suddenly heard a system prompt.

" Ding, the howling moon wolf requests to become your pet. Do you agree? "

" Huh?" Hearing the system prompt, Wu Shaochen was stunned for a moment, then looked at the little wolf with a pleasantly surprised expression, and quickly clicked to agree. The feeling of regaining what was lost is really great.

" Ding, congratulations on obtaining the pet howling moon wolf, please name the pet. "

" Silver Wolf "

Just continue to call it this, anyway, I'm used to it.

" Ding, the naming is successful. Since the howling moon wolf is still in the awakening period, it requires a large amount of energy. Do you agree to allocate 40% of the obtained experience to the pet, and the experience will return to 20% after the complete awakening. "

"Agree, agree! Both hands agree." Wu Shaochen said happily. For him, it is not difficult to raise the level, and it is the key to improve the immortality body and talent. After confirming, Wu Shaochen quickly looked at the attributes of the pet. The howling moon wolf, it should be very awesome.

[Silver Wolf]

Qualification: Awakening...

Level: 0

Life: 400

Mana: 200

Physical Attack: 50

Physical Defense: 30

Spell Defense: 20

Speed: 20

Howling Moon Wolf Exclusive Talent: Increase attack damage by 30% and increase attack blood-sucking by 30%.

Skill 1: Extreme Speed: Increase 50% attack speed and movement speed, last for 30 seconds, cooldown time 2 minutes.

Skill 2: Encouragement: Roar, increase your own and your teammates' 20% damage and 20% defense, last for 30 seconds, cooldown time 2 minutes.

"This... are these the attributes of level 0? Are you kidding? With these attributes, it is definitely a boss. If it squats at the entrance of the novice village, it will kill whoever it meets." Wu Shaochen looked shocked. The initial attributes of this are much stronger than those of the previous Silver Wolf, and it comes with two skills and one talent, which is quite ferocious. Looking at the docile howling moon wolf, which is completely different from the previous appearance, Wu Shaochen still didn't dare to go over and hug it. After patting the head of the Silver Wolf, Wu Shaochen said generously, "Let's go, brother will take you to level up."

Then, with the awakened Silver Wolf, he continued to look for ghosts. Because the light was too dark, there were many ghosts but the map was too large, so they had to look for them one by one, and the efficiency was much worse than that of brushing the skeletons. After brushing for a full four hours, plus the previous nine, a total of 341 ghosts were brushed. At this time, Wu Shaochen stopped because when he killed the 341st ghost, his talent was still being improved. When he came, his talent was 540 points. After killing 341 ghosts, his talent now reached 881 points. This is not right. He is now at the silver realm of level 22.the talent should be 40 times, that is, the maximum toxin should be 880 points, but now it is 881 points.

"Could it be that reaching silver not only increases the talent by 10 times?" Wu Shaochen thought to himself. In order to verify what he thought, Wu Shaochen continued to look for the floating spirit. After spending another three hours and killing 220 ghosts, Wu Shaochen's talent finally reached the upper limit of 1100 points.

"50 times!" Wu Shaochen's eyes sparkled with a brilliant light: "If I'm not wrong, reaching silver added 20 times of talent, which means that the talent increased in each realm is not unchangeable." Thinking of this, Wu Shaochen's eyes were excited, who would dislike having a more perverted talent of his own.