
Online Game:Poison God

"Oracle: A Game That Silently Changed the World Across Eras. When Abilities from the Game Can Be Brought into Reality, Is It Excitement or Fear? Wu Shaochen, an ordinary office worker, suffers from food poisoning after eating expired food. However, after logging into the game, he unexpectedly gains a unique talent, the Source of Venom, turning misfortune into a blessing. From then on, he embarks on the path to greatness."

VeraCollins · Games
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71 Chs

Chapter 39

Looking at the chief of the Black Wind Village whose blood volume was getting less and less, Wu Shaochen suddenly remembered that there was still a Lucky Scroll in his backpack, which was a good thing that could increase the explosion rate by 100%.

There are professions for humanoid monsters, and the things that explode are all for the corresponding professions. For example, the strategist he killed before was a mage, and as a result, a large number of mage equipment burst out. And the profession of this chief is an assassin, it is definitely possible to burst out assassin equipment, and it is also a silver first kill, and the explosion rate is bonus. If you use another scroll that doubles the explosion rate...

Wu Shaochen gets excited just thinking about it, and quickly takes it out and uses it directly. The bonus of the explosion rate is 30 minutes. This chief can only persist for at most five minutes, and it doesn't matter to use it earlier.

The poor chief of the Black Wind Village has all kinds of skills but can't exert them at all. He was tortured to death by the ant in front of him, and finally died depressed on the ground.

"Ding, congratulations on killing the silver-level BOSS [Chief of the Black Wind Village], gaining 500 points of prestige, 40,000 experience points, and your pet Silver Wolf gains 10,000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations on upgrading, adding 40 to life, adding 20 to magic value, and gaining 10 free attribute points, please allocate reasonably."

"Ding, congratulations on your pet [Silver Wolf] upgrading, the current level is 14."

"Ding, the talent characteristic is triggered, the toxin damage is added by 1, and the number of layers that the toxin can be stacked is added by 1. The current toxin damage is 428 points, and the number of layers that can be stacked is 4 layers."

" Ding, the Immortal Body takes effect, adding 1 point to the maximum health, and the current Immortal Body has increased the maximum health by 577 points."

At the same time, another global announcement once again resounded throughout the Chinese server.

"Global announcement: Congratulations to the player Sealed for killing the silver-level BOSS [Chief of the Black Wind Village]. As the first player in the entire server to kill the silver-level BOSS, the system rewards 1,000 prestige, 30 gold coins, and 30 free attribute points. Special announcement!"

Maybe it is numbed, or maybe I don't know how many levels the chief of the Black Wind Village is. Although this global announcement is still shocking, players are not as difficult to accept as before.

"It's been such a long time, and the great god Sealed has finally been on TV again."

"Gold will always shine, and people like great god Sealed can hardly keep a low profile!"

"Silver BOSS, how did you find it? I haven't even seen it before."

"Silver BOSS, should it be more powerful than bronze? Did it explode silver equipment, great god @Sealed"

All the regional chat channels instantly became lively, but there were no longer any voices of doubt.

In the Extremely Cold City, Jun Lin heard the global announcement and sighed: "Sure enough, this guy is still unbeatable even in the main city."

"Yeah, he is now a myth in the oracle." Hao Ran sighed.

Qiu Shui City...

A group of 20 people's team is besieging a huge turtle on the beach: 12-level bronze BOSS [Deep Sea Giant Turtle].

Twenty people cooperate tacitly, with complete professions, and also have high damage. What makes people's eyes shine brightly is that all these twenty people are women, and all kinds of beautiful women keep moving and attacking, just looking at it is very pleasant to the eye.

And in the crowd, a woman wearing a white priest robe with a white veil on her face is like the most beautiful rose blooming in the flower bed. Even in a group of beautiful women, she can become the focus in the myriad of flowers.

Just seeing her wave her hand casually, a healing spell directly filled the blood volume of a residual blood warrior girl, and the high treatment amount of up to eight or nine hundred probably can make all priests blushed. This is also the key for their 20 people to dare to challenge the bronze BOSS.

The warrior girl stuck out her tongue and said, "Sister Qingwu, it's really a waste for you to be a priest."

Dreamy Qingwu shook her head helplessly. Once upon a time, she was recognized as the number one mage, and her first thought when coming to Divine Oracle was also to play as a mage, but God played a joke on her. Her talent turned out to be to increase the healing effect by 100%, which made her have to change careers to be a priest, otherwise it would be a waste of such a good talent.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this matter. In fact, being a priest is also good, which can make you guys who have a lively personality die less twice." Dreamy Qingwu said.

"You said who this Sealed is? I have never seen this ID in all these years of playing online games." Another girl changed the topic, and they had also heard the global announcement just now.

"I don't know. I haven't heard of Divine Oracle before, or maybe it's a big shot who changed his ID." An archer girl said.

And at this moment, Dreamy Qingwu also began to be curious about this ID...

In Jinling City...

Proud World's face was gloomy and said, "It's him again. It seems that we need to limit the promotion of this Sealed, otherwise it will definitely affect our development."

"Well, but according to Zihao, this Sealed has been wearing a mask, so it's not easy to find." Proud Solitary Peak said

"We have tens of thousands of brothers in Jinling City, so we are not afraid to not find it?" Proud Desolate Emotion sneered.

"Well, after finding it, see if we can draw him over. If we can't draw him over, then destroy him. Jinling City is my Proud Heroes' territory, and I don't want there to be someone who can't be controlled." Proud World said coldly.

At this time, Wu Shaochen didn't care about what was going on outside the world, but looked at the loot that had fallen all over the ground with gleaming eyes. It was definitely the most he has dropped after killing the boss, and it was piled up like a mountain.

The hand speed is full, and all the dropped loot is picked up. Looking at the backpack that is almost full, Wu Shaochen excitedly starts to sort it out.

First of all, there are as many as 8 gold and 52 silver coins, which is almost comparable to the first kill reward of the Wild Boar King. Then there are 4 silver equipment, 6 bronze equipment, 8 black iron equipment, no white board is picked up, 2 skill books, which should be related to the use of the lucky scroll, otherwise it is impossible to burst out two books.

Then there are two special scrolls, two attribute fruits, a bottle of very strange potion, a key, and a sheepskin scroll that I don't know what it is, and a head required for the mission.

This time, it really explodes heavily. The backpack brought by the player has 40 grids. The same materials and potions can be stacked with 1,000 only taking up one grid, and the drop rate of equipment in the oracle is low, and it is almost rarely said that the backpack will be full. But this time, Wu Shaochen's backpack is really almost full, and the items dropped by this one boss account for more than half.

With an excited mood, check the equipment...

[Soul-eating Dagger] Silver Level: Physical Attack + 280, Attack Speed + 10%, Attack Blood Sucking + 10%, Additional Attributes: Strength + 24, Agility + 22, Constitution + 23, Wearing Requirements: Assassin

[Black Wind Leather Armor] Silver Level: Life + 800, Magic Value + 200, Physical Defense + 50, Spell Defense + 50, Damage Reduction + 5%, Additional Attributes: Constitution + 25, Root + 23, Spirit + 22. Wearing Requirements: Assassin, Archer.

[Black Wind Helmet] Silver Level: Life + 500, Physical Defense + 45, Spell Defense + 45, Resist Blast + 8%, Additional Attributes: Constitution + 22, Root + 21, Agility + 20, Wearing Requirements: All Professions

[Whirlwind Bracelet] Silver Level: Physical Attack + 160, Attack Speed + 10%, Ignore Defense + 10%, Additional Attributes: Agility + 22, Strength + 21, Root + 20, Wearing Requirements: Assassin, Archer.

[Graphite Ring]: Bronze Level: Life + 300, Physical Attack + 125, Cooling Reduction 5%, Additional Attributes: Strength + 23, Constitution + 22. Wearing Requirements: Physical System Profession.

[Graphite Belt]: Bronze Level: Life + 400, Physical Defense + 35, Spell Defense + 35, Additional Attributes: Constitution + 21, Root + 22. Wearing Requirements: All Professions.

[Graphite Necklace]: Bronze Level: Physical Attack + 140, Crit Rate + 5%, Luck + 5, Additional Attributes: Strength + 20, Agility + 22, Wearing Requirements: Physical System Profession.

[Graphite Boots]: Bronze Level: Movement Speed + 60, Physical Defense + 30, Spell Defense + 30, Additional Attributes: Agility + 21, Root + 22, Wearing Requirements: All Professions.

[Graphite Helmet]: Bronze Level: Life + 300, Physical Defense + 30, Spell Defense + 30, Resist Blast + 5%, Additional Attributes: Constitution + 24, Root + 25, Wearing Requirements: All Professions.

[Graphite Bracelet]: Bronze Level: Physical Attack + 130, Attack Speed + 5%, Ignore Defense + 5%, Additional Attributes: Strength + 23, Agility + 24. Wearing Requirements: Assassin, Archer.