
Online Game:Poison God

"Oracle: A Game That Silently Changed the World Across Eras. When Abilities from the Game Can Be Brought into Reality, Is It Excitement or Fear? Wu Shaochen, an ordinary office worker, suffers from food poisoning after eating expired food. However, after logging into the game, he unexpectedly gains a unique talent, the Source of Venom, turning misfortune into a blessing. From then on, he embarks on the path to greatness."

VeraCollins · Games
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71 Chs

Chapter 35

For the sake of being on the safe side, he added the remaining 10 attribute points to the root bone, and the physical defense reached 256, and the magic defense reached 226.

Everything is ready, Wu Shaochen approaches again, and directly crushes the scroll when it is almost within the attack range. The defense doubles instantly, the physical defense reaches 512, and the magic defense reaches 452 points, and reduces 50% physical damage of nearby targets, and then turns on the extreme speed to rush towards the bandit group.

Soon, the bandits discovered this intruding enemy, and the arrows flew towards Wu Shaochen one after another. After landing on the body, there were one by one -1 unbreakable defense damage. Wu Shaochen hadn't had time to be happy yet, and a bunch of fireballs flew over in a string.



"Damn! I forgot to calculate the skill bonus damage!"

Wu Shaochen was greatly surprised. Mages have no normal attacks. The fireball spell, which is one every 3 seconds, is equivalent to the normal attack of the mage, but the fireball spell has 120% magic damage. After a round of fireball spells, it instantly took away more than 1,000 blood of Wu Shaochen.

There is no turning back after shooting the arrow. Wu Shaochen can only go ahead with courage, quickly drank a bottle of [Instant Recovery Potion], regaining full life, and then continued to rush forward. Fortunately, the mage's fireball spell has a 3-second cooldown. If it is the same as the archer, he will be useless.

Looking at the opposite bandit warrior and bandit shield guard rushing over, Wu Shaochen exert his speed to the extreme, bypassing one after another close-range bandit, and rushing directly to the enemy's archers and mages. The attacks of these close-range bandits on Wu Shaochen are also forced to drop 1 point of blood, which is completely painless and itchy. The warrior bandit's skill could originally break the defense, but under the 50% reduction in physical damage of the petrified skin scroll, it can't break the defense either.

However, he still underestimates the threat brought by the complete formation. When running halfway, he was hit by a shield guard's shield strike and was stunned for 2 seconds.

"Damn! So disgusting?" And at this moment, the second round of skills of the mage also came, and it was not a fireball spell, but a freezing spell.

"Two skills? Damn!" Seeing that the freezing spell is about to hit the body, Wu Shaochen reluctantly turns on the nothingness. This skill is good, but the cooldown time is as long as 5 minutes. Usually, he is reluctant to use it and keeps it to save his life.

After using nothingness, the body instantly enters a state of nothingness, which removes the stun, and the subsequent mage's freezing spell also falls through.

Wu Shaochen also rushed out of the encirclement circle under the state of nothingness and rushed towards the mages.

And those mages are surprisingly smart and run backwards. Unfortunately, it is definitely impossible to run under Wu Shaochen's more than 300 movement speed.

Wu Shaochen rushed up and greeted these mages, in the close range, the operating space of the mages is greatly restricted, and it is difficult to lock Wu Shaochen who moves quickly, which gives Wu Shaochen quite a lot of breathing space. Put two layers of poison on each mage and run away. The life of the mage must be lower than that of the archer, so two layers are enough.

Soon, all 10 mages were poisoned. During this period, Wu Shaochen actually only received the damage of three fireballs and one freezing spell. Although the freezing spell will reduce 30% movement speed, it has not much effect on Wu Shaochen who has more than 300 movement speed.

After being poisoned, Wu Shaochen did not hesitate to run directly outward. The archer's words wait until these mages are dead to deal with, otherwise they cannot withstand the damage of these mages, even if using the instant recovery potion is not good, the instant recovery potion can only recover 1,000 HP, and there is also a 10-second cooldown, which is simply not enough to withstand.

Once again endure a wave of fireball damage, Wu Shaochen finally escaped the attack range of the mages, and then ran away in a slip. "Hu, it's so dangerous. This Nima used a scroll and also used a bottle of instant recovery potion just to deal with ordinary monsters, really a loss!" Wu Shaochen complained.

Next, Wu Shaochen calculated the time and returned to the front of the bandit stronghold again in less than a minute. Sure enough, all the mages had fallen. Now Wu Shaochen became bolder. The petrification skin scroll still had about four minutes of time. None of these physical attack bandits could break his defense. He directly walked towards the archers openly and went straight to the archers. Although the extreme cooling was not yet good, without the extreme speed, Wu Shaochen also had more than 200 movement speed and 54% attack speed, and the poisoning speed was still very fast.

It took more than a minute to finish poisoning all the archers. Mainly, these shield guards and warriors always stopped him. The shield strike of the shield guard could also stun, which was very annoying. After poisoning the archers, then just catch whoever to poison next, and use the extreme speed when there is extreme speed.

When the scroll time was up, suddenly it was found that almost more than half of the bandits were poisoned, only more than twenty were not poisoned, and the bandits who were poisoned earlier had already fallen by more than half, and only more than fifty bandits were still standing.

"This is called group brushing." Wu Shaochen exclaimed.

With these bandits for a round, see if there are any good equipment that bursts from the fallen bandits. Not to mention, Wu Shaochen actually found two black iron equipment among many white clothes, which made him extremely surprised. And from the number of white clothes, the drop rate of the bandits is obviously much higher than other monsters, and he actually saw dozens of silver coins, not copper coins, but silver coins. This bandit actually explodes silver coins, and Wu Shaochen suddenly felt that everything just now was worth it.

Quickly pick up the two black iron equipment and the silver coins on the ground. Wu Shaochen is too lazy to pick up the white clothes and copper coins. Brother now has the proud capital.

Looking at the remaining 22 bandits, Wu Shaochen still has a bit of a headache. These bandits cannot be separated to lead. As long as they reach the range of hatred, they will all go up together, and it is also very troublesome to be surrounded, especially the shield strike of the shield guard can stun for two seconds. Now there is no scroll, and it is easy to die when stunned.

Checked his own state, he actually killed 124 bandits within just five minutes. The talent was fixed at 420, and now it is level 14, which is 30 times that of the level. It has increased by 10 times after raising a realm, which is roughly the same as what he expected.

With the current poison damage, whether it is a warrior or a shield guard, only two layers of poison are required.

Damn, more than a hundred have been destroyed, and I'm still afraid of these more than twenty? Looking at the extreme speed and nothingness being good, Wu Shaochen turned on the extreme speed and ran over.

He now has enough speed to take the initiative, and the movement speed is more than three times that of theirs. The possibility of being surrounded is not large, and the defense is as high as 256. Being hit by an ordinary attack of a warrior is less than 200 blood, and the shield guard's attack is only 400, which can only take away more than 140 blood from him.

It's just that the skills are a bit troublesome. The warrior skills can deal more than 400 blood, but it can also be withstood. The opponents are all close-range attacks. Even if standing still, at most, they can withstand 8 person's attacks at the same time. With a little bit of position change, it can be reduced to 4. Even if the four skills are only more than 1,800 blood, it is completely okay, but pay attention not to be stunned, otherwise only the nothingness can be turned on.

After rushing over, Wu Shaochen slightly detoured, and only faced four mountain bandits directly in the front, three warriors and one shield guard.

When using the extreme speed, he reached two strikes per second, and gave the shield guard two layers of poison per second. Surprisingly, the shield guard did not use the skill, and two of the warriors used the skills.

Wu Shaochen took the two skills hard and added the poison to another warrior again. After taking a glance at the remaining half of his blood volume, Wu Shaochen pulled away a little distance, making the idea of the mountain bandits behind who wanted to close in fail, and then added two layers of poison to another warrior. Seeing that the shield guard picked up the shield to use the skill, Wu Shaochen ran away decisively and successfully avoided a shield strike.

After running away, Wu Shaochen's eyes lit up. Could the current speed now avoid some attacks? The shield guard's skill has a starting gesture, and actually, the warrior's skill also has a starting gesture. In this case, the difficulty would be much smaller. Just pay attention to avoiding the shield strike of the shield guard.