
Online Game: I Can Add Skill Points

Flags burn, people mourn, blood flows, death spreads. Familiar scenes replay in a strange world. To stop it all, to raise the flag of belief in their hearts, Sean embarks on a different path with memories not belonging to this world. Everything is done to let the wings in their heart soar once again in this world.

Seanthebest · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Dunavi Territory

Dunaway is an earldom.

In Sean's mind, this is a rich territory.

The lord has ambitions and desires. He is not satisfied with the title of Earl of Real Power or Earl of Strength, but wants to become a Marquis of Strength.

Real power and strength are just one word apart, but they have vastly different concepts.

The so-called real power is just that the power in the hands is relatively large, but the specific implementation requires others to give face; only with enough strength, others will respect you and respect you. Moreover, the Marquis of Strength will also have another benefit, that is, the right to vote for the Grand Duke candidate. The treatment received by each Marquis of Strength is far more than several times that of the Earl of Strength.