
Online Game 10,000 Times Buff At The Beginning!

Story of: Online game: 10,000 times Buff at the beginning! Brief introduction: After the fall of the battlefield of the gods, Lin Fan unexpectedly found that he had been reborn with a Supreme Holy Weapon to the day of the game's arrival. And this supreme effect is only two. 1. When you get a time-limited Buff gain by yourself, the Buff time is automatically converted to [Permanent]. 2. When you get any Buff gain by yourself, the effect will be randomly enhanced by 10-10,000 times. ...... With the buff effect of this [Ring of Order (Ninth-Order Hallows)], Lin Fan has completely become a peerless boss in the game, ** everything! 【Primary Treatment Buff】Strengthened 10,000 times, increasing HP by 40W per second. 【Wind Soul Buff】10,000 times more powerful, increasing movement speed by 10,000%. [Soul Speed Buff] is 10,000 times enhanced, increasing attack/casting speed by 10,000%. [Agamagan's Wisdom Buff] is enhanced by 10,000 times, increasing intelligence by 50W points. Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: "Online Game: The Beginning Ten Thousand Times Buff!" 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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Chapter 62

Chapter 62: The Shaman's High Priest!!!

But... For the massive army of beasts gathered at the top of Tianyin Peak, the Kodo beasts and minotaurs that Lin Fan killed were just a drop in the bucket.

At the moment when the Kodo Beast and the Minotaur were killed, more wolf cavalry and Kodo Beast immediately rushed up and attacked Lin Fan madly.


And at this time, Lin Qing looked at Lin Fan in front of him, and the emotion in his heart was incomparable.

She and Lin Fan have never known each other, but the other party can take a huge risk to come here to rescue her... From this point of view, she owes the other party a huge favor.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing decided that as long as he could leave this place alive, he would definitely return the other party's kindness.


"Dingdong~ You triggered the SSS-level hidden mission - [Save the Imperial General Lin Qing]."


Lin Fan was slightly stunned after hearing this system prompt.

But soon, he came to his senses and directly clicked on the task panel to look at it.

[Saving Imperial General Lin Qing]

Task level: SSS

Mission content: Lead Lin Qing to escape from Tianyin Peak.

Mission Objectives:

1. Protect Lin Qing and prevent Lin Qing from dying. (0/1)

2. Escape from Tianyin Peak. (0/1)

Mission Rewards:

1. 1000W gold coins.

2. 500W reputation value.

3. 500W merit value.

4. 1000W point experience.

5. Lin Qing's follow, favorability (loyalty value) + 100%.

Introduction: Lin Qing has the bloodline of an ancient martial general, and there is a high probability of advancement after each battle, and getting her following will be extremely beneficial to you.


Lin Fan's eyes suddenly lit up after looking at the task panel in front of him, he was worried about how to recruit the other party, but he didn't expect to trigger this task directly.

And what surprised Lin Fan the most was that Lin Qing in front of him actually had the bloodline of an ancient martial general.

NPCs' strength does not grow as quickly as players.

They can't rely on monster fighting to upgrade, so the initial bosses will be killed by players in the later stages of the game.

But if you have an NPC with ancient talents, it is completely different.

NPCs with ancient talents can absorb a lot of combat experience every time they fight, and their growth rate will definitely not be inferior to top professional players.

In the previous life, there were players who gave many heads to bosses with ancient talents, and as a result, the other party grew rapidly, and finally became a terrifying world-class boss, and the formed world-class boss almost destroyed a country, you can imagine the horror of this ancient talent.

At this time, Lin Fan only felt that he had picked up the treasure.

But... This reward is not so easy to get, and at the moment of taking the task, the army of beasts above and below Tianyin Peak all became extremely irritable, their eyes locked on Lin Fan, and the servants rushed up one after another.

Lin Fan stood in place, without the slightest fear.

He waited so quietly, and after the attack of the beast army fell on his body, one after another the thunder of heavenly punishment fell one after another.

In this instant, Lin Fan was bathed in lightning and thunder, like a god descending from the sky.

At this time, around him, the corpses of the beast army were piled high.

The bloody dragon and Di Ji followed closely behind, cleaning the air of the human-faced griffin.

The top of Tianyin Peak was like a bloody Asura field, endlessly strangling the army of beasts who had come after them.

The voice of reward kept popping up in his ears, and Lin Fan was almost numb when he heard it.

At this time, the peak, which was not much big, had already been piled up several meters high by the corpses of the beast army.

And as the army of the beast race continued to die, the rich smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and a blood-red dark cloud condensed under the peak, and inside the blood cloud, a huge figure faintly emerged.


Suddenly, a loud noise caught Lin Fan's attention, and he followed the source of the sound.

In the middle of the blood cloud, a huge figure slowly stood up, the figure had huge fangs on both sides of its mouth, and a black skull hanging from its neck, exuding a rich blood light, which looked extremely strange.

Lin Fan casually threw a probing technique over, and the next moment, the opponent's attribute panel slowly appeared in front of Lin Fan.

[Shaman High Priest (Saint Level 5th Order Boss)]

Level: Level 50

Rank: Holy Level 5th Order

Blood volume: 100 million / 100 million

Attack power: 51W-53W

Defense: 30W

Skills: [Rage Roar] [Lightning Rush Totem] [Echo of the Earth Ring] [Power of the Earth Ring] [Lightning Chain]

Introduction: One of the top commanders of the Orcs...


Seeing the attributes of the shaman high priest in front of him, Lin Fan felt that he could still be killed.

After all... The other party has a higher amount of blood, and other attributes are average.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan directly threw a heavenly punishment baptism at the shaman high priest in front of him.

The next moment, under the golden light, the shaman's high priest was directly weakened by 50% of his attributes.

After weakening the full attribute by 50%, Lin Fan directly rushed towards the Shaman High Priest.

And at this time, the shaman high priest saw Lin Fan attacking, and instantly a lightning chain was thrown out.

"Boom !!!"



In an instant, Lin Fan was directly hit by the lightning chain, and the HP of the Truth Shield instantly dropped by 51W.

And at this time, a terrifying thunder of heavenly punishment also fell on the shaman's high priest.

"Boom !!!"
