
Days we were born

First month - sixth month :

just chilling crying and sleeping living one of the best life, being fed by your parents and going through youtube in modern days in 2021 because this is how to resolve for everyone in this era.

Back in 1960s, things were built different(and yes i used a trend word but chill ).

How parents take care of their baby is only through food, changing of diapers and singing rhymes to put babies to sleep.Just how much easier could if they had technology back there , just a little less work but still .

At this stage we are just little babies that can't be doing anything except sleep , eat and fooling around.

We can't speak, walk , move according to will because we are not yet fully developed and of course our mindset was just food and toilet.

I was a troublesome baby back in the early 2000s as I was told by my mother about it ,fooling around so this is the first stage we are going through as every life is ongoing (Deep concern for those babies who has passed away while being gave birth , I hope u have a great life afterwards even if you can't see this)