
Maya and Elias part 4 (final part)

This chapter contains sweet smut ;)


But that thought of regret washed out of his mind, the second Maya leaned back into him and pressed his lips on the youngers.

The young men experienced the others lips movements for the first time.

To make it last longer they roamed around and Maya could feel his bottom lip slip in the gap that created itself as Elias tasty lips sneaked around.

He tasted so good, Maya thought.

What was it? He had never tasted that before. It wasn't the tea, Maya has had that earlier.

It was a mixture of honey and city air.


Before they noticed, they ended up laying on top of each other on Elias' bed, making out, intertwining their fingers, tangling their legs and feet in the meantime.

"Wait", Elias said and interrupted them.


"I just wanted to ask if I told you this before."

"Told me what before?"

"That I really appreciate you. And everything you do for me. How you pull the blanket up on top of me, thinking that I was sleeping and wouldn't notice", Mayas face got a tone of pink in it among the cheeks, "how your fingers brush my fingers when we walk next to each other and you think about taking my hand but you never do it". Maya cleared his throat.

"You knew about all of that?! How?"

"I just pay attention", Elias said and showed the most innocent smile of an angel.

"Why didn't you ever say anything? You could've spared me some embarrassing situations!"

"I found it really cute."

"Shut up", Maya said silently.

"Make me", Elias replied in the same whispering tone.

Maya looked up and their eyes locked. He didn't wait another second and roughly pressed his lips against Elias'. He didn't give the other a second to breathe and quickly stripped his tshirt off before he let his fingers trail over his defined muscles. He could feel the younger pulling him closer and taking his own shirt off as well.

Elias gave a tiny moan away as Maya started grinding against the fabric of his jeans.

His mouth traveled down Elias' chin, his adam's apple, his collarbone and kissed his way around his abs and to his belly button.

He got rid of his pants and then wanted to unbuttoned his own.


The addressed young man looked up with a curious look on his face.

"This is my first time", Elias bursted out.

Maya seemed surprised.

"I- I have no idea how this works. I mean of course I know storys and all but I've never- not even anything else.."


Elias nodded. "I've just never been interested in that before- well- b-before I met you."

"I'm nervous."

Maya smiled and climbed on top of the younger just to look him in the eye closely.

"It will be okay. I'll show you how it works."

Elias gave a relieved sigh.

"Okay so first we kiss, just like we did before, like this", he connected their lips into a deep meaningful kiss, "and then after some time it slowly turns into more and we're getting undressed and start touching each other. Like this-", he grabbed Elias' ass tightly and stroked with his hand along his waist and down and up his inner thigh which made the younger flinch, in a good way though. Elias pulled Maya down and kissed him again. "And then it gets-...- more intimate", he struggled to say because the movement of the others lips around his own made him breathless and the younger had placed his hands on Mayas clothed ass and pushed him slightly forward.

He was a quick learner, Maya thought.

"Like this?", Elias asked and slipped his hands around the jeans of the other to unbutton them.

When they were bare except for their underpants, Elias let one hand climb into the boxer-shorts of the man on top of him and massaged his sheer dick. Maya let go of a moan.

"Y-yeah like this", he panted.

Elias smiled to himself. He wanted to hear another one of these sounds, knowing that he caused them.

Maya leaned down and pressed himself onto the other.

"You ready?"

Elias exhaled deeply and nodded. He was scared and excited at the same time. What would it be like? He felt incredibly honored that he was allowed to do it with Maya.

The older slipped their last parts of fabrics off of their bodies, put Elias legs on his shoulders and kissed his belly with his soft lips.

"Okay, this is what we're gonna do. You need to be stretched out first because it can hurt a lot more if you haven't adjusted before. I'll start with my fingers. If there's anything you don't want or feel uncomfortable, whatever it is, interrupt me anytime, okay?"

Elias nodded and his eyes told Maya that he was scared.

Maya went upwards again and laid his lips on the others while he held his face in his hands.

As he let his first fingers enter he immediately noticed how the others facial expression tensed up. To calm him down he kissed him again and followed a rhythm that Elias could get used to. After a few minutes of his own dick throbbing between his legs he slipped a condom on and replaced his fingers with his length.

He heard Elias groan and jerk around.

"This okay?"


"Can I move?"

"Yes, carefully."

Maya nodded and slowly quickened the pace to his own and Elias' pleasure.

Elias' moans turned him on even more.

Their sweat drops mixed and their breaths mingled.

He felt the younger pulling him closer and initiating another kiss in between their gasps.

He felt him grabbing his hair tighter and heard his moans turning higher and sharper.

They finished at the same time and Maya laid down onto Elias torso for a second and regulated his breathing before pulling out and standing up to get rid of the condom. He came back with a tissue and cleaned their bodies from their escaped liquid. They put their boxer-shorts back on and Maya pulled the blanket up to Elias' chin before cuddling closer.

"There you did it again", Elias chuckled.


"You laid the blanket onto me."

"What did you expect? It gets cold these days. You shouldn't get sick."

"I love how you care about me so much."

"And I love you."

Elias woke up to a sunbeam on his face that creeped through his window. He looked around. A half full cup of tea was still on the side of the mattress. Apparently Elias forgot to drink it, after yesterday's interaction.

Maya was sleeping in front of him. A few strands of his hair, laying messily on his forehead. His cheeks peachy and his lips soft and rosé.

He looked so hot and cute at the same time. How did he do that, Elias asked himself.

He continued to stare at the sweet creature in front of him. His breathing was steady and calm, sometimes he moved around a little bit, and sometimes his eyelids would flicker.

Elias brushed the strands out of Mayas face. He just looked so beautiful.

Elias scooted closer and started kissing the others neck.

Maya gave a silent sigh but kept his eyes closed.

"Good morning sweetheart."

"It's tOo eArly", Maya groaned, pulled the blanket over his head and turned around so that his back was facing Elias.

The younger laughed. "I'll make breakfast."

He went over to Chariya and Aranyas room and woke his sister up.

They were definitely going to go to the hospital later. Just to see if Aranya improved in any kind of way.

After Elias started cooking an omelette with bacon, he went back to his room where he found the young adult still laying there, exactly how he laid when Elias left.

Well, if he wouldn't get out of bed anytime soon, he might have to change the way to wake him up.

The younger laid onto the older, freed his face from the blanket, arranged his chin to connect their lips perfectly.

As expected the bottom one immediately flushed into their lip movements just as the other broke it off.

"Took you long enough to wake up."

"I'm sorry? Your bed smells fantastic, it's not my fault", Maya replied with an ironic bitch face which made Elias laugh.

"Come on, I'm making you breakfast."

"I'd rather have you."



Maya smirked and pulled Elias in for a kiss.

"No no no, the eggs will be burned", he said and fought himself out of Mayas tight embrace.

Maya sighed and grabbed the closest tshirt he could find and then followed the younger into the kitchen.

He leaned in the doorway as he watched amused how Elias trying to save the eggs and bacon from burning.

"You could help me you know."


Elias took a few steps back and Maya showed him how to do it correctly.

He had no idea how the other did it, but whatever he did, worked. Always. And then it looked so incredibly easy.

Maya concentrated on cooking and finally put the finished meals on the plates that had been placed already.

Elias pouted.

"Why can you do this as well?"

"Why do you have a kitchen and pans if you don't know how to use them?"

"I'm just not made for this. But you're so good. At everything."

"That, babe, is not true."


"And do not forget, I've worked in a kitchen. It would be quite sad if I didn't know how to make an omelette with bacon."

"D-did you say babe?"

"Was that not okay? Um.. I'm-I'm sorry, I'll just call you Elias, then", Maya said, a blush creeping on his cheeks once again.

Elias smiled softly. "Babe is perfect."

These three words gave a flush of relief and warmth around Mayas heart. And that smile.

"Okay", he replied, a smile on his own lips as well.

"Where is Chariya?"

"I'll go get her. Chariya?", he asked while walking through the tiny hallway towards their room.


"Leave me alone please", she said with a cracked voice, her back facing the doorway as she sat in a corner of her room.

"Hey what's wrong?", Elias asked as he kneeled down and reached his arm out to her but she only moved further away from him.

"Bumble, what's going on? Please tell me."

"Don't call me that. It only works when Aranya is here", she mumbled into the wall.

Elias had thought of two nicknames, he used to call them when they were younger. Chariya was bumble, Aranya was bee.

A hand from behind sneaked on Elias shoulder.

"Chariya? Can I come closer?"

She turned around and looked Maya into his eyes. His voice was calming her a little as she actually nodded and Maya kneeled down too.

"You know she'll make it, right?"

Chariya stayed silent and tears were forming in her eyes.

"All of the doctors said that she's stable."

"She'll be okay."

"It's just so unfair. These assholes-"

"Hey, language!", Elias warned.

She rolled her eyes.

"These girls can't just walk away from this, completely free!"

"And they won't! We'll get a lawyer and you and your sister will make statements, so the government will decide what happens to them."

"The government." She laughed.

"The government doesn't care about as, not until we have money. And we don't."

"Yes we do. I- I talked to my dad. And he'll pay for all of it. He'll pay for the lawyers and Aranyas presence in hospital. You'll get justice, I promise."

"You talked to your dad?"

Maya smiled shyly.

"I'm proud of you."

"Thanks. So, you wanna get a plate of burned eggs 'à le Elias'?"


Chariya bursted out in laughter and Maya grinned at him shamelessly.

Chariya got out of her corner and walked into the kitchen.

"You're wonderful, do you know that?"

"I'm great, I know heh."

"And you're a fool", Elias laughed and kissed his boyfriend.

"Thank you." Elias took Mayas hand and held it gently.

"My pleasure." Maya caressed with his fingers over the youngers and intervened them.

"Always", he added, so silent that only Elias could hear him.

"Always for you, babe."




This was actually just supposed to be a Oneshot but I fell in love with their characters and before I noticed I had already written two chapters. Then I didn't want to stop right in the middle because I thought I needed at least some kind of closure about what was going to happen in their lives.

Especially after Aranya and Chariya had their 'accident' :(.

Anyway, thanks to anyone who bothered reading and a BIG thank you to my friends who I was allowed to spam with new content.
