

Dremlas was a small but a nice place it was alike some other towns out of many in the land of Kyronou. It was a wonderful place where everything was at peace every species and every kind had their own magic and lives this was a thousand years ago. Times have changed over time Kyronou has slowly had wars and bloodshed which all went back back to when the Vampires broke the peace. 

The story dates back to the old books were talking archives which only selected few are aloud to see. There is many different kinds of creatures on this universe there are humans, nymphs, dragons, many many others even including the trolls. But nothing, nothing was worse than the Vampires. They only took what they wanted and were crafted by the hands of pure evil to which the devil didn't touch. So they were made out to be. They are hypnotists with they're enchanting red eyes that are pools of blood you couldn't escape. The worst Vampire of all was the vampire king, Venus Evergold he ruled his kind by fear and controlled them by power. 

The Vampires didn't seem to be a problem to the peace but over time it was becoming to much the vampires were going hungry for blood and were mad only the king got to be fed while they were all forced to eat other things things that only hungered them more to where the oath was broke. A vampire bit a human. 

That's what they've made of my kind we're not that bad. The vampire ways have changed over time making things more of an interest. There is no vampire king anymore he died along with the rest of the blood line. Bitting humans or any kind of creature has become illegal unless there was consent and well of course if it was for love. Foolish humans with love. It's like a trap for them isn't it? With all the holidays and 'special moments'. To bad it was now forbidden for vampires to love but yet there is still someone who catches my eye... The blood smells tempting but they're eyes makes me think about love all the time. Let's not get caught. Welcome to my vampire love story, I'm just dying to get that kiss.

-The Cursed One