

Dia's whose dream were to be a singer after persuading her parents whose dreams for her was to be a lawyer succeeded,It was Dia's turn to face reality on how entertainment industry ruled.Dia quickly understood the assignment and success was knocking on her door, unfortunately Dia's success wouldn't last long as she drunkly had sex with a stranger which led to something she never taught would happen. What should Dia do?

lil_artison · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"I get to have her very first autograph so I might as well brag about it."
"Deal, am sure she will be willing to sign, since you've helped us, so thank you."
"My pleasure, now let ur cousin work some magic, bye."
"Bye" Harley was relieved.
After ending the call, Cynthia got to work.
"Hello guys, I know most of you aren't expecting a live right now but I have a sweat deal for you guys..."
**Cynthia went on telling her fans more about the song and even played the highlight of the song**
Within a few minutes the views had drastically improved, leaving the girls stunned as they had been watching the live.
"You cousin is... Wow!" Dia was speechless.
"Her fans sure must love her!" Dia said enviously.
In a few minutes, the views had increased by 10,000 and more than a thousand comment on how good the song was and her voice, of course, they were a few trolls but the girls were to happy to care.
The comments came pouring in as people from around the world asked her about her next song and questions.
Dia hadn't thought of it as she was still busy with singing classes, but she knew it was going to be easy as she had written songs countless times.
The girls were over the moon and as the live ended, they hurriedly called Cynthia expressing their gratitudes.
"Cynthia, you are amazing!"
"Thank you." Dia added.
"No problem, besides a deal is a deal." The girls didn't dare forget.
"A deal is a deal." Harley said with her business tone on.
The next few days were a bliss, the views kept increasing, people recognizing her on the streets. Dia's parents were impressed yet still had doubts. Even in her singing classes she was recognized and people wanted signature's. Of course she gave none as she hasn't completed her side of the bargain. Even Harley was popular cause people who have seen them together knew that they were close friends.
Another day comes where the girls were chatting about Dia's new song when Dia's phone rang.
"An unknown number."
"Answer and put it on speaker" Harley was curious.
" Hello, are you Dia Scott?"
"Yes, how may I help you?" at this point both the girls were nervous.
"We are XG entertainment..."
The girls were shocked, XG entertainment are known for their admiring Singer's and are one of the biggest entertainment industry in the world.
"We saw your video and would like to sign a contract but you would need a legal guardian's consent, is that okay?" Without hesitating she replied. "Yes it is."
"Okay, then we would forward the necessary information.Thank you for your cooperation and have a great day."
" Thank you and you too." The girls squealed, twirled and had their happy dance.
They decided to keep the news from Dia's fan and waited for Dia's parents so as to not spoil anything.
That evening after Dia's parents got back, Dia decided to tell them about the news.
"You guys are back a little bit early."
"Yes dear, we both finished our work quite early today but was held down by our boss."
"Mum, dad. I..." Dia hesitates for a while. "I got a call today from XG entertainment saying that they want to sign a contract with me."
Finally, she had their full attention. "You got a call?"
"Baby, are you sure it not something like a prank call or a scam." Mrs Scott being doubtful.
"It XG entertainment."
"X..." Mrs Scott seems to be recalling something. "XG?"
"Yes. XG. They are the biggest entertainment industry..."
"...Oh! yes! I heard that name once from a friend of mine..."
"Seems like they are big." said Mr Scott who was still processing what he had just heard.
"Ok darling, how about you look them up and then give them a call.?" Dia beaming with excitement.
Dia and her parents after looking them up, filling the information sent requiring the guardian's consent and after calling them and sending it to them had a blissful night.
Mr Scott was happy for his daughter as she had proven herself but he couldn't just shake off the grim feeling he always had whenever he thought of it but always decided to shrug it off as he didn't want to pry further and besides she was old enough to make her decision.
The next day as her parents were ready to leave for work, Mr Scott yelled out "How about I drop you off."
'that new' Dia thought.
"Oh! Okay."
The ride was a silent one as everybody was lost in their thoughts and after a few minutes, they finally reached her destination. She got off, said her goodbye's and started leaving.
"Dia..." Mr Scott hesitated. "Knock them dead." Mr Scott had a lot of unspoken words but didn't know how to place it."
"Will do!" Dia answered excitedly while tearing up, that mean't the world to her . Dia wiped her tears and hurriedly went inside.
Dia stood at the gate, breathe in and out to calm her nerves and entered.
Dia was heading towards the counter when a lady in a white suit approached her. "You must be Dia Scott?"
"Yes, I am." Dia was startled.
Dia couldn't help but notice her name tag which had the name 'Stephanie' on it.
"Follow me, will you?" Stephanie asked.
"Hah! yes!"
Stephanie led her down the hall and into an office where about 4 scary looking man in black and had a smug look on their faces were seated with a young guy who looked a little bit older than Dia, who was the only one smiling. "Sit here!". He whispered excitedly.
There were two seats, one next to one of the scary looking men's and the other next to the happy guy.
One of the men's spoke. "As you know, we had one of our staffs have a conservation with you and I believe we had concluded on getting your guidance's consent. So let them in."
" Come in?" Dia had a knot in her stomach.
" Yes, so where are they?"
The guy, Dia sat next to, whose name was Jerry, which she knew because of his name tag said. "I may have seen them outside, why don't Dia go find them."
Dia understood. She thought to herself 'He's good!'
Dia hurriedly stood up and headed for the door and with directions, she went straight to the toilet. Panicking she called her dad.
"Dad! you need to come now."
"Why?" Mr Scott whose mind already went overboard.
"Turns out both you and mom's presence are needed urgently!"
"But dear, i thought we've already filled the form and gave our consents, Is our presence really needed.
"Yes, but they need you to confirm that."
He was hesitant. "We are coming but a little bit of traffic is what might hold us up."
" How about you hold them up."
'Easier said than done.' "Ok, I will try."
Dia sighs and opens the door and immediately all eyes fell on her.
"They are on their way, just dealing with something. So why don't we discuss the terms in the contract." Dia trying to change the topic and it worked as Stephanie who was standing the whole time handed out a photocopy of the contract to the others and handed her the original copy while she holds another photocopy. Stephanie proceeds to read at loud
"The contract states that Jerry here, would be your manager and will be responsible for all your activities and schedule."
Dia waited patiently for Stephanie to finish not wanting to interrupt her and then talked.
"Am sorry, I already have someone as my manager."
"Ok, but since you would be joining our company, Jerry would be your manager." One of the men talked.
"Dia was about to respond when Jerry interfered. "Sir's I think this matter could be settled amicably, what I mean is I am totally down to be a PA if Dia doesn't mind since she has someone in mind.
"Very well but due to the abrupt changes, we'll like to have a discussion so if you would..." One of the man said with a stern look, while Stephanie led the way outside the office.
Outside the office, Dia thanked Jerry as she was sorry she was giving his job to someone else. "Am sorry and thank you for what you did back there."
"Oh, it nothing but I must say, you really were something back there, most people wouldn't think twice before accepting the offer, I mean it is a good offer especially from a company such as this one. So what is the deal?"
" I promised a friend and besides she practically did everything including the music video getting recognition." Dia teared up a little thinking about how lucky she was to have Harley.
"Oh!" He paused for a second. "Now am curious." He said with a smirk.
"You might get to meet her." Dia said smiling.
"If our Idea get approved." He said doubtfully.."
Dia changed the subject asking who were those inside? "Sorry, pardon my manners, those 4 scary looking man are the CEO's of these company we'll like shareholders and they get to make decisions concerning artists. And i have been working here for two months."
"oh!" Dia shakes her head in awe.
"Please come in." Stephanie said interrupting their conservation. They both went in after Stephanie and sat down.

This is my first story writing so they might be some mistakes so please bear with me as I learn more and if you would be kind enough to correct some of my mistake that would be lovely.