

  Their Dilemma 2

  Thursday Morning – At The Underground

  Mr. Stephen Bailey had been sending monologues to Mrs. Nichole Bailey and was not hoping to get a response from her.

  “Have you heard from your woman?”

  His partner asked while they were preparing to visit the registry to mock or attack Mr. Arthur Bailey – depending on what would be available to them to do.

  “No. I will send a message to her this morning.”

  “It is all right. I would have suggested you give her a call to give her some comfort.”

  “You are right. But I am afraid she would not speak with me because of the misunderstanding we have. Never mind, when I handle her tomorrow, she will forget that we ever had a misunderstanding.”

  The partner giggled and soon, they were ready to leave for the registry with their weapons and masks.

  At The Government Hospital