

  The Beautiful Beginning 1

  At the School Clinic.

  Louis, who was moved with empathy, held her before she could slump and carried her into one of the cars she sandwiched herself into which happened to be his car and drove to the school clinic. He came to a screeching halt at the clinic vestibule, and the long, high noise attracted the security guards on duty. He did not need any other announcement to make, as the caregivers came running to the car with a wheeled stretcher. Then, Louis got off the car, opened the back door where he laid her and the caregivers gently carried her into the wheeled stretcher and moved her to the Intensive Care Unit where the doctor was waiting for her. Louis closed the door before he drove to the students' park and parked his car. He picked her purse and joined her in the clinic, where he waited patiently for a few hours.

  “Kindly get some fruits for her.”

  The voice of one of the nurses’ who walked up to him, jolted him as he came off his reverie.

  “All right, nurse.”

  He said to the nurse who walked toward her seat at the reception, while he walked briskly to the car park like a man whose wife was in labor. He drove quickly to the grocery shop in the campus, got a bunch of watermelon, which was the only fruit he could think of that was rich in nutrients. Then, he requested it to be cut into chunks by the grocer who did and packaged it properly in a disposable transparent bowl covered with a cling film. He returned to the clinic and handed the pack over to the nurse, who was working on some papers at the reception.

  “Nurse, here is the fruit.”

  He announced and she instructed.

  “That is good. Take it to her, please. She is in ward 204.”

  There are needs that every human have which would surface naturally when the time comes. The need for affinity suddenly surged up in Louis, and he was managing it with joy.

  “Thank you nurse.”

  He appreciated and walked to the ward, following the directional arrows on the wall which led him to his destination. He walked into ward 204 and met Olivia sitting on the iron hospital bed with the head raised by a crank which enabled her head to be raised by a nurse who was checking the progress of her drip. When the nurse saw him standing by the door, she said.

  “Come in, please. Did you get the fruits?”

  “Yes nurse.”

  “It is all right. You can serve her.”

  The nurse said while she excused herself. Olivia looked searchingly at the young man before her, holding a pack. She was certain she had not met him before, except three hours ago.

  “Hello, can I sit?”

  He asked as he moved his eyes from Olivia to the visitor's seat beside the bed.

  “Oh! Please do. I greatly appreciate your help.”

  “You are welcome.”

  He said as he sat down and handed over the fruit pack and skewer stick to her after peeling off the cling film. She collected it and glanced at him then back to the fruit before she muttered.

  “Thank you.”

  “It is my pleasure. The nurse said you need it. Eat.”

  She began to eat the chunks of watermelon. Louis, who had noticed that she was not comfortable with his presence, busied himself with his phone. Then, Olivia was able to steal a look at him from time to time.

  'He looks harmless?'

  She thought. At that point, the ward was becoming too quiet and Olivia decided to chat him up.

  “Hi, I'm Olivia. Mind if I know you?”

  Louis raised his head from his phone, revealed his beautiful set of teeth while he said.

  “Thank you, Olivia, I'm Louis. We can talk after you are through with your fruit.”

  “Okay, Louis.”

  She ate her fruit quietly. When she was done, he collected the empty bowl from her, trashed it and inquired.

  “You must be starving. Do you mind if I get more for you?”

  “No, Louis. I'm good with this. Thank you, once again.”

  “Oh! Think nothing of it. Like I said, I'm Louis. Louis Bailey, from the Actuarial Science Department. What about you?”

  He asked. Bailey sounds familiar. During her days at High School, she had a School Mother by the name Julie Bailey. She was always doting on her and made sure she was always happy.

  'It may be a coincidence.'

  She dismissed the thought and responded.

  “Nice to meet you. I'm Olivia McGregor. I'm from the Information and Communication Technology Department.”

  “Wow! That is good. I'm glad to meet. I must mention that your face is new in the campus.”

  “It is possible. I'm in my first year. And you?”

  “Oh! I see. I'm in my final year.”

  “I see. It is my honor meeting you on a day like this. I'm sorry if I disorganized your schedule.”

  “No. Olivia. It was just how we are destined to meet. Imagine what would have happened if I was not there to give you a support.”

  “You are right.”

  “So. What did the doctor say was the problem?”

  He asked while going through the prescription on the side stool beside her table.

  “Acute stress.”

  “Oh! I wish you get better soon.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What could be responsible for the stress, if I may ask?”

  Now, Olivia adjusted, looked at him and informed.

  “I must have over worked myself with school work.”

  “I see. Please don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure by now, you must have adjusted.”

  “I won't. I have to adjust my reading schedule. Thank you for your concern.”

  While they chatted, the doctor knocked and walked in wearing his white coat and stethoscope around his neck.

  “Good day, doctor.”

  “Good day, doctor.”

  They greeted one after the other. Then, Louis stood up and attempted to leave, but the doctor stopped him and announced.

  “Don't bother to leave.”

  Meanwhile, he turned to Olivia.

  “You can be discharged at any time from now. I can see you have rested enough.”

  “Thank you doctor.”

  “Don't mention. Make sure you take your prescriptions religiously and have enough rest.”

  “I will do just as you said, doctor.”

  “That is good.”

  Now, the doctor faced Louis, who was beside her bed, and advised.

  “Please, take good care of her. Ensure that she rests and takes her prescription. As you can see, stress is not good for anybody. Promise?”

  The amazed Louis played along.

  “I promised, doctor.”