

  The search for Mr. Louis Bailey 7

  Mrs. Nichole Bailey strolled around the Arena just to while away time. Later on, she returned to their boot and spent some time chatting with them which gave her the privilege of studying the caliber of staff working with her son. When they were done for the day, she closed with them.

  "Have a nice evening."

  She said as the team members closed for the day.

  "We wish you same, Mrs. Bailey."

  They responded as they retired for the evening to their rooms while she returned to the suite with Louis.

  "You have a wonderful team, Louis."

  She commended.

  "Wow! You are very observant, mom. I am blessed with a great team."

  They walked back with Louis who knew that the evening would be a moment of intense discussions to his suite. Then, Mr. Arthur Bailey who was through with his meal and had settled down to watch the television greeted.

  "Welcome back, Son. How was your day?"