

  The search for Mr. Louis Bailey 3

  Then, he sent a message that is more officious than romantic to his new found love.

  (Nichole. We are leaving by 6 am. I will like you to put on fitted jeans and body hug turtleneck. I prefer bright colors please. Arthur.)

  After he sent the message, he called Louis line, but it was still not reachable.

  "What could be the cause of Louis's behavior?"

  He thought for a while before he switched off his light and went to sleep.

  After he sent the message, he called to Louis line, but it was still not reachable.

  "What could be the cause of Louis's behavior?"

  He thought for a while before he switched off his light and went to sleep.

  At Mrs. Bailey's Apartment

  She was still holding her phone after she called Louis wondering what could make Louis behave the way was behaving when a message hit her phone.


  She read through her message and the only thing she could say was.