

  The Epiphany 8

  “Why was she not online?”

  “Was she attacked on her way home?”

  “Is she still crying?”

  For those reasons, he defiled every pride in him and gave her a call, which she picked with a rush and greeted.

  “Hello, Henry. It is good to hear from you.”

  “Hello, Harriet. Why are you not online? I have been expecting you.”

  “It is all right. I will come online now.”

  “Wait. Why were you not online as usual?”

  Now, Harriet was at a loss of the right response to give, so she maintained that she was going to log in, but Henry’s next question helped her out.

  “Are you still crying because I had my lunch elsewhere today?”

  “What! Did you see me crying?”

  “Not at all. I saw you singing.”

  Harriett laughed heartily and Henry laughed along with her too. Then she asked.

  “On a serious note, why did you not show up as usual?”

  “I was with Mr. Fields, besides, I did not know that you will notice my absence.”