

  The Secret 15

  “Yes. I am through with him. Father, do not bother yourself about Uncle Stephen and his hired assassins. We will fish them out and deal with them.”

  Now, Mr. Author Bailey was relieved that the story had changed from him and Louis. Then, he informed.

  “He was at the house yesterday with his family head.”

  Denise showed resentment before he asked.

  “What did they come to do?”

  “They came to tender their apologies.”

  “Just like that? He will have to come with the assassins, that is the only way we would be certain that he had repented.”

  As he was talking, he was dialing his number at once, and his phone began to ring. When Mr. Stephen saw his call, his adrenaline began to run high. He was lost of the right thing to do at that time. Whether to ignore the call and incur more of their fury or pick and get verbal berating. Then, after a quick deliberation, he picked and Denise went straight to the point.