

  The Secret 5

  “Yes. I went for my honeymoon.”

  “What? Honeymoon? When did you get married?”

  “Well. I needed to do it the moment the urge came.”

  “It is all right. I hope your children are comfortable with the woman?”


  “What about your late brother’s widow, I hope she is not offended?”

  He chuckled and nodded his head before he responded.

  “She is my present wife.”

  “Wow! That is brilliant. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Douglas.”

  “You are welcome. How may I help you?”

  “I need your assistance, my son, Denise …. Kindly advise us on what to do?”

  “It is all right. I appreciate your patriotism for exposing an illegal immigrant.”

  “It is my pleasure.”

  “Kindly furnish me with the details of the young man.”

  “It is all right.”

  “What information do you need about him?”

  “I will forward a form to you. Print it out and give him to fill.”