Anita paced around her office biting her nails nervously as she thought about Tom's phone call to her and then paused when she realized that she was biting her nail. Her mother was going to kill her if she caught her exhibiting such dirty unladylike behavior.
She dropped her hands to her side as she sat down on one of the seats in her office. Had she played this card too soon? Although she had no fear since she knew that there was no way it was ever going to be traced to her. She had dotted every i and crossed all the ts. She was confident.
One major reason she had publicized this piece of news now instead of after talking to Lucy, was so that she wouldn't be suspected. Seeing how Tom had even called to warn her, she had thought he did that because he had seen the news already. So now they couldn't blame her of doing it because she was mad at them.