
one who was chosen

Azrael_Astaroth · Action
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2 Chs


"If I am going down, I am going to take at least one of you with me" said Yush as he bought out his sword from spatial ring.

After he brought his sword out, he immediately charged the four assassins.

"I guess the earlier illusion magic was the spell you casted with the last of your remining illusion mana, so you want to fight with sword did you ever held sword in your entire life" said one of the assassins as the four assassins circle him with dagger in both of their hands.

Two of the assassins attacked Yush one aiming for the leg and another one aiming for the head. yush immediately jumped from the assassin aiming for the leg and used his sword to block the daggers aiming for the head but at the same time another one attacked aiming for the heart.

When he saw the dagger was aiming for his heart, he immediately jumped backward but there was another assassin trying to kill him from back he immediately backflipped but one the dagger managed to hurt his triceps with both injuries in his triceps and thigh he was pretty much dead.

He took a potion out of his spatial ring, took a deep breath and immediately gulped the entire potion. His aura started to increase from sword apprentices to that of sword warrior.

"What kind of potion did he take his aura has reached that of sword warrior the aura is the same as the group leader we have to escape from here" exclaimed one of the assassins.

"Are your stupid whatever potion he took is clearly converting his life energy into aura he won't last long we just have to prolong the fight," said another assassin.

The four assassins attacked yush from four different directions.

While all this was happening yush was thinking 'I don't stand a chance against these four a a same time so I will take one at a time' thinking so he started targeting one at a time.

We the four assassins attacked at the same time he backflipped into one of the assassins and he chopped of the hand of the assassins from the shoulder he was about to kill him but before he could kill him another one of the assassins attacked aiming for his arm, but he managed to make a small cut on the elbow while the another assassins toke the injured friend retreated backed ward.

The assassins whose hand was cut out as the blood gushed out from his cut shoulder. The two assassins attacked him while others tried to stop the gushed-out blood.

The two assassins attacked Yush without giving him a chance to counterattack as he was left to defend himself against those two. The two assassins' coordination was perfect as they as killed many people by using their teamwork and just because his aura increase doesn't necessarily mean his has the power to kill them as his power increased exponentially and he doesn't have master over the power.

Suddenly he runs towards the escape point in the cave. The assassins started running toward the escape point as well when one of the assassins just catches up to him, he suddenly turns around and stabs the assassins in the heart. Caught in the sudden attack, the assassin tries to block the attack. His heart was pierced through the sword. His fellow assassins (friends) could do nothing as they watched him die .

Yush suddenly charges at the injured assassins to kill him the two assassins stood Infront of him to stop him from killing another one of their comrades but yush suddenly stopped and coughed blood from his mouth. Seeing this the assassins thought they couldn't miss this chance and dashed to kill him just as they reached near both of their head failed from their body.

"Sword art of death: first from "mumbled yush as he cut down their head from their body. He wouldn't have been able to kill them if they hadn't thought he was injured and let their guard down in the most crucial moment and they would have never thought he would have learned sward art as people could only learn any weapons art only when their aura reaches warrior level.

Yush never forgets what his father taught him he still father's word rag in his mind "let others come to you use bait if necessary." his used himself as the bait while he as recounting his battle their was suddenly a dagger infront of his neck and he heard a voice from behind.

"I never thought you would have learned sword art a guess a genius is a genius after all even when you are focusing only on magic you could still learn sword as seco---"his worlds were cut off as his vomited blood from his face and fell backed ward. When he turned his head downward there was a hole in his stomach, and he saw Yush taking sword out of his own stomach.

"Heh you are crazy to kill me you decided to kill yourself to by piercing your own stomach to pierce mine," said the one-handed assassin

"It doesn't matter as I had converted my life force into aura I would have died any way "said yush

He again talked "can you at least tell who was the one who commissioned you guys for my death"

"I dont know group leader Patrick should know" said the assassin before closing his eyes and embracing his death.

"I see "said Yush as he closed his eyes and fell on the ground.