
One Who Understands

The story is about a naiv young man who finds love close to home. *Note: There's no magic in this novel. *I do not own the cover photo. I will take it out if requested.

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Chapter 42

Ed spent the rest of the day and on into the wee hours of the night at the police station giving his statement again and again, speaking to one detective after another. Finally they sat him alone in the waiting area. When the police left him he sent a text to Grace to let her know where he was. He was exhausted by his ordeal and fell asleep leaning back against the wall.

Grace pushed through the doors and scanned the area until her eyes landed on the big man. She rushed to his side and dropped down on the bench to cling to him.

He jolted awake and looked down to see the top of Grace's head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her. He then saw Rachel, Angie, and Zoe standing in a group in front of them. They all wore expressions of worry.

"Hi" he said and his voice cracked. His throat was still raw from the questioning he'd received.

The door burst open behind the group and Mr. Drakos barged his way in. He saw Ed and his bushy brows dropped down as he relaxed. He greeted the women and turned to Ed.

"How are you doing son?"

"I'm ok."

"The news is saying all kinds of crazy things about Judge Nelson, his wife, and a repairman she may or may not have been having an affair with…" the gentleman gushed.

Grace pulled back and looked into his eyes. Love and concern fought for dominance in her gaze.

Ed grimaced. "There is nothing going on between me and Mrs. Rutledge. I think she may have wanted there to be but I told her no. She's a married woman. She tricked me into opening her husband's locked closet and there was all these horrible photos. I called the police but Judge Nelson got home first. He held a gun on me and confessed to killing his wife's lover. The 911 operator was still on my phone and recorded it all." He twisted with discomfort. He didn't like thinking about this part. "He- he was going to- shoot me. I threw the crowbar I was holding and it got him in the chest."

There was a collective gasp from the women and Mr. Drakos who glanced at them in embarrassment.

"I didn't kill him! The police told me the injury I caused wasn't fatal. Victoria killed him. She shot him with his gun." The group gasped again. "She's in there somewhere." Ed pointed back in the station but stopped talking as his throat was raw. He rubbed it.

Angie rushed off and returned shortly with a cold bottle of water. He thanked her with a smile and nod and drank half the bottle immediately.

"Sorry, the van is still at the Rutledge mansion and the police have the crowbar," Ed apologized to his boss. Mr. Drakos just smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry about that. Please take tomorrow off to recover from this. I will see you on Monday, yes?"

"Thank you sir!" Ed gushed and the man's smile just grew. He nodded to the ladies then left.

Ed looked at the four women. "Can I go home now?"

Grace clung to Ed in the back seat of Angie's SUV all the way back to Rachel's place. Ed could see she was still shaken by his brush with death but then so was he. His mind shied away from the event and his stomach flipped when he thought about the crow- <urp!>. Best not to think about that. He concentrated on how wonderful Grace felt against his side.

There were two police cruisers parked at the entrance to Silverton Heights but Angie was waved through. The press tried to take pictures but the tinted windows thwarted their efforts.

Soon they were pulling into Rachel's driveway and everyone got out.

Grace smiled at Ed and released him so he could kiss the ladies goodnight.

Angie crushed herself against him and he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against his chest. He felt her trembling slow and stop as she relaxed, feeling his strength and solidity. He leaned his face back and looked into her eyes and she smiled at him.

Seeing that she was feeling better he tipped his face to hers and she eagerly met his mouth. When Ed pulled back he was halfway to becoming fully aroused and Angie had a twinkle in her eyes. She stood back as Zoe stepped forward.

She smiled up at Ed with her dark eyes. She was so much shorter so he scooped her up instead of leaning over, his hands gripping her ass cheeks. She squeaked then purred as he kissed her hard. Angie had gotten him going and Zoe… well, she did something to him. He still didn't understand it. He squeezed her ass and she moaned. He pulled away from the kiss and set her down, feeling a little wobbly. Zoe's eyes were locked on his mouth as Angie pulled her back to the car.

Rachel smiled and waved to her friends as they drove out of her driveway. She led Ed and Grace inside and noticed that Ed was showing quite visibly against his coverall. She locked up and turned to smile at him when he pulled her against him and took her mouth with his. He was desperate in his need and she was almost swept away by his passion.

Then it dawned on her. He was reacting to almost being killed! His ability to be gentle was lost until he got over that. She felt the heat of his cock pressing against her and she was panting with need herself when she managed to push back from him.

"Edward! Go to the kitchen and drink a glass of ice water to help your throat," she gasped.

Grace was looking at her with a puzzled expression as Ed moved away. She caught the fact that Ed was tenting his coverall and she looked back at Rachel.

The woman looked to make sure Ed was out of hearing distance then she turned to Grace. "He's had a near death experience. He's not his usual gentle self at the moment. If you'd planned on being with him tonight please be aware that's why. He may be a little rough in his desperation."

Grace wanted to share his bed and more tonight. She was also reacting to almost losing him and needed to be with him. But she was frightened of being hurt on her first time. She looked at Rachel pleadingly. "Could- could you…" she was too embarrassed to finish.

Rachel's brows went up in surprise. Then she saw the young woman's eyes tearing up.

"I- I'll calm him down then you two can be alone. How's that?" she blurted to ease Grace's distress.

Grace's face burst into a smile and she nodded quickly as she wiped her tears away.

Ed walked back into the room and looked at the two women suspiciously. "What's wrong?" he asked quietly.

"Nothing!" Grace blurted and rushed to his side. She couldn't bear to be away from him. She needed him so badly.

"Let's all go upstairs. It's been a very trying day." Rachel suggested as she held out her hand to Ed.

He nodded and took her hand as Grace clung to his other side. They went up the stairs like that, with Rachel leading the two. They stopped outside of the master bedroom.

"Grace wants to be with you tonight but we think you need to be a little more relaxed first so we're going to take care of you. Is that ok with you?"

Ed's eyes widened and he looked at Grace. She was biting her lip and looking up at him with a worried expression. He nodded.

Rachel led them into her bedroom and stopped at the end of her bed. Grace released Ed's arm and stepped a little to the side. Rachel smiled as she began to unzip his coverall. She pushed it off his shoulders and dropped it to his feet. Ed was standing in his undershirt and underwear which he was tenting badly. Grace's eyes were fixed on the bulge and Ed began to feel uncomfortable. Rachel saw this and reached out to take Grace's arm. She pulled her closer and moved the woman's hand to touch Ed's chest.

"Do you feel his beating heart?" the red head asked.

Grace felt the quick thumping under her fingers. She nodded and looked into Ed's eyes.

"Some of that is because he's excited. A large part of that is his fear that you will reject him when you see how large he is. I don't know why Edward feels that way but he does. You wouldn't do that would you?" Rachel said.

"No! I love Ed!" Grace gasped. "I just haven't seen many penises and I- I'm a virgin."

Ed's eyes widened in surprise at Grace's statement and he smiled at her confession of love.

"First off, it's a cock. Penis is a dull word for such a wonderful example as this one." Rachel moved Grace's hand down to grip Ed through his underwear. Ed's breath hissed between his teeth in pleasure as Rachel made the young woman squeeze his shaft and run her hand up and down.

Grace's jaw dropped as she felt the heat and hardness in her palm and that was through the fabric of his underwear!

Rachel had an idea. "You know Edward can do absolutely incredible things with his mouth. While I take the edge off, he could show you. You'd like to do that wouldn't you Edward?"

There was a fire raging in Ed's eyes. He wanted so badly to pull Grace to the bed and kiss her all over and take her. He knew Rachel was smarter about these things so he struggled to control himself and just nodded as he licked his lips.

Grace looked at Rachel with a timid, embarrassed expression. "I'm not attracted to women," she said quietly.

"Neither am I. This is for you and Edward. Once you're both relaxed you can experience the joy of becoming one."

Grace's smile lit up her face and she nodded.

Rachel gestured for her to kneel before Ed with her. Once they were both down Rachel smiled at her. "As you haven't really seen such a magnificent cock the best first impression you will have is to see one from this vantage point. Edward, please pull your shirt off, slowly."

He nodded and gripped the fabric from the bottom and pulled upwards slowly. He really wanted to yank it off but this was for Grace so he controlled his urges.

Hard abs came into view as Grace smiled as she bit her lip. Ed smiled and kept pulling the fabric up. The thick slabs of his muscular pecs were next then the shirt was up and over his head, falling to the floor.

"Mmmm, he's yummy." Rachel said and Grace nodded once more.

Rachel took hold of the waistband of his boxers and slowly slid them down. She pulled the front out so the elastic wouldn't catch on anything important. Grace's eyes grew wider and wider as more and more of the thick cock became exposed. Then the underwear dropped and Ed stepped out of them, his work coverall and his socks. He was naked before them. Grace was smiling as she drank in his raw masculinity.

Ed relaxed as he saw how happy Grace was. His heart soared and his fear slipped away. He loved her so much! His eyes moved to Rachel and his heart swelled with gratitude for her helping them be together. Then he realized it was more than that. He loved this woman. The thought shook him. He hadn't realized how important she'd become to him. He still loved Grace, maybe more than ever. He'd have to talk with Grace about this as she could help him work this out. He was lost.

"Most times a cock like this will need a little attention to get as big and hard as this but Edward's pretty excited right now as you can see." Rachel smiled, unaware of Ed's turbulent thoughts about her. She wrapped her graceful fingers around the base of Ed's cock and gently squeezed drawing a moan from the man. A small bead of clear liquid also appeared at the tip of his cock and Grace's eyes locked on it.

"This is a little lubrication to ease this big beast into a woman's pussy." Rachel gently rubbed one fingertip through the liquid to coat the thick head of Ed's cock as he moaned once more. "Of course, this little amount isn't enough for someone of his girth so we'll have to add a little extra wetness."

She pulled his cock down until the head was pointing at her lips. She ran her tongue over the thick head and his hips thrust forward involuntarily bumping into her mouth.

"S-sorry," he stuttered as she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. Rachel shared a look with Grace who giggled as her nerves relaxed a little. She saw how aggressive Ed was being and was grateful for the instructions and support from the older woman.

Rachel turned and took the head and the first two inches of his cock into her mouth. Ed's body jerked with the strong sensation and he gasped. She did her best to pump him deeper as she made several strokes on his cock. She maybe got half of it before her throat clamped down.

"Oh geezus Rachel!" Ed gasped and she felt a zing shoot through her body at how she was affecting the big man.

She pulled back and released his cock. With a smile she turned to Grace. "Your turn."

Grace's eyes went wide with surprise.

"You can do it. Just remember to keep your teeth back and use your lips and tongue only," she instructed gently.

Grace took hold of Ed's cock and her eyelids fluttered as sparks shot through her body. She wanted this so badly. She'd dreamed of this for so long. Of course she'd never suspected he'd be so big!

She stuck her tongue out and ran it against the side of the shaft. It was hot and smooth. When her tongue stroked across the head she noticed how different it felt from the shaft. More spongy and suddenly she needed to have it in her mouth. She opened wide, conscious of her teeth and slid his cock into her mouth.

"God! This is heaven!" Grace and Ed thought simultaneously.

Rachel watched with wide eyes as Grace's eyes closed in rapture and she slid more and more of Ed's thick cock into her mouth. She saw her jolt to a stop as it hit the back of her throat then Grace seemed to make an adjustment and down it went into her throat. She made odd purring noises as she slowly bobbed on his flesh.

"Oh my god! Oh- Oh Grace! So good!" Ed moaned and shook. His hips began to move involuntarily and his hands reached for Grace's head but Rachel caught them. Maybe he'd be gentle or maybe he'd start to fuck her mouth roughly and scare the girl. Rachel wasn't taking that chance this early in their relationship. When he was calmer they could do this again.

She pulled Grace gently back from Ed's cock and Grace kissed the head as it left her mouth.

"That was exceptionally well done Grace!" Rachel said with a smile. "Lie back on the bed Edward." Rachel was really beginning to enjoy role playing as their teacher. Her juices were flowing as she eyed Ed's throbbing cock. She wanted it inside her as soon as possible but she had to get Grace positioned first. "Grace it's time for us to get undressed. It's only fair for Ed that we give him a little show as well. This is only for him. Ok?"

Grace smiled mischievously as she looked at Ed's eager expression. She was only wearing a loose sweater, leggings, her bra and panties. She looked over at Rachel who was enjoying Ed's rapt attention.

"It's all about the tease… men loved to be teased as long as that's not all they get." Rachel said to Grace as she kept her eyes on Ed who licked his lips when Rachel slipped the silk blouse from her shoulders exposing her lace bra. Grace began to feel a little self-conscious as Rachel had such a great figure.

Rachel noticed her hesitation and turned to her. "Grace, look at that man! He wants you! He thinks you are the most desirable woman he's ever seen. Best yet, he loves you. Show him how much you love him!"

Grace smiled at Rachel and returned her attention to the naked man on the bed. She lifted her sweater slowly while she watched Ed gulp. Her breasts strained at the fabric of her plain bra and Rachel made a mental note to go shopping with Grace before she went back to school.

Rachel let her skirt slip to the floor and Ed's cock jumped in reaction. God she loved how he looked at her with such hunger!

Grace turned her back to Ed and pulled down her leggings and shook her ass at Ed with a grin over her shoulder. He made a snort sound but he was obviously entranced.

Rachel released the clasp on her bra and let it slip down her body. Again the jump of his cock let her know he was becoming desperate. When Grace's bra came off he surged to his knees and the two woman gently pushed him back down on the bed.

"It's time Grace. He can't wait any longer." Rachel said with a smile.

"I don't know what to do."

"Edward does. Just climb up above his face and he will do the rest."

Ed smiled at Grace as she timidly pulled down her panties and knee walked up the bed beside him and swung her leg over his head. When his lips began kissing her inner thigh she gasped aloud and gripped the bed's headboard.

Rachel slipped off her own panties and climbed onto Ed's torso facing his feet. She lowered her wet pussy to his hard cock and rubbed herself up and down his length. She thought she might need to add more lube but she was so fucking horny! She reached down and pointed his cock up as she lifted herself up to position herself above the thick head. She eased herself down and felt Ed take a grip on her waist and push himself deeper. He was losing control.

Grace cried out with bliss as Ed stroked his tongue across her pussy. She found herself pushing down against his mouth but he just kept his clever tongue moving, teasing and touching, bringing her pleasure higher and higher. She'd never felt anything so good in her life! She held onto the headboard as the bed was beginning to rock.

Rachel was lost in the sensation of his thick cock slamming deep into her again and again. She could feel his need to connect with her, to feel alive again, overwhelming him. It was so raw and passionate, Rachel found her own release roaring up at her like a freight train. She was completely in his power and it was delicious! That thought was the final trigger for her and her body began to convulse through her orgasm as her mind flashed white. His movements became erratic signaling his own imminent orgasm.

Grace screamed as Ed sucked roughly on her clit and she curled over his face as her pussy clenched and quaked through a monstrous release. She gushed over his chin as she tried to catch her breath.

Rachel came back to herself lying across Ed's legs. His cock was semi hard in her aching pussy. He'd been a lot more aggressive than she'd suspected but the pain wasn't so bad and the rest of her body felt like it was glowing. She pulled herself free and his cock flopped back onto his stomach. She looked to see Grace leaning heavily against the headboard gasping and shivering.

"Are you ok Grace?" she asked.

The young woman was only able to nod.

Rachel slipped off the bed and stood for a moment until the ache eased. She went into the washroom and returned with a couple of warm damp facecloths. She cleaned Ed's cock with one and felt his flesh begin to revive. She hoped she'd removed the urgency because Grace needed his gentleness for her first time.

"Grace, are you on the pill?"

Again the young woman nodded.

"Alright, slide down his body until you are face to face."

When Ed's face was exposed Rachel cleaned it with the second facecloth. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

Grace gasped when she felt the hot flesh of Ed's cock brush up against her sensitive pussy.

"I think you two know what to do from here." Rachel said with a smile.

"Don't leave!" Grace blurted.

Rachel looked at her in surprise. She thought that's what Grace wanted.

"I feel more confident with you here. Please stay." When Rachel looked over at the chair in the corner Grace reached out and took her hand. "No, I mean on the bed. Ed won't mind." She looked into his eyes and confirmed her suspicions. She smiled softly. "He loves you too."

Ed's eyes snapped to Grace's in surprise then he was kissing her and she made sweet little mewls of need as she ground against him.

Rachel looked at Ed in shock. He loved her? Love?

Ed pulled back from the kiss with tears in his eyes. "Oh Grace, I love you so much."

"I know baby. I love you too!" Grace said quietly. She looked at Rachel's shocked expression. "Ed's special in many ways. You love him don't you?"

Rachel's eyes were pooling with tears. She hadn't let herself hope for love. She'd only thought she could prevent the loneliness of living alone. Now Grace was offering to share Ed's love. And Ed loved her. She nodded to Grace, unable to speak.

"Then stay."

Rachel climbed back on the bed and Ed leaned over to give her a kiss that rocked her to her toes. It felt so much better now that she knew there was more than lust involved.

"I want him inside me but I'm so scared." Grace said.

Rachel struggled to regain her emotional balance and smiled at Grace. "Not to worry, there isn't a gentler lover than Edward… when he's not recovering from events like yesterday's that is."

"I hurt you?" Ed gasped with concern.

"It's OK. You were wonderful, just a little overly enthusiastic. It's fine. Let's concentrate on the beauty you have in your arms now. Hold still and let her do all the moving for now, alright?"

He nodded at her with wide eyes and her heart surged. He loved her!

Rachel moved down until she could see Grace rocking on Ed's hard cock. "Ok Grace slide up his chest a little." She did and Ed took the opportunity to lift one of her tits up to his lips. He sucked on the nipple and Grace threw back her head with a gasp. Rachel lifted Ed's cock up to point the head directly at Grace's wet pussy. "Slide down Grace."

When the head slipped inside the wet channel with ease Rachel moved back up to their faces. "Ok Grace, you can take it at your own pace. Slide down to take more and up to ease him out. If you feel him hit an obstruction a short distance inside, that's likely your hymen. You don't have to go past that tonight. You can just get used to his size tonight. If you do just hold still and adjust. The pain will go away. You may ache for a while from his size but that goes away too."

Grace already felt full but she made tentative up and down motions on Ed's body and felt the heat of him slip further into her pussy. God, that felt so right! It ached but she felt an almost desperate need to have more. She began to pant as she pushed down harder and moved faster. She needed more!

Then she felt it. A sharp pain. It was so sudden it caught her off guard and she hissed. Rachel stopped her movement and brushed her hair back from her face to see her expression. The tenderness of the woman's touch distracted her from the slowly receding pain. She felt Ed's cock swell and throb inside her and it felt like he was all the way in but when she moved again she realized there was more to take. The pain wasn't so sharp and the ache was bearable as her need for more of him began to return to her.

"Take it slow Grace. Just a little at a time." Rachel whispered to her.

Ed moaned as the pleasure was intense. Grace looked at the bliss clearly showing on his face and smiled. She listened to Rachel and gradually, slowly she managed to take all of him inside her. When she did she held still and just let the sensations wash over her. It was happening! She was having sex with Ed and it was so much more intimate and loving than she had expected.

Ed's hands were on her ass and he was boldly kneading her flesh. That was triggering the most wonderful cascades of sparks up and down her spine!

She began to move in long, slow strokes.

"Oh Grace, oh, that's so good!" Ed moaned then he lifted his face to hers and kissed her deeply. She whimpered at the combination of his kiss, his hands, and his thick cock filling her up. It was too much. She began to move faster and faster, driving him into her pussy. Her need for release quickly became all consuming.

Ed pulled back from the kiss suddenly. "I'm going to cum! Grace! I can't stop!" Ed gasped.

"Don't stop! Ed, I love you so much!" she cried.

Rachel had tears in her eyes watching the two lovers. It was so beautiful and she felt so honored to witness their first time.

Ed pulled Grace tighter against his body as he rocked her up and down on his cock. This rubbed her clit against him and her eyes clenched tight as a fierce orgasm rocked through her body. Ed threw his head back against the mattress as his own orgasm struck.

Grace felt his warmth spreading into her and she smiled as she rested her forehead on his chest. She felt his strong heartbeat and felt connected to him in a deep and spiritual way. His love was all she ever wanted and now she had that and more. She turned her head and smiled at Rachel.

"Oh my god that was good," she breathed.

Rachel wiped her happy tears away and grinned at the young woman. She knew she was still in the afterglow stage. She knew the aches she was going to be feeling for the next day or two… or more. They had been very passionate after all.

Ed reached out a hand and took the red head's hand in his and kissed her knuckles while he looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry I hurt you," he said. "You aren't upset that I've fallen in love with you are you?"

Grace and Rachel both burst into giggles.

Ed looked at the two ladies with a puzzled expression.

"No Edward. No woman would be upset with you telling her you were in love with her." Rachel said gently with a sweet smile.

Ed recalled Mrs. Dmitrov's reaction to something as simple as a kiss but decided it would be too difficult to explain that without being indiscrete.

He relaxed inside Grace and slipped free. She felt his cum begin to spill out so she tried to get out of the bed but the ache was beginning to set in. She looked at Rachel with concern but the older woman just smiled and helped her off the bed and into the washroom.

Rachel came back with another damp facecloth and washed Ed's cock and balls carefully but quickly so he didn't become aroused again. He smiled at her then yawned mightily. He made to move to go to his own room but Rachel placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Could you stay here tonight? It would be nice to not have to sleep alone for once," she asked quietly.

He looked at her and nodded.

Grace exited from the washroom with a pained look on her face.

"That will go away. Just give it a day or so." Rachel said. "Would you like to share this big bed with Ed and me tonight?"

Grace smiled and nodded. With a wince she got into the bed on Ed's right side and Rachel got in on his left. Both snuggled up to Ed and sighed contentedly. It didn't take them long to slip into sleep.

Ed was in heaven. He couldn't believe how his life had turned out so amazing. He hoped Shirley would find happiness with her boyfriend. He hoped Mrs. Dmitrov would find happiness in the new city. He didn't know what to think of Mrs. Rutledge.

He had Grace's love and he had Rachel's love as well. He had a job he loved with a great boss, a beautiful home to live in and amazing friends in Angie, Zoe, Stephanie and Carolyn.

He kissed Rachel's head tenderly and she smiled in her sleep.

Ed looked at Grace and his mind filled with wonder. He couldn't figure out how she was able to understand him so well. She'd even figured out that he loved Rachel and he'd only discovered that himself moments earlier. It was like she was the missing part of his brain. She really did complete him!

He remembered the night when Shirley gave thanks for bringing him into their lives. Ed wasn't one to pray but he suddenly felt like he should be giving thanks for the wonderful people who'd come into his life. When his mom died he felt his world become a colder place. Grace had saved him from that and now she was surrounding him with love. He gently kissed the top of her head and she sighed.

Ed felt sleep tugging him down into its embrace. He thanked whoever was in charge of this crazy thing called life for letting him share it with one who understands.

End of Volume 1