
Chapter 34: Uncountable Mistakes

Continuing right from the last chapter...

Tori was hit by a car while laying on the ground.

The driver then gets out of the car... The driver is Kiuji...

Zuoni, Waruwi & Jinjine were shook

Choza: Poor kid...

All of them then gets out of the car...

Kiuji: Now i know the type of deal you're trying to make. I don't see any briefcase here, i doubt it's by cheque or bank transfer too...

Choza then runs around them in a flash & sets a bunch of threads to trap them & Choza then backs away

Zuoni: Don't you have mercy...even for your companions?!

Kiuji: Ahh...Tell me, what do you know about mercy?

Zuoni: Hnghhh

Zuoni just holds his fist

Kiuji: You're a slave to an association full of lies...& you want to talk to me about mercy? An Association so flawed yet its 'positive' reputation seems to never be dropping off. They never seem to know what's fair & what's not fair, they kill all these guilty people & letting their child live on their life as if nothing happens yet people never seem to notice that. People are quick to judge people from their negativity & they're also quick to judge 'Well-known' people who's known to do nice Things Positively.

The 4A is no different from an Underground Association Of Serial Killers. They will kill people just to get known for doing something. The difference is Serial Killers know what they're doing is wrong & they do it because they want to...

While The 4A kill bad people & thinks it's different & acceptable compare to Killing People In General

Choza In Her Head: I've never heard boss talks this much

Kiuji: *sighs* I wasted my time talking while i should've just killed you-

Zuoni: Wait, the money...It's at the rooftop of the building to the left side of us right now

Choza: Try anything funny & we'll get rid of your left arm

Choza then makes a space to get out of her Threads for Zuoni...Then

Choza: Wha?!

Kiuji, Choza & Vakoro got struck by lightning...Turns out...

Jay In His Head: Thunderbolt!

Vakoro In His Head: He only went hard on these two, huh

Choza In Her Head: Wait, it's the Electric Guy? Then what happens to...

Jay In His Head: How pitiful...

Your own comrades decided to betray you lots


Tenni: Oi, don't panic. I'll let you go but you have to somehow conceal yourself. They're asleep but they're really alert & some of them don't even sleep properly, so you have to sneak out of here really carefully

Jay: Tenni, are you...one of them?

Tenni: Only for now, you don't need to worry. I might be the 4A worst enemy right now...But at least i know I'm doing the right thing

Jay: Thank you

Tenni: I don't need a thank you right now. I only need you to not messed up & jeopardize my whole plan

*Back To Present Time*

Jay In His Head: Tenni is the real Mastermind behind this mission. The mission to eradicate the Top Parade

Jay then falls from the sky & went straight to the ground &...

Vakoro gets away as quick as possible but he saw

Vakoro In His Head: What? He's punching his own palm? Is he?

Jay then punched his own palm to create...

Jay In His Head: Thunderclap!

Jay In His Head: When the Electric's voltage is too high in a rapid manner, it'll vaporise its consultation material therefore making

An Electric Explosion

After the explosion & the smokes disappear

Kiuji: *laughs quietly* Intimidating...

Vakoro then holds Jay's neck with his forearm

Jay: Compound Electric Spread

Zuoni In His Head: What?!

Vakoro then let go of Jay

Jay: You damn traitor...Now, help me

Jay & Vakoro then rushes towards Choza & Kiuji

Choza In Her Head: They're quick!

Choza & Kiuji managed to evades their attack

Vakoro In His Head: That Electric Spread was meant to give me the Extra Boost for Electricity & since i haven't use it in a while, This really is An Uplift

Vakoro: Fuel Boost!

Kiuji: *laughs* You want it to be this way? Choza, give it all you got

Choza: Got it

While they were fighting & dodging each other's attacks


Matohi In His Head: It seems like Tenni freed Jay. So, we don't have to worry about those guys

Kamoyo: Tenni, do you think you can pass this?

Kamoyo looked at Tenni dead in the eyes

Tenni: I can take care of myself, why should you be concerned about me?

Tenni then left the room

Matohi: Kamoyo, what do you mean by those words you said to her just now?

Kamoyo: You have to figure it out yourself, i don't think it's safe to talk in here when we don't know how many people can sneak on conversations around here...

Ekuto: They neglected...Kill the kids

Hira: Damn it!

Takahashi then blast a group of sands towards Zukkei & Hira

Tenni In Her Head: This early?! Damn it

Tenni: Senetsu Wall!

Takahashi: Huh, i knew you're working with them. But no one is to be blamed here *laughs quietly*

Takahashi then starts attacking Them with A Flow Of Sands all around the room just to attack Zukkei & Hira

Jay In His Head: I guess she had no options at the time. As long as Zukkei & Hira doesn't know, this isn't going to mess up completely...

Tenni: Multi Rukeiri Blocks!

Zukkei & Hira was knocked out when Iyanari was killed...However, Matohi couldn't believe what they have just heard...

Kamoyo: Matohi! Keep yourself together!

Zukkei In His Head: Wha? Our handcuffs got cut?

Zukkei then sees how he & Hira got freed

Zukkei In His Head: I owe you one, Tenni

Tenni then hits the wall with her Blocks

Takahashi: Wait, is she trying to? I won't let you

Takahashi then blocks the exposed wall with her sands

Tenni In Her Head: How dare you!

Tenni then feels a certain wave coming from behind her, she then sees both Zukkei & Hira rushing towards Takahashi

Tenni: Idiots! You're gonna get yourselves killed!

Zukkei & Hira then jumps from left to right & from the ceiling to the ground

Hira: Yes we already know that

Zukkei: But we should at least...Try!

Hira: Zukkei!

Takahashi then caught Zukkei's Leg & trapped him

Takahashi: Fools!

Zukkei then...

Zukkei: Burakku Strike!

Zukkei punched the Sand that was trapping his Leg With a Frozen Fist.

As Zukkei was falling...

Zukkei: Snow Spray!

Takahashi: Damn it all!

Takahashi got blinded by Zukkei's Snow Spray & as that was happening

Hira: 4th Bell...Gianki Twist!

Hira said that as she punched Takahashi in her stomach

Takahashi: Wh-What was that?!

Hira: See for yourself

Hira then backs away as Takahashi..

Takahashi: ARGHHH!!

Takahashi's body starts twisting which led to her not being able to move as she wants to

Tenni: That's not gonna last for long, get out now!

Ekuto then starts shooting at Zukkei, Hira & Tenni as they were walking out of the broken wall

Zukkei In His Head: There's the Handgun guy & That Guy with the creepy eyes. Okay then

Zukkei: Igloo! Tenni!

They then discussed for a bit but then

Ekuto: Bastards, you're discussing a plan at a time like this? Then-

Zukkei & Hira then jumps to left & right but

Ekuto: Idiots!

Ekuto shot both of them while Tenni was standing in front of him

Ekuto In His Head: Wait

Zukkei: Snow Terrains!

Ekuto was shooting a bunch of Senetsu Beast & Zukkei then took the chance to make the Snow Terrains. He then kicked Snow Terrains to make dust all around the room to conceal their presence

Ekuto: Damn it, Moshi. Did you catch them?!

Moshirin: Yes, But it's futile. There's dust all around anyway-

Ekuto: Moshi!

Ekuto In His Head: Okay, kids. Where are you?

A hand then approached Ekuto from behind but Ekuto caught it & tried to pull it but it escaped

Ekuto In His Head: This could just be a decoy Senetsu Beast

Ekuto then starts shooting in circle

Ekuto In His Head: Got you now, kid-

Ekuto's hand got stabbed by an Arrow. A Rukeiri Arrow

Ekuto In His Head: Damn you

Ekuto starts dodging from left to right but then

Ekuto In His Head: You can't caught me twice

Ekuto dodged the arrow but then the Dust starts disappearing but Zukkei just keeps kicking it

Tenni In Her Head: Damn it!

Takahashi then comes into the room

Takahashi: You brats...are going to die...

Zukkei's shoulder got hit by the bullet but he just ignores it

Ekuto: Surrender now...or Accept the consequence

Hira: I got your friend!

Hira caugh Moshirin but then

Hira In Her Head: I have to be ready at any moment now, this could just be a Senetsu Beast

Hira then dodged a punch by Takahashi

Takahashi: Lucky dodge

Hira In Her Head: No crap

Hira then dodged another punch... again from Takahashi

Hira In Her Head: That was a Senetsu Beast?!

Takahashi then caught Hira

Takahashi: That was...Two Senetsu Beast. Just as fast as me

Hira In Her Head: Damn it, i have to use it...

Sixth Bell, Kitanai Thrust!

Hira then thrust away from Takahashi but she grabbed her arms & managed to follow her as she was trying to thrust away from her

Takahashi: Just give up, kid-

Zukkei grabbed Takahashi's leg

Zukkei In His Head: Instant Froze!

Takahashi In Her Head: She was trying to bring me along with her so that her friend can Froze me?!

Damn it, I've been outwitted!

As Takahashi got frozen...

Ekuto: You damn kids...You should've listen to me

Zukkei continued kicking the Snow Terrains in order to conceal their presence but then

Tenni: Wh-What?

Zukkei & Hira looked at the same direction...They saw...

Ekuto: I haven't used this in a while

Ekuto's body starts glowing White

Ekuto: *laughs hysterically* I can't hold back now kids, sorry *laughs hysterically*

Hira: His Aura & overall sassy personality suddenly changed

Tenni In Her Head: What is this?

Ekuto left with his Sleeveless Shirt then...

Ekuto: Let's see what happens

Ekuto flicks his middle finger...Directly towards Zukkei & Hira

Zukkei: What?!

Zukkei & Hira got sent flying through the walls & into the other rooms

Tenni In Her Head: So, that's your true power...

Ekuto: I'm somewhat of a Wind User myself

*laughs hysterically*...

To be continued...