
Chapter 20: Qualification Begins

Continuing right from the last chapter...

A Day Later...

Yorumin: It's Time For "Tite VS Yoshihiro"!

Waruwi In His Head: That Tite guy is not so strong, for someone like Yoshihiro. It shouldn't be a big deal

Referee: Contestants may start!

The tension rises

Tite then starts Walking in a circle...

Yoshihiro just stood still & watches as Tite is walking around him

Zuoni In His Head: Usually, people walk in circles to make Afterimages of themselves but what is he trying to do?

Tite then tried landing a suprise attack On Yoshihiro...

But Yoshihiro dodged just by moving his neck

Tite In His Head: Getting cocky already?

Yoshihiro then chopped Tite right at his neck but Tite still manage to land on his feet

Yoshihiro: *clears throat*

Tite In His Head: Damn...You! I won't give up right now

Tite then rushes towards Yoshihiro

Tite: Senetsu Extend!

Zuoni In His Head: You can extend your body parts with Senetsu?! But it's technically just Aura Power isn't it?

Tite extends his arm to hit Yoshihiro but he blocked it & swing it backwards.

Tite lands on his feet & went to attack Yoshihiro with no hesitation but Yoshihiro didn't even need to look, he just backheel kick Tite's stomach

Tite In His Head: I still have a chance!

Tite: Senetsu Grab!

But Then Tite notices The leg he was grabbing is just A Senetsu Leg & as he noticed it, Yoshihiro turns around slowly & punch Tite on his cheek.

The Referee counted to 10 as Tite was laying on the ground

Referee: Knocked Out! The winner is Yoshihiro!

As Yoshihiro walks away

Shinkai In His Head: He's definitely one of the strongest here now that he wins this fight effortlessly

Referee: The next fight will be between Kamoyo & Isayama!...

Contestant may start!

Kamoyo snaps his neck as Isayama just stood nervously

Isayama In His Head: He looks too confident for me to be brave enough to land even a finger on him. Let's see

Isayama then runs towards Kamoyo & he just pretend to land a hit on him

Kamoyo In His Head: Oh boy, this is s tough one, huh

Isayama then ambushes Kamoyo by kicking him on his head but Kamoyo dodges it & Isayama flipped & backed away

Isayama In His Head: Oh my god, i was 300% sure he was about to punch me if i didn't back away

Kamoyo then stood still & burst out his aura

Kamoyo In His Head: He's definitely afraid now

But Isayama just keeps jumping around & went for Kamoyo's feet by trying to kick the back of his feet but he misses

Isayama In His Head: No!

Kamoyo then uses his Senetsu Gun & point it straight at Isayama's head...

Kamoyo: You can surrender now...Oi! Did you hear me- Ugh!

Kamoyo's vision got messed up

Kamoyo In His Head: What? Did he...do to me?!

Hutono: Ohho!

Yorumin In His Head: He did the most basic thing, he's too afraid to touch him so instead he just spread a poison Aura through his Senetsu Gun but he hides his Aura so that Kamoyo wouldn't be able to see it

Isayama then runs away from Kamoyo

Waruwi In His Head: Is he-

Isayama then thrust towards Stunned Kamoyo & punch him right in his stomach but Kamoyo was drunk enough to dodge that attack

Isayama In His Head: Argh! Damn it! My own poison cause me my one chance!

Isayama then tries multiple times to land a strike on Kamoyo & he did just that

Kamoyo In His Head: This kid's good but it's no playtime anymore!

Kamoyo then tries to stand still after getting kick by his opponent

Kamoyo: I knew you would go for my arm. So, i thought why not make a deal

Isayama: What- What do you mean?

Kamoyo then pulls out his Senetsu Gun & Isayama saw it & starts running around the arena.

Kamoyo then just shoots multiple bullets without targeting towards anything

Waruwi In His Head: Okay, i know what he's doing. That Dumbass!

Isayama In His Head: Why is he shootin-

A bullet lands on his arm as he was avoiding it

Kamoyo: Kid, my bullet doesn't weight much...But it's very manipulative you know. I can land another one on your body anytime now if you want me to.

You can say "I surrender" if you don't want that to happ-

Isayama: I surrender!

Zuoni In His Head: I know what happened. Just like Waruwi's ball, his Senetsu is manipulatable therefore leaving him quite literally Invincible unless you manage to dodge all of the Senetsu or just beats him before you're hurt

Referee: Kamoyo won by submission!

Yorumin In His Head: All of the contestants so far has been leaving the hall with a note to frighten everyone else. If that Zuoni kid manages to pass, i hope he leaves the hall differently

Referee: Next match! Iyanari up against Kishimoto!

They both then get into the fighting ground

Referee: Contestant may start!

Iyanari starts off the match by summoning a book

Iyanari: Book...Now attack me

Kishimoto: I won't

Iyanari: Hmmm, that's tricky. Wait

Iyanari then reads her book

Iyanari: Oh. Book

Everytime she says Book. Her book will either pop up or disappear

Iyanari: Senetsu Knights!

Iyanari's Senetsu Knights then go on to attack Kishimoto but he vanished

Iyanari: Huh?

Kishimoto then is suddenly behind Iyanari & he tries to attack him with an Aura Blaster in his hand but Iyanari avoids it & backs away

Iyanari: Incredible, he can teleport

Kishimoto then just stands to be prepared to attack Iyanari again

Iyanari In Her Head: He definitely studied my movement the whole day yesterday. Well then

Kishimoto rushes towards Iyanari again & again as Iyanari just keeps evading but then her knight caught Kishimoto but then Kishimoto vanishes again

Iyanari In Her Head: Where's-

Iyanari then notices that Kishimoto is above her & her knight then came to protect her Just in time

Iyanari then backs away

Iyanari: Self-destruct!

Kishimoto: Ergh

The Senetsu knight then self-destructs & it caught Kishimoto

Kishimoto In His Head: *sighs* Good one

Iyanari In Her Head: Wha- Why can't i move?! Oh, i see

Kishimoto then runs in circle to go behind Iyanari to strike her but then Kishimoto couldn't get to Iyanari

Iyanari In Her Head: I can make hidden Senetsu Walls too

Kishimoto stands in front of Iyanari but this time he didn't conceal his walls so Iyanari couldn't see.

Kishimoto then get rid of his walls & swiftly rushes towards her but she Also vanishes

Kishimoto In His Head: Wait what?

Iyanari then is suddenly behind Kishimoto & she then punch him really hard

Iyanari: Horizon Punch

Kishimoto then backs away as Iyanari finally damaged him successfully

Jinjine In Her Head: She really just spins her arm towards one way to make momentum to damage her opponent. Classy move

Kishimoto: *laughs controllably*

Iyanari smiles when she sees Kishimoto laughing

Yorumin: We finally have a match where both of the contestants are enjoying themselves

Kishimoto: I see, you bring out your book everytime you want to look at the best attacks

Iyanari: Oh, so you know

Kishimoto: You bring out your book in an instant before i got rid of walls. That's your skill after all

Iyanari: You're done?

Kishimoto: *laughs quietly*

Kishimoto then walks towards Iyanari slowly

Iyanari In Her Head: What is he doing now, as if teleportation isn't enough already

As Kishimoto is getting closer to Iyanari, he starts jumping from left to right

Zuoni In His Head: She can't see it from her position but she needs to avoid this one

Iyanari In Her Head: Damn it, Afterimages?!

Iyanari then backs away to keep a distance from Kishimoto as she's finding a move but she then got cornered

As Kishimoto's afterimages was going towards her

Iyanari: Harjunu Snakes!

Iyanari summoned a long & speedy snake. The snake then gets wild & go everywhere around her in a flash to get rid of Kishimoto's afterimages

Iyanari In Her Head: Come on now, where's the real one?

Iyanari then only notices The real Kishimoto just seconds before he was about to land a kick on her

& she was lucky enough to dodge it

Iyanari then make the snake disappears & bring out her book

Iyanari: Okay, Fuel Boost!

Kishimoto: Electricity now?

Iyanari then rushes towards Kishimoto but Kishimoto just barely manages to evade from her attack

Kishimoto In His Head: Wait, she's still holding her books. I can't waste no time!

Kishimoto: Fireball Barrage!

Kishimoto then punches a bunch of Fireballs out of his hands

Kishimoto In His Head: This won't do anything

Iyanari dodges all of them easily

Iyanari then rushes towards Kishimoto & he then just rushes towards his way out

Kishimoto: Firetrail!

Iyanari: Hmmm

Iyanari then just follows Kishimoto as he uses his Firetrail to left flaming trails everywhere he stepped his foot on

Kishimoto In His Head: I can't last for long!

Iyanari then gets in front of him

Iyanari: Lightning Strike!

Iyanari punches Kishimoto on his face & he got sent flying...

Referee: Contestant is still awake!

Kubo In His Head: What?!

Waruwi In His Head: He survives that?!

Iyanari then walks slowly towards Kishimoto

Iyanari: Kishi, you can surrender-

Kishimoto: Trap!

Kishimoto's Firetrail then connect & traps Iyanari

Kishimoto: Eclipse Room!

Kishimoto's Firetrail forms a bubble to trap Iyanari & the bubble gets smaller & as she ran out of option & the bubble then explodes & the impact was huge

Sorachi In Her Head: That's not some casual explosion...That's really dangerous...But

All the smokes then starts disappearing & Kishimoto who's on the ground then...

Kishimoto: Wha- How?!

Iyanari still manages to walk on her feet

Iyanari: *laughs quietly*

To be continued...