
Chapter 17: Recruitment For Assistance

Continuing right from the last chapter...

Jay: Electrocution

Jay electrocutes Duke with his lightning so that he won't need to touch him to damage him

Duke In His Head: Why you...

Jay then turns off his Ring Of Shock to come see Zukkei & Hira

Zukkei just rushes Baronu with multiple attacks but Baronu blocks all of them while Hira is landing Shockwave after Shockwave

Jay: Fool! Use your eyes!

Zukkei In His Head: What?

Zukkei then focuses his aura on his eyes & saw

Baronu: *laughs quietly*

Zukkei then stopped fighting for a second

Zukkei: I see, while i was trying to land those hits. You block them to stick an aura to me but what benefits do you get from doing that?

Baronu: Just watch

Baronu then wave his hand around as Zukkei just follows his movement like a puppet, Zukkei then goes straight to hit Hira

Zukkei: Hira! I can't move!

Hira: I know, just keep doing this!

Baronu: You ain't gonna get anywhere, kid

Hira: Hnggh

Hira then jumps in circle where Baronu is standing for a few rounds

Baronu In His Head: Did Duke just get beaten by that Jay guy? Hmmmm, I've to finish these kids quick

Hira: Now...Final...Touch!

Baronu: What?!

Baronu didn't realize that Hira was wrapping him with his own Aura

Hira: Zukkei, Follow me!

Baronu then got pulled by Zukkei & as Baronu falls & couldn't stand on his two feet, Jay comes & rushes towards the direction of Uncontrollable Baronu

Jay: Lightning Strike

Baronu then gets knocked out along with Duke...

Zukkei, Hira & Jay then tie them up

Jay: Are you guys reckless or something?

Hira: Wait, why?

Jay: You guys could've died if you really pisses that Baronu guy off

Zukkei: Why didn't you just finish that Duke guy earlier then?

Jay: I was trying to have fun but these guys are still boring as hell to have a fight with. If you didn't come up with that plan, you two could still survive since that Yelling plan is a pretty simple plan

Zukkei: Yeah but if we didn't tell you about the plan

Jay: I wouldn't mind turning deaf for a few years

Hira: Yeah, fine. Are you going to teach us or not?!

Jay: *sighs* We're out of time, 5 months wouldn't be enough to train you guys

Zukkei: Why 5 Months?

Jay: The 4A will be involved in an upcoming mission, crucial one. You two will be staying in Nagoya for 5 Months

Hira: Seriously?

Jay: Yeah but after that 5 months, you can do whatever you want. I won't be involved with whatever you guys do anymore

Zukkei: Why though? Is it because of the mission

Jay: You two struggled facing these two, what chance do you think you have going up against The Top Parade?

Hira: Top Parade, you said?

Jay: Yeah, the most dangerous band of thieves in the world

Hira: Where will it be held?

Jay: Los Angeles

Zukkei: I see, so that's where Vakoro will be going then

Jay: You guys can't go, it's risky. Your lives will be on the line if you really want to

Hira: Does it involve killing them?

Jay: No, no one would be insane to try & do that & by your expression, i can tell that you're seeking revenge of some sort

Hira: Yeah

They then went to their hotel to discuss more about The Los Angeles Mission

Zukkei: So, Jay. What exactly do you guys want to do in LA

Jay: To put it in a nutshell, We're making an Operation call "Anti-Heist". Basically, they will be going for this two prestigious item in LA to sell it & get big money. First item is a Really rare watch used by a billionaire. Our main priority is to protect the person who's holding the second item & the person herself

Hira: And what about the first item?

Jay: Our main objective is to avoid anyone from getting hurt. We don't mind them stealing those items but we're not sure how cruel they can be & that's why we're protecting the person who's holding the item. The watch will be available on a famous auction

Zukkei: Shouldn't we prevent them from stealing the watch too since it's an auction. Wouldn't there be many people at an auction?

Jay: Yeah but we can be sure that they'll only steal the watch rather than wait for it to be available

Zukkei: Hira, do you still want to join?

Hira: Yes, no matter what the cost

Jay: Why are you so desperate to go after your death?

Hira: I don't want to cause chaos, I'm not trying to kill anybody. I just want them to feel how i felt

Jay: Let's not get too emotional here. It's futile, no matter how brilliant of a plan you come up with, they could jeopardize it easily

Zukkei: Hmmm we can at least try. So, Jay, when will our training start?

Jay: *sighs* Okay, how much do you guys know about Aura?

Hira: We only know the basics like A, B, C, Aura Boost, I know wind power

Zukkei: Ooooh Jay! Can we learn how to make elements-like Aura? Pleaseeeeeee

Jay: *sighs* From what I've seen, going to that point would still be hard for your standard

Hira: We don't care honestly. Just tell us

Jay: Are you guys absolutely sure-

Zukkei & Hira: YES!

Jay: We'll start tomorrow

A Day Later...

Jay: Okay first. Step A!

Zukkei: Right!

Jay: Maintain that for 30 Minutes

Hira: Wha- You Serious?!

Jay: Do i look like I'm joking?

Zukkei: Hey Hira, How long can you maintain this aura?

Hira: Not sure, maybe 7 minutes

Zukkei: Let's see for ourselves!

13 Minutes Later...

Zukkei & Hira release all their aura

Zukkei: *heavily breathing* How long did we last?

Jay: 13 Minutes

Hira: *heavily breathing* THAT WAS 13 MINUTES?! YOU'RE JOKING

Jay: Again, what is with you guys & not accepting facts. Don't worry, you can still try. We'll be doing this until you surpass the 30 minute mark. 3 times a day then you two will train with me 2-on-1


Jay: *sighs*

Zukkei: Okay then!

They then train again & again & later went on to fight Jay himself

Jay: Your objective, hit me directly! Without me blocking, you'll have to land your hits on my free spot

They then rushes towards Jay but Jay just dodges their attack easily

Jay: Be more tactical!

Hira then back away from Jay but Zukkei won't stop attacking

Hira In Her Head: I think an opening would be rough to find seems his flexibility is crazy quick but...

As Zukkei was attacking Jay through & through, Hira appears out of knowhere & as Zukkei was trying to punch his face. Hira went straight for his hip but Jay evades it

Jay In His Head: Huh, i see

Jay: You've already learned Wind Form?

Hira: Yeah so?

Jay: Well, you need to improve your speed & suprise movement. You were too slow, you saw my speed just now? All The Top Parade members is Tens of times faster than that

Hira: We're not looking for an escape, anyway

Jay: Stop resting!

Zukkei then went head first towards Jay & as he misses, he still tries to land a kick on Jay but he still evades it & then Hira comes

Hira: Shockwave!

Jay evades that too

Jay: 3 more minutes for you guys to land a hit on me

Zukkei In His Head: I'm sure Hira know by now that it's not about punching him, it's about improving our skills


Zukkei: Oi Jay! What are we learning today?

Jay: Huh, you guys just won't rest

They then go on the rooftop to train

Jay: So as usual, 30 minutes

Hira: Alright!

They trained with the same method until 5 days later...

Hira: It's 30 minutes already?!

Zukkei: Doesn't feel like it

Jay In His Head: Yeah, have fun while you can...Sadly enough, you're still far from me & that's not a good thing

Jay: Okay then, let's go to the kitchen

Zukkei: Kitchen?

Jay: Yeah, we'll be learning about those "Elements Aura"

Hira: Haha! Finally!

As they were in the kitchen

Jay: So, I'll tell you. Your Aura "Consume Skills" are picked base on your blood type.

You've seen Calibur & Senetsu?

Hira: Yeah

Jay: I'll break it down to you

If your blood type is regular with this skill, you can still possess the other skill but it would only be 50% strong

For example, if you're a Senetsu/Calibur type, you wouldn't be so good at Elements Aura & so goes the other way around

Zukkei: Oooh I See. Well, how do we check what blood types that we have because...I don't remember mine *awkwardly laughs*

Jay: We'll check that in a second. Now, I'll mention what blood types is matched with what skills


People with the blood type of AB & B, doesn't matter if it's negative or positive WILL Possess the skill of Elements Aura.

Those with the blood type of A & O Will possess the Senetsu/Calibur Skills

Hira: And how do we check our blood type?

Jay: We can-

Zukkei: Wait a minute, don't say we'll have to inject

Jay: No we don't need to. There's one easiest way out of all, follow me.

Okay, put one of your hand under this lightbulb

Zukkei: Hira, I'll go first

Hira: But i- whatever

Zukkei: Hehhe, that's the spirit

Jay: Now, summon your aura

Zukkei: Right

Jay: Now consume that lightbulb's heat & then focus more aura on your hand after you've done consuming the heat

Zukkei then do as Jay says & his aura colour changes to yellow

Zukkei: Whoa, this is amazing!

Jay: Congratulations, your blood type is B which means you possess

Zukkei: *gasp* That means i can possess elements?!

Jay: Yeah

Zukkei: Haha! There you go!

Hira: Hey, my turn now

Zukkei: Oh, sorry *awkwardly laughs*

Hira: I know what to do

Hira then focuses more aura on his hand & her aura burst out as her eyes was closed just to focus

Jay: What? Okay, Hira stop

Hira: Wooh, that was something. I felt like i went somewhere

Jay was standing in shook

Hira: Jay?

Jay: How did you? If I'm not mistaken, do that again

Hira: But it's tiring

Jay: Don't go too hard

Hira: No, i didn't want to. It's just my soul went somewhere else when i do it

Zukkei: Huh? Strange that, i just felt casual

Hira: Well that's for you idio-

Jay: Hira, i think you're the first one to have that skill.

Hira: First in how many years?

Jay: Nobody in the history has ever pull off that skill before. It's because of your blood type, the rarest in the history,

Golden Blood...

To be continued...