
One Two Three... RUN!

Lee heesu also known as six was taken by three tall looking male's to their boss. The three members of the group took him and mistook him as their actual target because of the similarities of information that was given to them. Heesu was being interrogated by the members and including their boss (Lucien Armani). While being interrogated, the clean and clear conversation turned into a heated argument because of Heesu’s response to Lucien's statement. " What did I even do to you guys?! I don't even know you in the first place! " Heesu told them. " Boss... I think.. we got the wrong person, we're really really sorry. The information that was given was so similar to his so we accidentally mistook him as our actual target. " One of the three members bowed down while explaining what he thought that happened to their mission to Lucien. The two other members also bowed down to Lucien feeling sorry about what happened. " HaH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH What the actual fuck! You guys are a mafia together but yet you can't do your mission well?! HAHAHAHAHAHA you even bowed down to your boss but it's your boss's fault! You didn't even think about his failure to assist you guys! *Snicker* pfft, since I am here~, fine! I will stay here." Heesu stated while mocking the group including Lucien. The whole group was so shocked and so embarrassed that they became quiet for a moment, even lucien was embarrassed which caused his cheeks to turn red like the color of a tomato. " B-but, eermm why will you stay tho? What's you're reason-- " Lucien asked Heesu and breaks the silence. Heesu cut Lucien off with introducing his self "I am six, I am the one who you are looking for, you guys were just not.. sure if it was really me.. you're looking for. I will stay, in here, with you guys, so why don't we have some fun?! HAHAHAHAH I bet you didn't even know about the news since you guys kidnapped me unafraid of what will happen to you. " And once again the whole group's eyes went wide because of what Lucien stated, and... What news? " Listen here, there is a virus that spread throughout the place infecting people with it. Guess what happened to those poor humans who got infected? After getting infected, they began to lose their fuckin minds, and just like those fuckin zombies in those unreal apocalyptic movies... They began feasting on us humans, a bite from an infected or an open wound that came contact with the blood of an infected can cause you to be one of them too. That's my reason of staying in here. It's better than being alone and eaten alive." Heesu stated. " You're lying aren't you? " Lucien asked in disbelief, the other members were really terrified of what six stated. TURNS OUT THEY WEREN'T AWARE OF THE RUCKUS THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE THE WHOLE WORLD CONTINUE READING THIS STORY IF THIS SYNOPSIS GOT YOU GUYS HOOKED:”

Author_Mang · Fantasy
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4 Chs




∆FULL NAME: Lee Heesu / Heesu Lee


∆AGE: 27



•EYE SHAPE: Asian thin almond eyes

•LIPS: Has thin looking lips but is really smooth, has this rich peach color

•PHYSIQUE: Mesomorph (not too small not too big) (muscular) (Height: 5.83ft)


•RACE: Half Italian and Half Korean

•COUNTRY: Was raised by his Korean father on america because of their company. Six was sent back to Korea by his father with an unknown reason why.

•OCCUPATION: When six was on america, he often helps his father and mother running the company business. when he was sent back to Korea he stayed there for 7 years and became a delivery man for disguise, his parents sends him huge sum of money to live. he lives on a small house that was for rent, the landlord decided to sell the house to him simply for money. the house was enough to fit himself in and the necessary things like what you can see in any normal looking house such as clothes, foods, and other needs.

•VOICE: Has this both masculine and Abit feminine voice

•FASHION SENSE: He really has a great fashion sense but because of disguising, he often wear casual looking clothes.

•FETISH: Designed Shirts

•LIKES: Bitter or tasteless food, Black Bean Noodles, Coffee, Liquor, Cigar's (but already quit being a smoker because of beom), Heights, Sunny days

∆DISLIKES: Deep waters

∆PHOBIA/FEARS: Afraid of being in deep waters, can't handle being in a boat

∆FULL NAME: Lucien Armani

∆NICKNAME: Lucien (often called Sir Armani by his group) (he hates being called Sir Armani because of how formal it is)

∆AGE: 30

PROFILE OF: Lucien Armani

•EYE COLOR: Light Brown

•EYE SHAPE: Asian looking eyes

•LIPS: Thin lips (WARNING: Addictive smile, Has a really charming and innocent smile)

•PHYSIQUE: Trapezoid (Muscular) (Ripped build) (Height: 6ft)


•RACE: Italian

•COUNTRY: Lives on Korea since birth because of his dad being always on a run in italy

•OCCUPATION: Capomandamento/God father of Drago Serpente

•VOICE: Deep Male voice


•LIKES: Sweets, Cake, Marshmallows, Chocolates, Vanilla flavored Ice Cream, Cute things, Sunny days

∆DISLIKES: Liquor, Bitter and Spicy foods, Rainy days

∆PHOBIA/FEARS: Lightning and Thunderstorms, Dark, Dead decaying bodies



NICKNAME: Jun-Tae (Often called by his boss and other members as Bingo) (He was often called bingo because of his orange hair and dark chocolate color like eyes) (Bingo is an orange cream flavored chocolate cookie sandwich)

AGE: 24


•EYE COLOR: Dark Brown (Almost Black) (Dark chocolate like)

•EYE SHAPE: Doe Eyes

•LIPS: Not too thin and Not too Plump

•PHYSIQUE: Mesomorph (Abit Muscular)


•RACE: Korean

•COUNTRY: Lives in Korea since birth

•OCCUPATION: Underboss of the Drago Serpente (The second-in-command in the family and the heir to the throne)

•VOICE: Not That Deep but Not that Feminine

•FASHION SENSE: Anything That is color black or orange

•LIKES: Color orange and black (Actually a Fetish), orange fruit, orange flavored lollipop, orange liptint (He uses liptint because of his pale lips), Orange colored accessories, Sweets, Cigarettes, Spicy Foods, Blood, Torture, Killing someone (only with reasons), Addicted in the sounds of bone cracking (That's why when Lucien asks him to kill someone, his killing technique is to torture the victim and ends the victim's life with twisting their neck)


FULL NAME: Han Dae-seong

NICKNAME: Dae-seong (Often called Dae by the other members)

AGE: 27

PROFILE OF: Han Dae-Seong

•EYE COLOR: (Often wearing colored contacts) (Green Colored Contacts) (Dark Brown Colored Eyes) (Likes to put Green mascara)

•EYE SHAPE: Asian Sharp Eyes

•LIPS: Plump lips but not too much

•PHYSIQUE: Mesomorph (Really Muscular)

•HAIR COLOR: Green (Long haired) / Real Hair color: Black

•RACE: Korean

•COUNTRY: Lives in Korea since birth

•OCCUPATION: Strongest Soldier of their group Drago Serpente

•VOICE: Deep

•FASHION SENSE: Black, Green, or White colors, suits

•LIKES: His Hair Being Braided by Bingo

∆DISLIKES: Someone Causing Harm to The other members especially to bingo

NOTE: Extremely Over Protective to the Members

FULL NAME: Han Jun-Seo


AGE: 28


•EYE COLOR: Light brown (Gold like brown)

•EYE SHAPE: Doe Eyes

•LIPS: Thin Lips with a peach color in them

•PHYSIQUE: Mesomorph (Muscular)

•HAIR COLOR: Blonde (Originally has Black colored hair same as his younger brother) (shoulder length hair)

•RACE: Korean


•OCCUPATION: Doctor of their group Drago Serpente

•VOICE: Not too deep not too feminine

•FASHION SENSE: Casual Looking and Earthy colors

•LIKES: Boba Tea, Cooking, Taking care of the group (He is the mother of the group simply by acting like a mom to them), Sweets




AGE: ???




•LIPS: ???



•RACE: ???



•VOICE: ???


•LIKES: ???



Hey guys!! so... this is my first story and I don't really know how to write, please bear with me (>0<;) anyways happy reading!!!!!