

Rouge explained everything there is to explain to Lucifer smoothly while holding down Oumu, who was not struggling.

This is because Oumu knew better than to struggle right now since he also realized that what he just did was out of the boundary, and it was disrespectful.

After all, Oumu was basically asking how Lucifer's powers work. And asking someone how their powers work is a rude question in this world.

In fact, no other demon, unless they fully trust the other demon, would tell someone about their powers or how their powers work.

Why? This would mean that their weaknesses and the natural enemy of his strength would become known and they can be easily countered if someone who knows how their powers work fights against them.

That was why asking a demon how their powers work is an extremely rude question and the other demon might get offended by it, and might even try to kill the one who asked him that question.